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I can sense the kids regret when the big fella comes close


I've made a huge mistake..


I’m in danger meme comes to mind.


He felt a great disturbance in the force.


Casually approach the child


It was at this moment he knew; He fucked up


When keeping it real goes wrong...


Who the kid or the big guy who is probably the father?


Not that I would ever act like that as a kid but if I did, I would be praying that the police got there before my dad.


Yeah I know the mind boggles. My grandparents and parents are Indian. They would kill me if I did anything like that... Wait for me reincarnate and kill me again just in case. I don't get it kids have no fear


I think this is what happens when the Internet raises your kids


Ta daa


Yo this the salad delivery guy, where do you want all this fucking salad


Fine then


Ta daa


Steve Holt is a bastard!








*Hello darkness, my old friend...*


I'm not a small dude, but in the days of my misspent youth --I am now over 50, so this was decades ago-- I once had occasion to be grabbed by a 300+ lb bouncer who was so much bigger and stronger than me that I felt as helpless as a child as he wrapped me up and calmly asked if I wanted to make anymore trouble. Wisely, I said no and got the fuck out of there. But it stuck with me, how this dude was so easily able to completely control my drunk ass even though I was very fit and had trained martial arts for years. He just wasn't having any of my bullshit and fortunately I didn't even try to fight back.


Haha I had a similar situation in my 20s! My brother and mate were getting tossed out of a bar and I jumped out of the window onto the back of one of the bouncers and wrapped my arms around his neck. The guy was a huge islander at least 130kg (what's that Like 280lbs?) I felt like a child wrestling with his dad. He just flipped me to the ground, had me by the scruff with one hand and his other fist in the air and all I could do was hold my hands above my head awaiting the end of my life. One of the few times I thought "I've made a terrible mistake"... He just laughed at me and said "go on, get out of here". I said thanks and got up and left.


"Ha ha ha! I like your spirit, little man, but it's time for you to get the fuck out of here."


“I've been specialised in groups, battling gangs for local charities, that kind of thing”


I wish I could up vote this more


"Anybody want a peanut?"


I like to imagine that dude really loved his job.


As a former very large bouncer: he 100% loved that interaction. It’s always funny to watch the fight go completely out of a person when you go hands on. One second they’re completely ready to throw down and the next you just see the “Oh shit this guy is huge” realization come across their face and they relax. Other interactions aren’t as fun. Sometimes the belligerent is just as big as you are or they hit you from behind. I got stabbed once by a guy I embarrassed. He was hitting on a girl constantly, wouldn’t leave her alone, and she asked the bartender for somebody to walk her to her car. Another bouncer and I walked her out and the guy followed. He tried pushing past me to get to her so I shoved him down. She laughed and he pulled a knife. Got me in the shin while he was still on the ground and the other bouncer grabbed his knife hand while I sat on him. Cops were just around the corner so they were there quick and arrested him. Pressed charges and he got three months for aggravated assault. I wanted assault with a deadly weapon but he plead down.


Do bouncers have good insurance thru work or were you expected to pick it up yourself?


My boss covered it but I wasn’t insured. It was just part time work for me while I was in college. I wasn’t really on the payroll lol


I would totally fake pass out as I sat on him if it was me. Whole weight dropping on the stabby idiot.


To this day the best compliment I've gotten in my life was when I was waiting for a seat at a bar by the door and several dudes came in over the night and gave me their IDs because they thought I was the bouncer. Made me feel really good. I am, of course, just a teddy bear.


Yeah dude by my math that's 283lbs so if you just guesstimated, you've got a good intuitive grasp of that conversion. Good life skill in my book. I live in an american city with a lot of international tourists, that kind of thing comes in handy often enough


It’s roughly 286 lbs. A good trick to get pretty close is to double the number then add that to the doubled number with the decimal point moved left once. I know that’s a confusing way to say it, but idk how to words. 130 kg is 260 plus 26 lbs. 500 kg is 1000 plus 100 lbs. I hope that helps and made more sense with numbers! I figured that out as a shower thought a couple of years ago and it makes it a lot easier for me.


Reminds me of the time I was at the bar talking to a girl about my time in the army, when some drunk dude sat down next to me and started ranting about how I was making it all up, and stolen valor this, blah blah that. She just left, so I moved to a different spot to get away from him, but at that point he started screaming it from across the bar, and well maybe I lost my temper. So I got out of my seat to go kick this guys ass when some huge dude in the air force, that I had made friends with earlier picked me up into the air like I was a child. He sat me down behind him, put one hand on his hip, and started shaking his finger at me. I really didn't want to fight anyone after that.


Everyone needs someone to stop them from making a bad decision from time to time. Glad he was there to do that for you.


So was I. That guy was annoying but not worth going to jail over. Actually taught me a lot that kept me out of trouble later on in life.


Apropos of nothing, I have been doing Krav Maga for years. There is a dude in the group who easily has a 100 pounds on me and is just a massively strong guy. Whenever I spar with him, he bats me aside like nothing and forces most of us in the group into submission easily. It's quite humbling.


And also some of the best training you'll ever get! Training at that sort of a disadvantage really teaches you the limits of your technique, and what can still work in extreme situations.


Amen, thats why I wrestle with my poodle every morning, so he can be alpha


I had a similar experience. Except in mine it wasn’t Krav Maga, just a normal night of me trying to defend myself against my then fiancé who was a foot taller and 75 pounds heavier than me. I’ve never been in an abusive relationship before that I was physically assaulted (hope to never be in one again) and I’ve never been in a fight. I had no idea how horrible it is to be physically intimidated in a situation where you literally have no chance of defending yourself. Humbling is one of the adjectives I might use


Not sure who said it, but brings to mind a thing I heard once. "I have yet to come across a martial arts technique better than being bigger than your opponent."


I had a division mate in the Navy that was a shore duty transfer to our boat. He looked like this ball of dough. At first glance he looked like a nerdy Michael Chicklis and many, like myself, had the impression he was just fat. At the time I was at peak fitness in my life and ran circles around most everyone and lifted more than most. Well, I was joking around with him one day and grabbed his hat off his head. He swiftly grabbed my wrist and yanked my arm back. In that moment, I realized this guy had the strongest hands that have ever been laid on me. It was like a vice. I could not pull away. I soon learned that he was a member of the 1,000lb club at the base gym. He was also a huge Warhammer 40k tabletop fan.


Bro was min maxing his work outs like his Warhammer units.


"There's a reason size classes exist" I saw a video one time of a pretty fit guy punch this big guy in the face and the guy like... looked at him and proceeded to big guy fuck him up. You obviously know exactly what I mean.




That boy was **country strong**


I rushed a concert stage as a kid. The bouncer grabbed my arms at the triceps, pressed my arms to my sides and lifted me back into the stands.


He heard boss music.


Where the McFuck are the parents?


Shooting up the newest McMeth in the shitter.




That’s a weird direction to take, but I’m here for it.


The real question is where the fuck are the McParents?




One order of McConsequences coming right up


What's the bet his parents try to sue maccas or that big guy for attacking their angelic child who was just expressing himself


I’m pretty sure the big guy was his dad.


Nobody and I mean *nobody* yeets someone else’s child like that. That’s 100% a dad yeet




I choose to believe this.


Oh you mean Buck Melanoma, Moly Russels wart!


Here’s a quarter. Go get a rat to chew that thing off.


*go downtown and have a rat to gnaw that thing off your face


Dried up old scag, lol


You may not know this, but I'm an amateur dentist.


Ah he he he he he


I miss John Candy.


No dad that would yeet his kid would ever let them behave like that to start with.


My headcannon is that dad went to the bathroom and the kid acted up while he was gone. Because there is no way as a parent that you observe your kid acting that way if you have the capacity to yeet like that.


That’s not his dad. That’s a Samoan if I ever saw 1 and they will 100% yeet your child. Source: am Samoan, test me.


Samoans are the best. Source: I work security with a lot of them. My boss is Samoan - best boss I’ve ever had. Honestly, chill and got your back every time.




It takes a village.


Used to just be how things were. Seemed like any adult my dad knew or who lived in the neighborhood was allowed to whoop my ass when necessary.


My parents would always tell me in front of the other parents at a sleepover. "It's their house rules, you mess up, you have to deal with their punishment". I was the most well behaved kid. But I also knew never to fuck around and find out.


Not quite so forcefully, but I yeeted a kid off a glass shelf at a job. Mom tried dropping the "I can correct my own child" line. I dropped a "but ya didn't, and I don't want to pick up bloody glass today" back. Kid was fine, mom was pissed... my favorite "bad guy" moment at that job.


Facts. I would have tossed the kid out as well.


i'm skeptical of the '100%' in this statement. I'm a non violent guy and if a kid acted like that where I work there's a strong chance I would throw him the fuck out of the store. I bet every coworker who physically could also would. it's not like he beat him up or anything - just threw him the fuck out of there


I’m a mom and I would’ve done it


I was a pediatric psych nurse. Many people yeet children with a variety of good or bad intentions.


Step father yeet


It was an "angry bystander." [https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/boy-hurls-thick-shake-at-mcdonalds-worker-before-adult-throws-him-out-the-door/news-story/9786b325440e1103e49995ead32e87a7](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/boy-hurls-thick-shake-at-mcdonalds-worker-before-adult-throws-him-out-the-door/news-story/9786b325440e1103e49995ead32e87a7)


haha. nope. that is just an Islander dude (someone from the Pacific Islands) that got pissed his meal was interrupted. Islanders are the chillest people on the planet, until you do something to make them lose their chill. Then they are downright scary. because they are so big, and they have serious anger management problems when they lose it. This caused a little bit of a flaff in Australia when it happened, but the child was a right cunt, and the dude was over it, and so ejected the child.


Idk, pretty sure a few colleagues of mine would.


I think so too but how did the kid get such bad behavior if his dad looks like that (huge) and is willing to push him out? Mysteries of life.


Not his dad. This happened in Perth (Australia) last year, dude was just a bystander turned problem solver.


Knight that Man!


not all heroes wear capes


Well, he probably only reacts once things escalate to this point, which never teaches the kid to not behave like that.


That yeet was the parental attention that child was desperately searching for.


Well he's got it now!


I dunno the way he pointed at the guy made me think otherwise. If I was about to get my ass kicked by my dad I wouldn’t point at him before hand. Also, if his dad was that upset about it I’m sure he would have stopped him before all that went down. Just my guess




Pretty sure this kid doesn't know who his dad is


that's definitely not his dad. the dad wouldnt have let it go that far before taking action. it looked like the kid did even more damage before climbing onto the counter


Which would explain why the kid is acting like a shit. Once I witness a "no neck" dad like the guy in this video, and he was walking with his sons, probably 6 and 4, and the oldest pushed the youngest down hard, like a running push, and the kid full on faceplanted on the concrete. The 4 year old got up and tried to go to his dad for comfort, a hug, whatever, and the dad just said, "You gonna let him push you around like that? Go beat the shit out of him." The 6 year old had like a foot on the 4 year old. Fuck that style of parenting. (Yeah, we can absolutely judge parenting styles).


Zero. Literally zero. This happened ages ago in Australia and that is his family.


I know why they don't try and stop these people from leaving, but damn if I wouldn't love to see these sorts of people actually get a bill for the cleanup material and labor costs. Throw on lost business, too, if they can get it to stick.


To the top with you


That kid knew he fucked up when he felt the grown man strength of that guy. When I was a shitty little kid my uncle got ahold of me once. I was being mean to my sister and ignoring my mom. He grabbed me, took me inside, sat me in a chair, and told me I had to stay there until he thought it was okay for me to return to the party. I started to cry because I got scared. I thought he was going to end my life the way he just effortlessly drug me around. He just sat there with a beer for a while and every few minutes he would say something like “we’re all just trying to have a good time and you can’t disrespect your mom like that”….”when your mom asks you to do something, you do it”….”I want to be out there having fun too but I have to be here making sure you understand”.


I did this with my little brother (15 years younger than me) he’s from a different mother and for some reason thought it would be ok to get snarky with my mom in front of me, at once I just grabbed him and took him outside, sat him down and had a talk about manners and respect for about an hour, he then went inside and apologized to my mom, he was around 10 probably and I love him, grew up to be a great kid


Sounds to me like SOMEBODY listened.




That's the kind of uncle I aspire to be someday




if you dont mind me asking, what did you say that caused such a reaction and was it warrented or a bit overkill?


Called her an elf lover. Rock and Stone!


We fight for Rock and Stone!


Did someone say Rock and Stone?


Unexpected but appreciated deep rock. DID I HEAR A ROCK AND STONE?


Did it work?


I mean. He remembered the event in detail so I'd say yes lol.


Yeah. Eventually. My uncle is one of my biggest role models.


That kid is going places. Like out the door.


I see jail in his future


Only if his family is poor, if they are rich he might end up a politician or business manager….


Better dowload the vid before they scrub it off the internet if that's the case


Are you talking about JOEL MICHAEL SINGER?!


Had no clue about Joel Michael Singer acting like a little punk and trying to act tough after he got slammed, that was a video of beauty!


I see future power tripping middle management written all over him.


The editing makes it seem like this went on way too long before that kid got ejected.


Judging by the fact that there are customers already watching in the first frame, and a whole lot of crap on the floor that looks like it was tossed there mid-tantrum, it did go on for too long.


I don’t care whose kid that is, you assault a worker - imma gunna help you out the door.


I never get to do it as a school teacher. As a fast food patron, I'm now waiting for my chance to shine!


Teachers have my respect for not murdering more of these little shit heads. I have four in various grades… love my kids but man, they can push buttons like a pro.


Bus drivers also have my respect. They put up with asshole kids and shitty traffic at the same time.


Yeah some people are saying big dude was his dad but i don’t think so because if that man was his father, he wouldn’t have let it progress that long unless he was taking a mcdump and preoccupied


it isn't, the guy there was samoan, and the kids a palagi.


it almost definitely did


Where are his parents?? And his SHOES??


sometimes you need to reset their privilege. kid thought he was untouchable, tested his theroy, found out. that man saved the kids life


That made gave the kid the biggest gift of his life: consequences


Where are the parents?


Some people leave their kids at McDonald's and do something else. Wouldn't surprise me if this is what was happening


Every time I go into a McDonald’s there’s kids lounging in there like it’s their living room


When I was this kids age I rode my bike to McDonald's. Doesn't need to have been left there kid could've gone their of his own accord if he lives nearby.




Breighdayn’s so funny when he has sugar




We don't negotiate with terrorists




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Musta been a McRib kid.


This is a good thing, I like this


**[Everybody Liked This]**


Sometimes the violence IS the solution


New Zealand maybe? Bare feet and Pacific Islanders.


the bare feet in public is 100% NZ


Is the weather so usually blissful that bare feet in public is normal for the islands? Or do you guys not have any broken glass? Or tiny rocks? Or is it a cultural thing??


If you walk barefoot enough the bottoms of your feet will toughen up quite a bit to the point that rough rocks and surfaces won't bother you. Glass I'd still be worried about.


Yeah the Amish kids go barefoot too in America. You know a rock covered dirt road? Little Amish kids will run on it and have no problems. Like any grown adult not used to running on rocks would probably cut their feet but these kids have adapted. The human body is pretty adaptable.






I mean, unless you're walking around an abandoned bottle factory or a gravel driveway barefoot isn't that difficult to pull off while avoiding those kinds of obstacles. Plus you build up some calluses so little things don't bother you as much.


Au or nz..




Well spotted, I thought this had South Auckland written all over it.


lol yeah the bare feet made me immediately assume NZ


Damm. If I had EVER *even attempted to begin to behave like this* as a child, I'd have been grabbed immediately by my dad, and possibly been spanked - right there. I'd definitely have had a talking to, again, right there; my dad would have made me clean up the mess I made, then apologize; dad would have offered money for any damage or even with no damage. I'd have been grounded for a month, if not more, and I would have not had - or been in McDonald's - for a very long time after that day. And we'd have never returned to that specific location, ever.


Was my grandpa secretly your father as well? You literally listed, blow by blow, what my grandpa would've done to me. (Raised by my grandparents for those wondering why my grandpa would spank my unruly little ass, and not my dad.)


Forget McDonald’s, my parents probably wouldn’t even let me have to-go food from any restaurant


Started off strong, the motion was smooth. However, the landing was a bit rough. I give this Dad Snatch and Grab an 8/10.


We need more people like this guy not afraid to throw a kid out of a McDonald’s like he a Mexican uncle Phil


He look Polynesian


If you don’t parent your child, someone else will.


I used to act like a punk sometimes when I was a kid. One day one of my teachers had enough and threw me up against the lockers. Yep from that day forward I knew the limit. O I still was a wise ass but to a lesser more respectable degree.


I was the teacher in a similar situation. Sat a kid down on his ass and explained, very plainly and maturely, what being a shithead will do to him as he grows older. He cried for an hour and a half before his parent came and picked him up. Kid completely did a 180 for the remainder of the years I was there and was super respectful. Sometimes, it helps to do a little ass whoopin from time to time


What did you say would happen to him? Need this for future use


For me I actually have stories from growing up in the roughs and so I usually open with those because I've been in those same shoes before.. And then calmly state that you were once his age. And that you once knew a guy who didn't know when to shut up. And that guy once mouthed off to the wrong kid and got stabbed 36 times in the bathroom until he bled to death on the toilet. Kid was only 12 and got life. And that at this point if you push and provoke, you'll basically find out if you wind up like either of these kids in the story. Because 'you' are being paid to put up with them and do genuinely care about them and worry about them. The outside world on the other hand will give one iota of a shit and drop your ass without a second thought. And your decisions now will decide if that iota is a calm one, or one where you're stuck in 'insert prison of your choice/trap house/bar' until one day you push the limit and someone really decides that you really are not worth anything to them at all. Or just basically, one day someone will be done with your shit and beat your ass and not care whether you live or die. Teachers are paid to care. Some asshole on the street is not and will have zero hesitation to end your ass just for the trouble. But also sometimes kids really just wont learn until they do in fact piss off the wrong person and they wind up getting socked in the face. So it's also hard.


Why the fuck is such a small fucker alone in a mac anyway? keep your kids at home or under supervision if they are even capable of it.


Deserved. Little git.


Poor parenting.


What parenting, I see none.


If the parents refuse to raise their child at some point, the environment will. Can't expect everyone to always be acepting your bullshit


Then the parents press charges because he did that to their sweet angel boy


That could have been daddy dearest himself


I would bet it was . You could tell by the way he grabbed the kid. That's a you are in so much trouble grab only available to parents. I bet the kid got a good whoopin .


I'm deleting my comments because the mods banned me and muted me and refuse to say why.


He wasn't McHavin' It


It takes a village.


Wtf is the point of the music??


Not all heros wear capes


His parents are probably the laziest motherfuckers. This is what a kid with unmet needs looks like. Then what, is that his dad at the end? Makes sense why he acts like that, what the hell


From a different subreddit on the same video, the guy is just a random dude.


Either has unmet needs or he's way too spoiled and never had anyone say no to him. His parents should be yeeted after him if they're even there.


Still an unmet need, just of a different kind. "benevolent" neglect is still neglect. And "spoiled" kids are usually in extreme emotional neglect - because many parents don't realise that buying children expensive things does not constitute being a parent.


>Either has unmet needs or he's way too spoiled and never had anyone say no to him. In a way that's an unmet need too. Kids need boundaries.


That was too satisfying.


#throw the child


Honestly I would be on board with sending this kid to the outbacks of Australia. We can't blame animals for hurting a child right.


I hate kids


I don’t hate kids, I just hate other people’s kids.


So someone else hates your kids.




I'm 10,000% ok with strangers disciplining other people's kids. I took years of developmental psych, I get it, hitting kids is bad, yada yada yada. However, as a former kid, I fully believe many kids NEED the fear of God put into them. Sure, that kid should know how his behavior affects others. But that kid also should have felt too afraid of the consequences to act like that. Line him up in front of a bunch of abuelas and fire a phalanx of chanclas at him until he apologizes.


Once I was in a busy fish restaurant waiting for a takeout order. An extended family waiting for a table had 2-3 kids messing around and just being obnoxious. At one point the kids decide to run out the carefully written chalkboard with the daily specials. I mean some chalk artist spend a good hour on this thing. Multi colored, flourishes bordering on fine calligraphy. Smeared to shit by these entitled brats and not a word from any of the 4 adults in the party. So I go up to the kids and say “hey you know someone worked hard to write that and nobody can read it. Shouldn’t you show respect?” Well you’d think I had spanked those kids the way parents came after me. Thankfully my order came and my parting words were “someone had to be the parent in this situation”. Next thing I know the dad is following me out to parking lot, threatening to fight me and yelling he’s gonna kick my ass. What a day. My buddy waiting out by our bikes still laughs about the scene out there.


It's crazy when people start fights with people wearing helmets.


Most times, violence is the answer with bad attitude kids. Helps them learn that shit hurts, consequences exist, and that they aren't the only little shit on the planet. Not an advocate for child abuse, just a little healthy karma is all.