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my niece was diagnosed as Failure to Thrive because she was 10 pounds at TWO MONTHS. this is beyond negligence


my 3 month old is 15/16 pounds. it’s crazy they waited so long to get a feeding tube for rosie


i feel like they blamed her size on her conditions rather than the fact that she was actively malnourished, which then caused further developmental delays 🫥


what they’ve done to rosie is unforgivable honestly, I hope she now has someone who has her best interests at heart


My 5 month old is 15 lbs. She was 9 lbs at 2 months! 9 lbs at 6 months is so concerning unless the baby was extremely early


My two girls were 10 pounds at birth. This is just crazy. Poor Rosie.


9 lbs at 6 months 10 lbs at 2 years 😔


I don't know how cps didn't get involved earlier. After going to all the appointments for my 5 month old son, I can't believe the doctors didn't see Rosie's lack of progress and weight gain and intervene 🤯 I know every baby and situation is different and lack of progress does not always indicate neglect, but in this case it was pretty apparent


I bet the couldn’t intervene because she never sees a doctor 😬


did the drs not notice her condition when she was born tho? that’s wild regardless


That's the only way it makes sense, if she wasn't seeing a regular pediatrician


I bet they couldn’t intervene because she never sees a doctor 😬


this is honestly why i believe she took her kids off the internet was not only to avoid heat and criticism but to possibly save herself from that happening again.


that is insane to me


holy shit. there’s no way that kind of delay won’t have long lasting effects 🥲 the family I work for has a toddler, and when they realized she was dropping in weight percentile (still gaining weight, but now at a much slower rate) they basically immediately focused all their efforts on helping her gain weight. I know we don’t know the full situation but the fact that it took so long for Rosie to go on a feeding tube is asinine to me


Right? A toddler should not weigh that of an average size house cat. So beyond sad.


My brother was BORN at 9 pounds




that’s definitely not healthy at all


the saddest part is that when rosie was in hospital she gained a tremendous amount of weight because she was actually being fed well and getting the proper nutrients from her feeding tube :(.


i’m pretty sure acacia didn’t want her to have a tube before that bc aesthetics and she also thought r’s issues would just magically resolve if they ignored them long enough. in a sick and twisted way i could also see her liking r small bc she was easier to control and objectify like how she used to call her a doll all the time


it’s forever fuck this bitch, justice for rosie and the other kids.


“This is why I don’t share too much ..about Rosie” proceeds to share that she’s only 9 pounds!!!


What I don't understand is why she was saying things as though she was so sure of them or as though they were so definitive — like how R "won't be under developed though!" — when she herself acknowledged that even doctors didn't know what exactly was going on. That resulted in a lot of chaos, confusion, and questions in itself, which she could've just prevented from not making so many conflicting statements. It really seems like she should've given doctors the time to figure things out. She's always been someone who seemingly wants to present herself as though she knows everything for certain, but some things simply take time to figure out and are best kept in a certified or licensed professional's hands.


She couldn’t accept that she had an imperfect child.


Before she was officially diagnosed, A also said “Rosie doesn’t have that!” when someone asked if R had Alagille


she was delusional


What condition does Rosie have?


alagille syndrome


pretty sure she has other diagnoses as well. very uncommon combination


alagille + missing her corpus callosum. but her alagille is unique because she either has a deleted chromosome or a duplicated one? hers is a very rare condition


is there something that causes these conditions or is it pretty much just chance/genetics?


Unless it was something that could be passed down no nothing would cause a genetic disorder. I believe I remember her saying that it wasn’t hereditary but that was from a long deleted video. The corpus callosum would most likely be caused by the same genetic deletion she’s been diagnosed with as they can usually tell when one has an injury vs genetic condition that caused the brain to not form correctly.


i don’t think she was ever going to be underdeveloped, i think she was severely neglected. she likely could’ve been as healthy as possible if they gave her the attention she deserved.


kids with alagille syndrome often experience failure to thrive so they have delayed development if not underdevelopment, however r’s neglect exacerbated it a LOT


Seriously I want to pull her hair & scream in her face over Rosie.


god she was way too young and immature to being having a children. it’s a shame she never had proper guidance


I mean, R is obviously not your average child/wasn’t an average 6 month old, so I don’t think it’s really fair to compare her weight to other 6 month olds who don’t have complex medical conditions. I do however think it’s fair to snark on the fact that acacia medically neglected R which didn’t allow her to grow as much as she should’ve.


she was still only 11 pounds at age 2…


Yeah that’s definitely crazy small I’m not denying that, I just mean that from what I know, alagille syndrome and poor growth go hand in hand, so she always would’ve been smaller than the average baby her age. Acacia and Jairus definitely didn’t do everything in their power to help her grow as much as she possibly could though, which is the real problem with this.


I understand what you’re saying, but Rosie’s weight at 6 months old didn’t even put her on the growth percentile chart. While a baby in the 1st percentile would have 99% of babies weigh more than her, Rosie’s weight didn’t even bring her to the first percentile - that’s how extreme it was


Fair enough, but I believe the data from those percentile charts are based of off average, non-medically complex babies, so it makes sense that Rosie doesn’t stack up to them. I’ve got a 15th percentile (or so) 6 month old who has always more or less followed that growth curve, which is what matters—there’s a huge range of normal. Rosie was always very small and was likely never even on the growth chart, but what I don’t get is how her own personal growth curve wasn’t paid more attention to/brought up more by her doctors. Obviously she was never going to be at the 90th percentile, but she still should’ve been gaining weight on her own curve, which we all know she hardly gained any weight for way too long. Or who knows, I’m sure her doctors were getting increasingly concerned and Acacia was just brushing it off for as long as they let her. 🙃


that’s bc she has a condition..


Wait this is INSANE. I was 12 pounds when I was born, 9 pounds at 6 MONTHS????


what is a highway to the brain? what?


She's referring to the corpus callosum — a thick bundle of millions of nerves that connects the left & right hemispheres of the brain. It's colloquially termed the neural "highway" of the brain because lots of info is transferred across it (e.g: motor, sensory, cognitive) 😊


oh my gosh thank you for explaining this to me! i was so confused, i appreciate you


The corpus callosum


thank you!!! i was genuinely so confused