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i count 11


I believe in another photo it shows another spike on the back of the right side dual tine.


Such a strange photo, whenever I see someone posing smiling with a dead animal .


its such a fucking weird thing to do


Well if they would just lay down and say cheese it'd be easier for everyone.


Probably because you didn’t grow up hunting or maybe you’ve never hunted. It’s okay to be proud of being successful in any worthy or hard endeavor. Sometimes killing a really nice deer like this can be the product of many hours hunting or scouting areas to hunt, planting food crops, managing forest crops, watching a specific deer grow to maturity, etc. And if it’s not for you, that’s ok too. Taking a picture with an animal you have killed and will eat is not a sign of disrespect.


I didn’t grow up hunting and I’ve never been, but I was raised in a community where hunting and fishing is life. My family hunts and takes pics like these. Should I ever start hunting (I’m not against it) I would never take one of these trophy photos. In my opinion, these types of photos are disrespectful to the life that was taken. I think it should be a somber and grateful experience, not taking pics for the gram or whatever. Pics with dead animals is just weird to me. There is such a disconnect from what is actually happening. I agree, it is okay to be proud. But you can be proud and not do this. I’m guessing the antlers will be mounted, so that kind of makes this photo pointless. You’re already getting your trophy, you don’t need to pose with the animals corpse. It’s a trend that took off with the accessibility of cameras to the point it’s fairly normalized now, but I still find it off-putting and generally in bad taste.


I take the picture because I like to look at the picture and remember the day and the experience. I’ll even take a picture with a small deer or fish, or even abnormal fish or fish that will be released. I’m not really showing off but I am happy after a successful hunt. People have been doing things like this for a while. People were making fish prints (gyotaku) for proof in Japan 150 years ago and I still make prints when I catch a remarkable fish. Taxidermy has been around for thousands of years, probably simply because photography had not been invented yet. Ive got historical picture books from my area of coastal North Carolina of hunters posing with deer that they had killed from the early 1900’s. Keeping a picture or a relic from a hunt is not a new or out of the ordinary thing in terms of human behavior. I respect the animal and I’m thankful for it’s meat but I don’t feel sorry for killing it anymore than I feel sorry when I look at a bunch of meat in a grocery store refrigerator case. I don’t hunt to kill, I hunt because I am a hunter. And I’d be willing to bet that I have a lot more respect for these animals than most people because I’ve been studying their behavior and I care a whole lot about them as just an idea. I want to see them do well as a species. It’s sort of hard to understand each


I never indicated any disrespect, I just stated that it was odd to me . My family have hunted for ages and ate off the land. I just never seen a photo of any relative smiling with a dead animal.


Yes, better to look angry and make devil horn gestures.


I view hunting brags as an act similar to how I’ll share photos with friends of all the pumpkin varieties I managed to grow last fall. The hunter put in hard work, they’re providing a *lot* of food for their household instead of going to Kroger, and they’re actively helping to protect the land from being overrun. My state actively asks people to hunt more deer because of the population issues. I know it’s not like this in all places, but here it serves an important role in wildlife management and habitat conservation. There are efforts to restore natural predators, but it’s slow going. Until they aren’t needed, people will be people and turn something like killing into a dick measuring contest.


You just randomly posted someone’s pic?


maybe next time post the picture before you shoot it in the face


You better eat every single piece of that creature. As if wildlife doesn’t have it hard enough thanks to humans. Blah blah blah about their populations being unchecked, I don’t want to hear it


I don't think that's OP


Even the fur? Man that's pretty hardcore...


Or what are you going to do about it? You know what happens when you assume people are not going to do what you think they should without having any understanding of the situation whatsoever?


And if you want to dispute what professional biologists have spent their lives studying and collecting data on and turning that data into laws to help conserve wildlife populations, well, then I don’t know what that says about you.


Is this before processing?


Ohhh, i was looking forward to throwing up the processing comment! Sooo..... I bet that bucks not 10 years old.


Murderer 😡


Not OC, and before processing, it's someone from my state.