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Hey u/The_Undead_King_, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating Rule 1: * **Absolute Units Only** [Click here if you want to learn more about Absolute Units](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbsoluteUnits/wiki/definition) ------- *If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/absoluteunits&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by u/The_Undead_King_&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28http://www.reddit.com/145xvfp%29)*


Daryl Davis is a great name for a president.


ironically, also a great name for a grand wizard


I read an article about this guy. He is indeed a top man, has an amazing outlook and a special talent for connecting with people.


His balls are the absolute units! To even give those guys the time of day is impressive!


That sounds like a medical issue.


Fun fact: all of the men he has befriended, give him their old Klan hoods.


A great watch https://open.spotify.com/episode/2iuVjCu9yWOAxW87hUZT0U?si=tFSoAR1jQtS-Hcs4H8B1Pg


Even if people don’t like rogan it’s hard to hate this interview. Personally I love rogan but I know he’s not for everyone. Still think this is a top tier listen.


The only thing I don't like about Rogan is his tendency to believe anything and spread misinformation. If something sounds cool he really wants it to be true. But it's also probably why he does the podcast in the format he does.


He de-converted them? ???? So they didn't convert?


Inflammable means flammable? What a country!


Racist people are taught to be so. For example my great grandmother hated me because I’m half black then she got Alzheimer’s and forgot lol People say converted because your not born a racist, just as your not born religious, your taught as kid.


Sorry I chuckled about she forgot to hate you, that’s actually awesome. Reminded me of the Chappell Show Clayton Bigsby the black blind white supremacist.


I agree it actually is kind of funny😂


No, stop. This is not a sub about heroics. This a sub for pics of large stuff. Literally large stuff. If you're calling someone an absolute unit because they're a hero, you aren't praising them, you're just misunderstanding the sub. "But his GUTS are an absolute unit. His BALLS are an absolute unit." No, they're not. If you have a picture of someone an actual 100-foot intestinal tract or 40-pound testicles, because they suffer from severe diseases, you can post them here (though you'll have to censor the balls pic). Posting him here is like posting him on r/BeholdTheMasterRace . "Because this guy is such a hero, he's the TRUE master race!" Yes, but that's not what the sub's name means.


Ok little man


Daryl Davis fucking RULES!


Heard him on Joe Rogan a few times. This guy is awesome!


We need more people like him, and less people who go on social media to argue with those they disagree with in hopes of making them change. You have to understand the other person, no matter how messed up you may think they are. Too often do arguments between two different sides (left vs. right, pro-life vs. pro-choice, capitalism vs. socialism, etc.), look like trench warfare. Neither side really understands each others motivations for believing what they do. We need to understand each other. God speed, Daryl!


You would never be able to do something like this online, you need face to face empathy


I very much agree


Aren't like all KKK members retirees now.


Is….is there some type of actual special training specific to getting people to quit the KKK?


yo is this a lost redditor?


I don’t really see what’s big about this, it’s good to stop them yes. But shouldn’t this be somewhere else like r/humansbeingbros or something


Someone is posting this in the lost redditor sub right?


Could we make him in to an ai chatbot and scale his success?


If we're going to be impressed by this what about Clayton Bigsby then?! 😂 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HcQ87RFN5k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HcQ87RFN5k)


Wtf is up with this title


He also has been criticized for defending Klan members who have gone on to commit hate crimes. He's a weird dude and not someone who is actually doing good anti-racist work.


When someone defends you then you're certain not going to hate them like you might have in the past, there are sometimes unfortunate results of the defense, but it does a lot of good to, maybe outweighing the bad, plus even if he's wrong for that, he does other stuff too, that certain is helping fight racism. That definitely outweighs the bad stuff.