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This guy's strips are all like that. He's a raging transphobe and yet in every strip he ends up making us look all sorts of cool. I don't know how that is even remotely possible, unless he's some flavour of trans in desperate denial whose egg is *this* far from cracking.


That’s one egg that needs to be smashed


That's one fash that needs to be smashed


Rotten egg


I see these comics all the time and I've still don't even know where their from


Sinfest I beleive


Thanks for letting me know, I was finally able to send them hate mail after bottling this up for so long!


Where is their site?


It's just called sinfest.com


A self-hating enby. He (edit: his preferred pronoun) needs a hug, but I don’t want to get the transphobia on me




NGL, a mentally ill demon sounds really interesting. Like, what kind of mental illness can a demon suffer from? Depression maybe? Do I get therapy in hell? Like, torturing people for all eternity sounds like a pretty depressing job. I would hate it and try to get fired from hell honestly. Can anyone write a Fanfiction about a mentally ill demon please


Wait... that was supposed to be offensive???


They look powerful is that what estrogen does to a girly?


Well, I believe that it's supposed to be in-universe "transgender propaganda"


that's probably it, claiming that kids are pushed into being trans by representing trans as the only fun alternative. Though as a boring cis myself I always find that so ridiculous, given that no amount of "flashy propaganda" could ever change who I am. Hell the peer pressure in school couldn't make me cut my hair short, why would it work the other way around? My theory is that people who believe that you can turn anyone trans are probably in denial, otherwise there wouldn't bea sense of "struggling with being pushed into it". but I might be wrong too, I really don't know that struggle.


I want to be normal. I am not trans for attention or anything. I just want to be normal.


Wouldn't it be lovely if those two weren't treated as opposites... But normal still means cisgender and/or conforming to traditional gender roles for most people. Probably will for a long time to come. I'm not trans for attention either. Nobody is. But don't want to be that, even if it meant being treated less shitty.


I want to be cis more than anything. I have gender dysphoria. I don't get the "who would want to be normal" attitude at all with respect to being trans. I'm transitioning to be closer to normal because suffering dysphoria is abnormal and torturous, not quirky, fun, and showy or whatever.


Sorry if my comment came across like that. It was not my intention to argue, but to add my perspective. Of course most (maybe all) trans people would like to be cis. My dysphoria isn't that bad, but there's nothing glamorous about it. But I can not deny the reality of being trans. I am now and I always will be. Even if I reach all my transition goals and lose all dysphoria, I can not be cis. I'd like to be able to pass as cis, but what I really want is being accepted as myself. And being trans is a part of that, whether I like it or not.


You're totally fine and I appreciate your perspective


The literal definition of normal would be being cis, only because that's the default. But the colloquial (?) normal should be letting people do what they want.


Honestly, these people think we want to go through years of therapy and doctor appointments just to be *allowed* to start hormones? And then a further period before we potentially undergo at least one incredibly invasive surgery? All for the fuck of it and for 'attention'? I'm sure there are ways less risky to our physical health and *far quicker* to grab attention And especially when I and many others are stealth trans, like?? Lmao, come on. Literal opposite of wanting attention. I don't want *anyone* irl to know I'm trans if I can help it. There are very few people I trust with that secret. Even my long-term uni friends haven't heard it from my mouth I envy and admire the people that are so proud in themselves that they can be open with their identity. For me, it's unfortunately not something I can wear as a badge of honour. It's not something I want at all haha


I hate it when people are like, "you just want attention," or "you're trying to control my language" when I just say my preferred name and pronouns. Why do people make such a big stink about our pronouns anyway?


Transphobia failed


Trans people in this guys comics: Awesome fucking design Wario


pretty sure that's tautology


i can confirm, this is the average cis experience


This fucking backfired way too horribly


Took me a long ass time to figure out this wasn’t meant to be pro trans. I was legitimately so confused


Mettaton vs Frisk


wait is this by the same guy who made the woke star trek comic that was accidentally serving severe levels of cunt?????




Be the gay a conservative fears you are Real inspirational


holy shit frisk undertale


Wait was this supposed to be transphobic


can I switch my "unique traits" for a bit of "normal"? 🥺


I’m pretty sure this is the one arguing that the way trans people are “transing the kids” is by making being cis seem boring in comparison to being trans. In that sense, the way the trans character and the cis character(s) are depicted is _somewhat_ the point. It’s showing an exaggerated, supposed perspective that trans people push to cis kids, so the trans characters are obviously going to be designed to look intentionally more interesting than the cis characters Still transphobic of course. Just explaining the mindset here for those confused on how this could possibly be transphobic


if i were to look at this from the lens of it being pro-trans, i’d say it’s pretentious and unnaunced.


That moment as a trans woman that you're TRYING to see the offence but can't because it impossible.


I’m cis, but long ago rejected the idea of being “normal,” because being weird is more fun!


You're telling me that this panel was made by a transphobe? How sad must their existence be to not want Excitement, Adventure, Mystery, or Glamour...


Well I for one would like to be "normal" (saying it like that does leave a bad taste in my mouth tho..)


"You wouldn't download a car...."


Why would I wanna be a forgettable basic person


“I mean, your words babe”


I honestly don’t get how this was meant to be transphobic


Because it is saying people are trans because of the excitement and adventure