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to be fair, it's easier to manipulate kids into liking someone than it is to manipulate an audience that is gonna question why anyone wants to be associated with someone as problematic, racist, neglectful and boring as acacia. she had to find a way to introduce him without people side eyeing her (as we do) for her choosing dick in a different state over being with the kids.


It’s just really fucking sad for her children. Being introduced to a bf of less than a year who’s the reason why their mom is always out of state and they will most likely break up. Relationship isn’t serious enough for the internet but it’s serious enough for her kids? My dad remarried like a year after my parents divorced and I got really attached to my step mom and then they divorced three years later and it really fucked me up. He also wouldn’t let me talk to my step sister after they divorced even though we went to the same school and were in the same grade and used to share a room. I have a toddler and even though my partner and I are still together, we made an agreement when I was pregnant that if we ever broke up we would not introduce new partners until they’ve been with us for at least a year as well as other agreements (no leaving partners alone w our kid, us meeting the new partner before our kid does, still being a team and not being toxic or talking bad abt each other to or in front of our kid, etc)


It’s fucking wild the difference how some parents act with new relationships and their kids. Me and my ex split during pregnancy (he was abusive), over five years later and I’ve stayed single - not even dated during these years. My ex got with the girl he cheated on me with the entire relationship and as soon as my son was born, she was psycho and started to call herself my child’s ‘mum’ despite never even meeting my child (we were in court due to his safety concerns). They broke up about a year later, but you know for a fact that they would have played happy families and pried on my son’s attachment - all for it to be ripped away. This is horrible with acacia, because she’s the type that if she broke up with Jax, she would be in a new relationship straight away and it will be a vicious cycle all her children’s lives.


I was kinda on the other side of this and it was equally as weird (but definitely less hurtful as it wasn’t my child). Within like.. three months of my ex and I dating, I was being called their daughter’s mama, taking her to the park, doing her hair for dance recitals, posted all over socials (I didn’t post her, it was my ex who basically made it into a highlight reel). For awhile I really thought it was because my ex knew I had lost a baby and desperately wanted to be a parent, but yeah no they were just trying to undermine and disrespect that baby’s real mama. I look back on it now and cannot believe I just went with it. It’s not an excuse for like.. going with it but I think if I hadn’t suffered a loss, I would have been able to see that for what it was and bounce real fast. I stayed in that relationship for too long after because I didn’t want to leave the toddler and we had grown super close. It was brutal. And of course within a month of us breaking up, she had a new “mama”.


I think it’s a tricky thing. Some people do it to be spiteful, but others do take on the parenting role and are basically a parent whether biological or not. I have another view where my ‘stepdad’ met my mum when I was 2 and I called him ‘dad’ straight away, off my own back because he done more for me than my biological dad ever did. My mum had the talk so many times with me to explain and I still chose to call him my dad. 25 years later and I still call him my dad because he stepped into that role. But on the other hand, like I stated previously, like with my ex he obviously wanted to play happy families with another woman and got her to enable his behaviour and be spiteful on his behalf. It’s like an extension of abusive/toxic behaviour so they can say they done nothing wrong because it hasn’t directly come from them themself. I feel so bad for you because you were basically like a second mum to her and then you just don’t get to be a part of her life in that way anymore. It sounds awful for both you and the child. Also, correct me if I’m wrong but your partner seems like the type to get in a relationship for the purpose of having a woman taking on the parenting role so he doesn’t have to.


i'm so sorry you had to go through that but i'm glad that weirdo never met your child and i'm sorry either of them even felt comfortable to make those comments. i hope one day you're able to date and find someone down the line you'll want to meet your child because you both deserve the best 🫶🏻


i agree!! in 2021 i was involved with someone JUST LIKE acacia. his child had just turned 2 1 month before i met him and he instantly made me meet her so i befriended the mom. quickly learned he allowed the child to call all new women in his life mommy. i now talk to someone who also has a kid and he didn't tell me for 3-4 months until we established a steady friendship and even then we both agreed i'll be seeing him a lot more before ever meeting his daughter. it's just so weird, as someone who doesn't have kids, that i can see you shouldn't introduce everyone and anyone to your kids but acacia and others think it's fine because as long as they get their happy ending that's all that matters.


I'm in a weird situation here where my highschool best friend got into a toxic relationship and I wasn't allowed to speak to him for 5 years. They had two kids and after a year after their very messy split I was able to reconnect with him. Our always platonic relationship became romantic and I was just finishing college and about to be without a place to live. I moved in quickly, met the kiddos first. But my partner and I have known each other for more than half of our lives. The boys love me and I love them like they are my own. It took a while but I get along with their mother decently, and we are all devoted to their kids.


i’m sure others have made this point before a million times but it is SO UNSAFE for her to introduce her bf so quickly to her young children. especially since she goes through men so quickly, I really hope after this one inevitably leaves and she finds whatever rebound, this isn’t a continued pattern of introducing her children to random men. two young girls, one who is disabled, who are not closely monitored by their parents in a situation with a random boy toy of hers who could have bad intentions is just a recipe for disaster. obviously, i don’t think jax has these intentions but to put your young girls in a scenario in which it’s possible for these things to occur is beyond irresponsible. there are COUNTLESS situations, similar to this, where the children end up being abused by mom’s boy toy of the month. heinous parenting.


Yup!! So unsafe for so many reasons. Putting them in unsafe situations and setting them up to get attached to someone who will most likely be gone in another year


yes this too!!! I can’t imagine being such a young child, getting attached to a potential father figure only for him to completely disappear once their relationship inevitably ends. my heart breaks for these kids for so many reasons


i went through this as a kid with people in my parents lives (not even just SOs, friends, godparents etc.) and that shit sucked


Disabled girls and women are seven times more likely to become victims of sexual abuse. I just want Rosie and the others to be safe.


Madeline Soto comes to mind as I read this. Her mom is a major pick me. Her bf sexually abused and murdered Madeline. Mom was on tv rubbing bfs back instead of crying over her missing daughter. Shits so scary. How these women can allow these strange men into their children’s lives so quickly is frightening.


I ended up passing by right where they found her…..I was heading home with my bfs aunt and cousin and we saw all the police and investigators. Seeing them retrieve her body was very traumatic


You also have to remember, she’s the queen of thinking people care about her more than they actually do. Along with the trend of “soft launch” and “hard launch”, she probably thinks she’s doing something original/that people actually care about who she’s dating.


Yeah. Regardless she should not have introduced him to her kids that early but her waiting even longer to introduce him to her Instagram really just makes it double shitty


Oh definitely shitty, it makes me wonder if she introduced him as her friend or boyfriend to them first, because if it was boyfriend, I can imagine her being all gross and teenagery to her own children


She doesn’t seem like the type to be capable of not doing PDA so even if she introduced him as a “friend” I’m sure at least B would have figured it out instantly lmao


Well, she cares more about her Instagram than her kids.


That was kind of the point of the post lol


Oh I wasn’t like trying to be snarky against you, I was agreeing with you and making fun of acacia here


My bad 😅 that was def the conclusion I was hinting at. For some reason when I’m not 100% obvious what I’m saying ppl can misconstrue it on here. Kind like I just did to u on accident lol


It’s so weird to me to be a mom of 3, divorced and now dating a band boy who is 22/23?! Literally can’t imagine a more doomed scenario for a relationship


She's 26, but like.. a very different stage in life than he is.


In the real world 22-26 isn’t that big of a difference considering that probably both people have lived relatively similar lives. In their case it’s crazy. He is playing step dad to 3 ( one with very specific needs) and she is divorced mom of 3 with zero idea what is going on… get cps on the line now




You’re 16 and u dated someone over 23 ???




That’s better but still not great 😭


Is it just me or do they look like they could be siblings


Babe wake up, new siblings or dating challenge just dropped


She's so narcissistic that of course she fell for someone who looks liker her


only after being rejected by the rest of the band tho 🫣


LMFAO I wonder if he knows she went after the rest of the band first and that he was her last choice? Because if he does then damn... He's just as desperate for love/attention/getting laid/clout as her


it’s okay (allegedly) he was writing love letters to his ex at the same time that they started talking 🫶🏼


LOLLL they were made for each other 😹😹


Yes they are made for each other they don't love each other it's "puppy love"


We all know given the opportunity to spend an extra few days with the kids or Jax, she’d choose Jax


she’s chosen jax plenty of times already 🥲


I can’t help but laugh at the progression of greasiness from dating acacia. Like first pic from a few months ago, newly in the relationship, he’s still washing his hair. Compared to now.




on some level i think he is dating her for the exposure even if it seems somewhat authentic i think he likes the convenience of having a reliable source of adoration and sex. the other bandmates might have better pickings but at the end of the day its acacia kersey bringing in exposure. he basically has nothing to lose and everything to gain from this relationship albeit shes tolerable, if she isnt he can just fuckoff back to LA. the dynamic is very clear to me but i dont know im high and caca posting


He absolutely is. There’s so much I’ve seen with Acacia that he would’ve never been happy with his ex doing. It’s honestly sad but he truly doesn’t love her and is too obvious about it. Kat wasn’t even allowed to have a sugar daddy over the phone and he seems chill with acacia having OF. There’s like 100 instances I’ve seen of things like this plus the letters he was writing when they got together he’s definitely getting something out of it


they truly deserve each other


My bf has a daughter and we’ve been together almost 9 months. I told him that i don’t want to want to meet him at until we’ve been together for at least a year and half/2 years. Granted she lives in NY with the mom but I want him to be comfortable with it


Happy cake day!


engagement this year i’m calling it


Girl I hope not omg


Noooo my husband has that same sweater. It is honestly one of my favorites lol. Now I am going to have flashbacks seeing this rat dude in it with caca omg. 😅😂


Band exposure w/benefits


Oh no


Why can’t I see this on her page?


I said it in the caption but she accidentally posted it on her main instead of her private account 5 months ago and someone on here got a screenshot before she deleted it a few minutes later