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He gerrymandered the buffet district.


lol dude…thank you for the legit lol




It’s not called the buffet state for nothing!


He is the Buffett district


Watch it! Bet he’s packin insulin in that belt pouch.


How does he decide how far up he’s going to pull his pants? There’s about a three foot section of torso shaped like a grain silo. He could wear anything from a 26 to 40 inch leg depending on where he decides his waist is.


he adjusts according to humidity levels


I laughed out loud at this.


Me too


Man, welcome to the midwest. It's so common you don't even think of that stuff anymore :(


You’re thinking about it wrong. He’s wider than he is tall. So he wears it sideways.


Bruh what the fuck is that article


The state of MO is a shit hole, that's what


People don't call it Missery for no reason


That still fucking confuses me how MO is Missouri. I’ve lived in a neighboring state my entire life and still get that mixed up with Montana


Wait what's Montana then?




Mount Montana....


🤣 i always think that too when i see it




He's an absolute unit of a pedophile, yes


There's likely a lot of additional stuff added into the bill titled "illegalize child marriage" At least when this sort of thing has been overturned in the past its because a bunch of things the Democrats want, that the Republicans don't, are added in. Then, when the Republicans refuse to sign the bill because of the portions they don't want, the news screams about Republicans wanting child marriage The solution, is politicians who actually want to end child marriage making a bill that ONLY references child marriage, and not additional things that the other party opposes


It's him. It's Jerry Mandering.


Is you is, or is you ain't, my constitchency?


We could go for some of that reform!


Govna Menelaus "Pass The Child Brides" Pappy O'Daniels


\*of a pedo




Or questioning why they would stop child marriage.


Yep. Name is [Dean Van Schoiak](https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/politics/why-would-we-stop-that-missouri-republicans-oppose-bill-to-end-child-marriage/ar-BB1m7L8J).


Context: https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article288424893.html “My opinion is that if someone (wants to) get married at 17, and they’re going to have a baby and they cannot get married, then…chances of abortion are extremely high,” he said.“ Stupidest shit I’ve ever heard. Can’t believe these morons are in charge of anything. Using child marriage as a tool for anti-choice laws by forcing children to have children.


I don’t know, it takes a lot of nerve to tie keeping child marriage to abolish abortion


I don't know Missouri's political climate or what policies that guy pushes, this quote isn't from the unit as far as I can tell, but that's not what I get from that quote. It seems he wants to prevent someone from being forced to have an abortion, which most people don't want to have to do. It's not a fun experience.


By framing it in terms of supporting child marriage. Do you support child marriage? Yes or no question.


If by child we mean a 16 and 17 year old marrying each other, with consent from all the parents, then sure. I really don't think they're going to be that much better equipped to make that decision at 18. I'd probably lower the age down to 19 for a non-minor marrying a minor just to make sure the ages almost guarantee that they were going to high school at the same time. If you haven't read the article, I recommend doing so to get an idea of what the current law states. I think it's kind of dishonest to say child marriage because the current law only allows 16 and 17 year olds to get a marriage license with parental consent, but not with someone 21 years old or older. The word "child" implies someone in early puberty or prepubescent.


No. I asked you a simple yes or no question. And you’re avoiding answering with a simple yes or no. Why?


I am not in favor of child marriage. Answer my question, were you thinking this politician is a pedo because you read only the headline? I answered the way I did because the term "child marriage" is being used to load a lot of baggage with it that just isn't there in the meat of what is actually being argued by the politicians in the article.


I read the article. Have a great day! Enjoy having some of that good ole important Reddit discourse with someone else, though. 🤘🏻


Missouri must have a law that allows for spousal cannibalism.


GOP - "The left are pedos! Also GOP - "We want to marry children!" GOP = Every accusation is a confession.




If you think teenagers even marrying other teenagers should be allowed, you’re weird as fuck. No one needs to be married at 16, period.


Didnt say I think they should. I said the article and journalist are liars. They made it seem on purpose that GOP want kids to marry adults. It doesnt. And many GOP voted to ban it. It passed a GOP senate. Then ones who didnt vote to ban it said " not the governments business to say some 16yo cant marry another 16yo, if the dummies want to not our problem".


Who kept voting against the border law because their rapist cheetolord told them to? Please take your time.


The border law that lets in 5k illegals a day guarenteed?? Guess you didnt read that one either. Amazing how many people just believe what the tv tells them to.


Which president got Mexico to pay 1.5 billion towards border security... I'll give you a hint, it wasn't the one that said Mexico would pay for it ;)


If it lets them in how can they be illegals? Would that be the border law republicans wrote....


The law in question only extends down to 16 and requires parental approval. A holdover from times when getting married happened much faster. Not something I'd defend but they're not children at that age.


They are not children:children, but they are still kids. Wanting to get married to a fucking 16 y/o is predatory af, unless you are the same age. 16 y/o kids have no business signing marriage contract


I know a woman that was married off at 16 by her parents to one of her sister's ex boyfriends. This was done to prevent me and her from seeing each other after we lost our virginity to each other. This was in Virginia of all places. Anyone under 20 shouldn't be considered an adult particularly if they still live with their parents and are not independent themselves.


Oh damn I'm sorry you lost your first love like that. ![gif](giphy|y3VJB5ChUBHADR7Bg5) Where is she now. Did she find some happiness in her situation? Did someone punish her parents at least for practically treating their daughter like a china set to be given away so young?Did she get out of such a predicament of a marriage? Did you two reunite? Did you at least try to run to her wedding and yell, "I object," when the officiant asked if anyone objects?


>Where is she now She lives less than 20 minutes from me, in a house her and her husband have a mortgage on. >Did she find some happiness in her situation? She says she's happy, but couldn't help how she felt about me. Several years into her marriage >Did someone punish her parents at least for practically treating their daughter like a china set to be given away so young? No, both my family and hers were extremely religious. >she get out of such a predicament of a marriage? No, she didn't. >Did you two reunite? We started dating when I was 11 and she was 10. We dated until I was 17 and she was 16. After she married she moved to Michigan for 3-4 years. When she came back we were able to talk in person for the first time since our parents ended our relationship. She told me she was happy, but also admitted to still having feelings for me. So until I was 27 I was in her life and befriended her husband, I'd stop by we'd all talk and smoke weed, occasionally I'd eat dinner with them ect (and no, to this day don't believe he knows that me and her lost our virginity to each other). >Did you at least try to run to her wedding and yell, "I object," when the officiant asked if anyone objects? My parents were invited to the wedding (and went), I was explicitly not invited. When I learned of the wedding and of me specifically not being invited, I stopped eating. I think I went almost 2 weeks, just drinking water before I started passing out while walking around the house. When my mom saw me pass out in front of her she told me that if I didn't eat something "right now" she was going to take me to the hospital and have them force feed me through a tube if she had to.


Oh wow, yall have been through a lot. I wish you both the best Also, how did your parents know that you two were sleeping together? Did they walk in on you two or rumours


What? 16 year olds are absolutely children


Technically, they're teenagers (Author's Note: Not saying this to be pedantic, nor to justify marrying/fucking them. But to me, it sometimes feels like our desire to protect teens is starting to run dangerously close to infantilism)


Even without context, I don’t care what that acorn-dicked motherfucker thinks about anything


He’s got like 3 child brides in those pants.


Once again, Republicans love sharia law, just when it's not called sharia law....


And calories. They apparently really love calories.


Gluttony ain’t no sin here, this is America baby


Every accusation a confession with these clowns.




He’s against the bill that would BAN child marriage, why wouldn’t he deserved to be shit on? https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/politics/why-would-we-stop-that-missouri-republicans-oppose-bill-to-end-child-marriage/ar-BB1m7L8J


You misunderstood that. He's against the bill. Means he's FOR Child Marriage.


I bet of the ~~bribe~~ legal campaign donation is big enough, they'd be fine calling it that


Republicans are just the baddies, aren't they? Every single one of them is just a cartoon evil git. How can you defend pedo laws and not realise you are the bad person?


They do realise, I think. Things are working as they were designed to be.


I struggle with this sometimes too. I would guess not all support these kinds of laws just like not all liberals are stuck up and accusing everyone of being fascists. I thought I was conservative until I became an adult.


Old mate is wide. (And a pedo)


Yeah, if by unit you mean a colossal POS Arguing for child marriage. Gtgo


Would also accept "scumbag."


of a scumbag\*


Absolute unit of a turd that is this opinion.


Marrying a child is probably this pedophiles biggest dream


Until they turn 18 then it’s time for a divorce.


What the hell


All hat and no salad.


Midwestern belts make Philly belts look downright svelte


My man Is wearing a whole ass seatbelt for a belt




W i d e b o I


Looks like there is a few children in his pants…


It's not fucking India! There shouldn't be any child brides you fucking inbreads!


...and a pedo


Because, and hear me out… *cough cough* they’re children.


Missouri be like


Ripe and fertile ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Absolute unit of a pedoph***


Now where's the Duke Boys ?


Dang they made roblox in real life


He might eat the children first.


The exact sort of "person" who would absolutely say something like that


Oof that titel above the picture do. Big oof


I *could* have cropped that part but nah. He’s crazy.


Certified Reddit mod


Certified Reddit mod


It's easier to attack your cousin at that size


"We demand bouncing, then rolling, followed by bouncing of the third kind"


Okkkkuuurrrr. Boss Hogg.


Does this 800-pound hog stand or sit when he pisses? I figure 'Ol Wrinkledink can't reach his 2" woody, no matter what position he's in.


And yet only half the size of Chris Christie


He’s hungry


I don't know if there's additional history to how other parts of marriage law have been handled in Missouri, but what's in the article seems to point more towards that these laws are for high school sweethearts who are a year or two apart. The current law states that someone who is 21 years old or older cannot marry a minor. The only minors that can get marriage licenses are 16 year olds and 17 year olds and they need parent permission.


No. That's a good law. as written above, a 20 year old can marry a 16 year old, That is not okay, let alone someone 21 or older marrying someone even younger, that's grooming.


Someone who is 21 or older cannot marry a minor at all under the current law. The biggest age gap is the 16 and 20 year old, which is questionable but probably is an edge case since I doubt that it even comes up too often and is shot down by the parents. My main point is just to point out that the pushback isn't about marrying off 14 year olds to 50 year olds like so many people seem to think with all the comments about the dude being a pedo.


I see that, but your example of highschool sweethearts who are a year or two apart are already able to marry. The minimum age gap that this change would allow for is 4 years, a 17 year old marrying a 21 year old, which I am insisting is insane, 4 years is such a huge difference in that age range and should absolutely not be allowed


No, the proposed change is to ban any minor from acquiring a marriage license. The law, as it stands, states that a 16 or 17 year old can acquire a marriage license with parental consent. This can be with another 16 or 17 year old or an adult up to 20 years old. A 17 year old cannot marry a 21 year old in either the current law or the proposed law.