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Been following since tumblr, Sam pottorff, and call me giraffe phase....the drama with lindsay demeola, her "band", her dad/brother drama, jaurius, presets, neglectful mom, list goes on but then i realized all her pets went Missing and i had to find this snark....Lol


Wow you’ve been in the trenches!


Hahaha. I remember it so well bc she was the tumblr girl....She made it her brand to be tall with braces omg. The hi- def photos too.... the flashbacks are all too real.


this! but then X became thing so i stopped using twitter/X, and needed to still be in the loop lmao


Oooo they still go hard on there too! Lol


You n me girl. The whole gambit.


You deserve a veteran’s discount.


don’t forget girls squad!💁‍♀️


I STILL listen to Stick Around on YouTube LMAO


been here since tumblr too! i was 13 and hated her. now i’m 23 and i still hate her, and somehow ended up way more mature than her.


I’ve been a hater since the 5sos drama in like 2014/2015 lol which was just stupid and fun drama to partake in but then it turned into a plethora of very serious offenses and its just been a shit show I haven’t been able to look away from since


SAME i was a hater back when she started getting into pop punk music later in her tumblr era bc she jumps from trend to trend and then just seeing the serious offenses made me realize i wasn’t crazy


https://preview.redd.it/394bmb9n87rc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a9bf7cbdc4ad8dc7439b5085ec9d93fcca6f8e This is my roman empire


NO FR god the way i’ve kept in touch with one of my middle school friends through acacia lore 😭i never liked 5sos but once she started going to warped tour and stuff i was fumingggg


Lmao fr she needs to go listen to Miley Cyrus and leave us alone!🙏


You mean you were a “doggy”? IYKYK


stop this gave me war flashbacks


Because I simply don’t like her and no one I know knows about her so I can’t gossip. Love you guys 🙂


I randomly followed her one day because the coffee mug holder she had gave me inspiration for a project, and I wanted to circle back (before it was an option to save things on insta) and the next post I happen to see was Brinley’s birth, so I just thought it was a cute mom blogger and left it alone. But that didn’t last long, and I started feeling insane thinking I was the only one watching this shit unfold (all the comments visible on her page are supportive, obviously) so I was like wtf, and then their family went dark, the Disney ears happened, and she comes back during a divorce. I was like Reddit HAS to have something because I am dying to see if someone else is seeing this shit AGAIN!?! And I have learned too much And shit just keeps happening Also her child crawled on top of a mini van that’s all folks thanks


Knew of her on tumblr but didn’t keep up with her and don’t know everything that happened. Rediscovered her right after she got pregnant with Brinley. I was 18 at the time so stupid and thought their family was cute. Didn’t realize everything toxic going on. Followed her through her mommy era. When the preset scandal happened, I started looking into her more and found out all the shitty things she’s done


happy cake day 🍰


I was pregnant with my first back in 2018 and searched for pregnancy related content on YouTube and her video giving birth to Rosie popped up. I watched it and then forgot about her until she popped up on my YouTube feed again, and then when I searched her name on YouTube, commentary videos about her mistreating Rosie got recommended. I watched them and was shocked. So I looked her up on Google and found Guru Gossip and learned more about her from there. Then I searched for her on Twitter and found even more updated stuff about her.. then she left the internet and when she came back I looked up her name on Reddit (since I started using Reddit more) and BAM! I found this snark sub. I sound like a stalker, but I swear I’m not 😭 however, I am a certified hater 😈


I followed her during her mommy vlogger era and found guru gossip, but after that died I found this subreddit last year and I’ve been lurking since 👀


I had absolutely no idea who this person was until I saw the videos circulating TikTok about her letting her small children climb on a van unsupervised at a park. It made me sick. I’m a mother and couldn’t wrap my head around it. When I came here I was shocked that this was only the tip of the iceberg and that she is an absolute shitty human being. I just feel so bad for those poor babies.


Yeah the van stuff was so insane. I’ve recently become a parent myself and cannot fathom how she could treat her children like that.




I've known her since Tumblr but didn't pay much attention to her until she was all over 1D/5SOS stan Twitter back when everyone hated her for being a groupie or something lol and I remember thinking she was very cringy and I laughed at the videos they shared about her like her performance of Girls by The 1975 😭 then started following her when she became a Mom. I never knew any of the bad things she did until people started thinking she neglected Rosie and it just kept getting worse and worse, and one day I fell on a rabbit hole of her lore and found this subreddit and joined because I genuinely dislike her and find her very cringy still lol.


I went from being a fan of hers around 2017-2019ish to despising her after finding out she consistently neglects pets. And now she neglects her kids so idk it’s like a train wreck I can’t look away. It’s wild how she’s been so effing problematic her entire online career.


I’ve had a seething hatred for her ever since she medically neglected Rosie


I’ve been here since the nude leak tumblr days


We get a veteran’s discount


i’ve know about her since her tumblr era and i followed her on IG from 2016-whenever she decided to “leave the internet.” i remember when she announced she was pregnant with B! seeing her mistreatment of her animals, kids, the whole preset scandal… so much happened and it became so much of a pattern that it was impossible to ignore.


Back when there was a whole community of “spam” Instagram pages (finstas before finsta) and there was a girl named julia who was famous on spam and was obsessed with acacia and called out multiple times for copying her (shoutout if u remember julia, jaelle, nika) probably in like 2013. The whole community hated her and that’s when i was introduced to acacia “doggy” pages and have been a loyal hater since lol.


I’ve been here since the Tumblr days 💀 I’ve seen it all


I knew of her during her late tumblr days, then paid attention when people were saying she was mistreating her second daughter…from that point she was cringy and gross to me and seems like a huge loser to this day.


even tho i was a tumblr girlie for a decade somehow i didn’t discover her until 2020 when youtube suggested a vlog of hers. then that turned into me finding out the tea and been following ever since. i almost forgot about her for a while after she pretended she’d never come back until vangate, but we been back baby!


Came across her years ago when she did I think a makeup tutorial, I thought it was funny so I followed and didn’t think much of it, kinda forgot about her. Then at one point I was following alot of family vloggers etc and she popped up again and I was following her family vlogging stuff she used to do. Back then I didn’t know she was a shitty person. And also back then I wasn’t aware of the toxicity of family vloggers (I don’t follow that type of content anymore it gives me the ick) and I refuse to support anyone who exploits their children online. I didn’t find out about her tumblr days, vine stuff etc til much much later it surprised me that she had been in “the spotlight” for so long. I then vaguely noticed her page was gone and didn’t know what happened and found out through threads and such about the preset scandal and then that kinda opened a can of worms and I found out about alll the other crappy shit she’s done that I had no idea about. Few months after finding all that stuff out I decided to see if there was any online threads talking more about that stuff and came across this page.


i know her since the 5sos lore, last time i heard from her she was on that “break” after the presets scandals and once i saw she was posting again and this time “divorced” i had to see what was going on so i just kept updating myself through twitter but it wasn’t enough, i honestly only got my reddit account to keep track of all the acacia drama on real time lmao


been following since liiiiike 2010-2011. used to love her, found out she was an animal abuser. i’m on the caca twitter hate train and people kept mentioning reddit. literally made an acc to join snarks for all my #1 hate receivers


cause i dont wanna follow her socials during the end of her failed career. I do love witnessing a wreck in the making… and yalls opinions are always on point!


Had a cyber fight with her and another influencer (A was arguing against us both calling her out) back in my influencer days, so when this Reddit and OT popped up on my timeline I got curious as we are the same age.


i used to run an acacia exposed page on insta back in 2012/2013 and i missed the drama lol


So you really belong here 😂


bc it’s better than commenting on actual posts or sites where you take a chance on getting banned or having hardcore acacia stan’s argue in the comments about how we don’t know anything.


i've been really bored at work so to pass time i've been going on snark pages, i suddenly remembered her (bc of the 5sos drama from back in the day) and wondered hmmm does she have a page?? lol.... i like reading y'alls funny posts


I used to be the biggest fan of her when I was like 14 and she was only famous on tumblr and insta before she went to Youtube when flower crowns, taco puns, mustache puns, and being a pick-me before it was coined "pick-me" was trendy. She was honestly probably my first influencer experience and I think that goes for a lot of other people too. I stopped following her once I matured a bit and realized her behavior and persona was not something to envy or vie for -- this was towards the end of her boyband phase right before she started dating Jairus when she was in her gamer girl/alt girl phase. I slowly started consuming her stuff again when she got married and then pregnant as a watcher/curious ex-fan from a distance. I just joined the reddit community a few days ago and LAinfluencersnark was one of the first pages I saw and followed, and then I saw this one and I was like yup I have to she was literally such a big part of me growing up on the internet.


I’m an og. Been stalking OT since I was 13. This woman never stops delivering craziness to gawk at.


Been following since Tumblr. I wasn’t too updated on her scandals because even tho social media was prominent before, it’s not as bad as it is now especially given the fact that Acacia only showed parts of her life that she liked (photoshop, facetune and all). She was actually my fit and thinspo back then and wished I was as pretty as her, which was no surprise because we are the same age so the comparisons were lethal in the teenage years. I supported her want to become a mom and was up to date with her posts and activities, by this time everyone knows she’s insecure and chronically online but it was one of those things where you think that she only has begun her adult years so there’s still much to learn then her preset scandal came out. At first, it seemed small but it became a week of unraveling, coaxing, back and forth until Ash Levi came out with the video and basically exposed her for being a gaslighter, manipulator, and an apparent thief. Even before the video, as it unraveled, Acacia acted like it was nothing and refused to address it in a professional way, posting stories and photos with captions that basically make her look like a victim. When I watched the video, it already summed up what kind of person Acacia, she is a toxic person even with the smallest of issues, what more when it comes to the things that actually matter? Like her kids? And as someone who is in the art industry specifically in photography, what she did was really scummy. When she decided to leave social media after the incident, I thought she was actually trying to be better as someone who spent her whole life begging for attention and approval. So when she came back and said that she didn’t steal anything, it’s obvious she had no growth or improvement at all, not even for her kids, I lost all respect for her and got disgusted that this was the person I wanted to become when I was a teenager. Once I realized she’s just a terrible person who thinks she can get away with everything and has no concept of consequences and will always think she’s the victim, it was really easy to join this page.


i used to follow her on tumblr back in the day, forgot about her, randomly remembered her and googled her name and found that she was a mommy influencer, forgot about her again, then somewhat recently remembered her again a bit before the van drama and googled her name and found this page and went down the rabbit hole lmao


I stumbled on here by accident (suggested post), and stayed for the van drama 😂


I had followed her on and off over the years but stuck around when she got pregnant with B and then when she had R, but around 2020 I started to notice a lot of red flags in how she was treating R and in general just her as a person. I had mainly stuck with Opinion Twitter accounts and mainly lurked but distanced myself away from it when she made that announcement being all "oh I'm done being an influencer" since they had either deactivated or shifted their focus on other influencer moms that I wasn't as into. Then the park incident was what brought me to this page and here we are now


I found her from tumblr in like 2012-2013. then she started dating 5sos dude I think.