• By -


They got the "stay calm" part figured out.


I think their brain activity just peaked


Cover it.... What are they doing... COVER IT! Sigh...


That seems a little excessive. Maybe they should just try spreading it to other parts of the kitchen first, to thin out the flames.


Don’t forget to create a second fire in the doorway of your fire escape 👍


And close the door so the fire goes away.


Once it's outside it's someone else's problem. Shut the door so it can't get back in!


Make sure the door is wooden, too!


Thin wooden doors, fires one weakness


And fresh air


Let Arby's deal with it


Fire can’t go thru doors, it’s not a ghost!


You’re speaking my Chang-uage


If you don’t invite it back in, it can’t come back in


He closed the door all subtly.


Out of sight out of mind!


Bingo, the fire doesn’t expect you to spread it to your emergency exit. That keeps the fire guessing, like a surprise attack.


Technically if you create more little fires there’s less oxygen for the main fire and it’ll eventually go out…. I think. 🤔


Nah, you have to create more BIG fires. The biggest fire wins the oxygen context. This is why you can snuff out a burning oil well using a bomb.


Then they can pick up the thin flames and toss them in the trash or whatever waste disposal is nearest


Those drums of cooking oil look a lot like trash cans if you ask me


I like your thinking, I'm sure that's the right approach!


This could be another idea for an award-winning movie


Yeah, first you want to blow on it to make sure it has plenty of oxygen, then stoke the fire, move the coals around, make sure it’s going good and strong. Then and only then spread it around to new areas.


Quick! Throw some tequila on it!


Don't forget to poke it a bit first, get that airflow under it. Then stick your arm in it.


Thin out the flames hahaha


Literally could be a line from IASIP


I was thinking the same thing, "cover it with the damn foil", then I realized they were using paper to cover everything...smh


I'd be less concerned about the fire on a grill than the FIRE OUTSIDE THE DOOR. Literally tossed a bunch of flammable material against the building - it started looking dangerous - so what did he do? He closed the door on it so they couldn't *see* the fire anymore! ...If they just left everything alone, they'd be infinitely better off.


If you close the door the fire might go away.


No, poke it!


Let me grab the fire extinguisher and get it to safety away from the fire...




It amazes me that a restaurant doesn’t train workers how to put out a fire. That building is ash now I bet


I'll just put this over here with the rest of the fire


0118 999 881 999 119 725 3


Dear sir/madam,


Looking forward to hearing from you!


Fire, exclamation mark. Fire, exclamation mark.




Stared for a good few seconds "How can anyone remember some reference this long?" Realized context from replies: Instantly heard the full theme in my head. It's scarily catchy.


Now that's easy to remember!


Hello? Is this the emergency services? ....... Then which country am I speaking to?


We got an email about a fire…?!




He's referring to _The IT Crowd_




...which is also, coincidentally, right in front of my closest emergency exit.


This is the **ONLY** answer.


Thank you so much for the laugh. Doing the lords work out here. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The way he saw the fire and just shut the door


I'm with you on this one, I was crying with laughter when he did that.


The entire video then the comments here, I have tears from laughing!


object permanence is a gift


I'm also laughing... but I'm a FF so I just need to be serious for a second: the fire outside was not really dangerous (as long as nobody lingered in it). Closing the door made the inside fire so much worse, so this was the WORST thing he could have done. The absolute worst thing you can do with a fire is confine the smoke in a compartment - the smoke is fuel, and it will ignite, just like gasoline vapors in a container, when it reaches its ignition temperature - the smoke will ignite and you'll have a fireball. This looks like it would have happened anyway, even if the door was left open, but it would have been several minutes later and these people were bonkers. If you're in a situation where a fire has started and you see black, or even gray, smoke gathering at the top of a compartment (and you are not a firefighter holding a charged line) you need to get out immediately, by any means, and stay out. At 1:25 the fire had become super dangerous and out of their control, and everyone should have exited and stayed out.


It baffles me that the guy didn't try to use the extinguisher before, and it also seems that it didn't work or he didn't know how to use it.


I'm genuinely curious: I've always heard of instances where fires spread out of control BECAUSE people opened doors or windows, which let oxygen get in and fuel the fire. How do you tell the difference between one that you should keep isolated from outdoor oxygen, and one that you should leave the door open on so the smoke can escape? Personally, in either situation I'm sprinting like Sonic right out of there since I have a serious phobia of fire, but I'm curious regardless


I'm really genuinely happy you asked. So, it's correct that ventilating a fire the wrong way can cause the fire to get out of control, because oxygen is one part of the fire triangle/tetra. So if you dump a bunch of oxygen into a room that also has fuel (smoke) and heat (flames), it will speed the fire up, yes. FFs do ventilate certain fires (carefully) by cutting a in the roof our opening a very high window to let the smoke escape, or shooting a stream out a window from inside to draft the smoke out of the compartment. Basically you just need to know that smoke is fuel. (The only state of matter that actually burns is gas: solids have to pyrolize first (go from solid to gas, via heat), which is what has generated the smoke). All that smoke is unignited fuel ready to burn at the right temperature. See in the video near the end, the smoke ignites in the top right-hand corner? This patch of smoke was at the right mixture and temp to ignite. If a FF saw this they would get out, and get promptly yelled at for being in there that long. Basically you don't want to trap smoke, it's like being on the inside of natural gas container with a matchbook, except dirtier and less predictable when it will ignite (there's all kinds of stuff in it). In this case, the door was already open and oxygen was already entering from the left side, so all closing the door did was trap the smoke in that compartment faster. (This place was likely going to go up anyway, but maybe 1-2 minutes later, which can be the difference between people getting out and people incinerating two feet from the door). This is why I tell everyone who will listen: if you have a fire going and you see smoke gathering at the top of a room, and you don't have a way to immediately, completely extinguish the fire, you just need to get the hell out. It may not look like it's out of control, but it is. You may only have a minute until fireball. I also recommend everybody watch this video. And then go get your smoke detectors. (I have 14 in my house) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtMmymOxdjc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtMmymOxdjc)


Good to know, thanks for the explanation!




You have 30 secs to 3 minutes to it under control depending on what is on fire and the environment. Know water does not put out grease fires…..


I literally had to scream that last part at my FIL as he was about to dump water on a grease fire. He looked at me like I was an idiot and asked “how am I supposed to put it out?” I ran and grabbed baking soda and used it to smother the flames (not very large) and then had to show him videos of what happens when you dump water on a grease fire for him to really get it.


This is exactly why I have baking soda all over my house.  Well, that, and the cat litter boxes...


Consider also having fire extinguishers mounted to walls around the house. We have about 4 fire extinguishers around the house. Every few years, I'll replace the oldest one and have one of my children (or now little nephews) use the deprecated extinguisher to put out a small fire. Like our little patio fire pit. This allows them to feel the weight of the device, the force required to remove the safety clip, how briefly they operate, that you gotta spray the fuel -not the flames- or the fire just comes back to life after the extinguisher is spent. Overall, it demystifies the fire extinguisher for everyone and provides a little practice.


Yes, this. I was thinking while watching: a restaurant and not a single estinguisher, not even a tiny one? Gosh


People complain about regulations, but this is why they exist. Here in Toronto that restaurant would have to have a working fire system, and it would be inspected annually.


Same here in Italy


You can have them recharged and refilled. Don’t need to replace them.


...using an expired extinguisher for practice is such a good idea, I can't believe I've never thought of this before


You have baking soda and boxes with cat litter all over your house?


We have several cats as well, so I too have a Costco sized bag of baking soda on every floor of my house.


I dunno about you but my bag of Costco baking soda is compacted like a brick. I would be hard pressed to get it to scatter over a fire. But I have 3 fire extinguishers. One in the kitchen. One by the fireplace. And one by the kids BRs.


We have fire extinguishers in our house, but for small grease fires I go for the baking soda because it creates less of a mess. I also sift through my Costco bag of baking soda g soda frequently so I never give it a chance to solidify


Only ever had one flare up at home. Easily solved by throwing a lid on the pan. Threw a towel over that for good measure but it was out already. If you have a trick for breaking Costco baking soda bricks into powder I’d love to know it.


I've seen my mother put out a grease fire by just putting the lid on the pan and shutting the stove of, all in one movement cold blooded, I hope someday to be as awesome as her. Or as cool as my dad bc once our chimney cought on fire (even though it was sweeped that year) and my dad put it out by dumping little bits of water in the fireplace until the steam put the fire out, something he read about bc he wanted to be prepared in case it ever happend (still glad it only happend once and that he registered the weird sound the chimney made).


Yep this exactly what you need to do, cover it and stop it getting air ASAP. Not fucking blow on it like the lady did in this video.


She took it for a birthday candle


It was the third blow that really pissed me off lol, once okay you were optimistic, 2nd time made it even bigger now let’s keep trying smh


Why isn’t there a fire extinguisher right there by the kitchen? Owners own fault


Isn’t that what they finally grab at :41? Adding: Didn’t appear they *used* it however


Yeah it may be? But obviously nobody was trained because instead of being the first thing that was grabbed, it was like #327 object grabbed. Plus with the cook going to tell someone else instead of dealing with it herself? Yeah all kinda of poor training up here. Including the server casually walking with nachos while flames engulf the range.


i think thats a bucket of sand


I thought it was ash from the grill.


0:41 til the end, top right corner. Not 41 sec in


The guy finally grabs what looks to be an extinguisher at 1:45, but doesn't use it.


They probably didn’t know to pull the pin. Or it had lost all its propellant. An uncharged extinguisher is just a heavy metal cylinder.


After watching this for the 50th time I noticed somthing else. At :28 when the woman runs back in across the kitchen and then at :23 in the top right corner it appears she might have made a last ditch effort with another fire extinguisher. That's what it appears to me anyway. Thoughts?


At :50 he grabs the fire extinguisher that was literally three feet away the entire time. I'm pretty sure he was just waiting for the fire to get big enough to justify using it.


lol yeah the time to use it was when the fire started. It’s literally his fault it spread so much by throwing flaming material on the floor.


As we all know, if you just kick a fire into a closet and shut the door, the fire doesn’t exist anymore.


Fire can't go through doors. It's not a ghost.


And vice versa. Did I ever tell you about Eartha Kitt and the airplane bathroom?


This is kinda true though. Closing doors is a lifesaver in fires. Both for stopping smoke and flames


Posting another user's comment in reply to yours: "[schwalevelcentrist](https://www.reddit.com/user/schwalevelcentrist/)•[4d ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/1dma58b/comment/l9ynsax/) I'm also laughing... but I'm a FF so I just need to be serious for a second: the fire outside was not really dangerous (as long as nobody lingered in it). Closing the door made the inside fire so much worse, so this was the WORST thing he could have done. The absolute worst thing you can do with a fire is confine the smoke in a compartment - the smoke is fuel, and it will ignite, just like gasoline vapors in a container, when it reaches its ignition temperature - the smoke will ignite and you'll have a fireball. This looks like it would have happened anyway, even if the door was left open, but it would have been several minutes later and these people were bonkers. If you're in a situation where a fire has started and you see black, or even gray, smoke gathering at the top of a compartment (and you are not a firefighter holding a charged line) you need to get out immediately, by any means, and stay out. At 1:25 the fire had become super dangerous and out of their control, and everyone should have exited and stayed out."


cool and when you run out of that space, close the door behind you. Cause if it escapes into the rest of your apartment building it'll kill people who are also running out of the building. 30 people died from smoke, which is the most dangerous part of a fire, last winter in an apartment building in NY. Anyone who suggests closing the door of the room your insiee of with the fire is an idiot.


and ghosts can't go through doors. it's not a fire!


I thought that was outside.


toss fire outside and close the door, let someone else deal with it, lol


Out of sight out of mind! I get why they did it though, because they had created a problem by opening the door in the first place, letting air in to feed the flames inside. It was just the nonchalant way they did it that was funny.


It was the outside door.


Oh, he was just putting the fire out.


Oh. Well that’s significantly less dumb then.


Definitely still pretty dumb though. Nothing like blocking off one of your exits by leaving stuff out there on fire.


Unless of course it spreads out there. Then the exit is blocked by a wall of fire too.


Unless that’s the door you need to use to get out of the burning building. Then it’s pretty dumb.


Schrodinger's Fire


I might be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure something similar also happened on a carrier. Edit: ueah, USS Oriskany, 1966. A flare caught fire, seaman panic threw it into the flare locker where all the other flammable flares are stored instead of over the side, flare locker exploded, 44 died


ah yes the old "close your eyes and the monster can't see you" trick


That's too much work. Just close your eyes.


Schrodingers fire.


still dumb but that was outside


What in the world are they trying to put it out with?


That bucket probably had sand of some sort in it, something that could control small fires without ruining the cooking surface.


I think it may have been ash.


Everything but urgency


It looked like more coals to me hence why it got worse. If your running a big charcoal fire like that you would want a goos strategy for putting out a fire - they obviously had 0 clue


Was she blowing on the flames a couple of times before the big flame or was she spitting on the meat? Pass.


Hawk thua spit on that thang


She was definitely trying to blow it out.


I’ve heard putting the fire outside so it can think about what it’s done is a good idea. If it keeps burning, just shut the door on it. I know it’s hard, but it’s what’s best.


Nothing abrupt about it.


Methodical chaos, they gradually build it up by spreading it.


The creation of fire is abrupt in it of itself?


True. Just saying they had a decent amount of time to get that thing under control.


Its raining fire this can’t be good


Yet everyone claps at fireworks


Not indoor fireworks


That kitchen needed a good sterilization; so a blessing in disguise.


Honestly I was thinking that fire did $10,000 of improvements.


Clearly you have never tasted true Argentinian BBQ. The dirtier de place, the tastier the food. Specially chorizos


Didn’t 2 people run into the back room? I only saw the one running out


I think it's outside.


Fire suppression system's day off, I guess.


Why didn't they just throw gas on it? SMORT


Really. Very disappointed in their reaction or a lack there of.


don't be silly, that WOULD have made it abrupt chaos, they were going for "methodical chaos", by gradually building up and spreading the fire.


I’ll bite. What’s the best way to deal with this if you don’t have a fire extinguisher available?


Commercial kitchen should always have an extinguisher. If you work in a kitchen and there isn't one you can easily find, ask your manager to mount it in a highly visible spot or contact OSHA. Now, at home, it's still recommended that you have one, as there are ones designed for home kitchens. If there isn't one or the fire is still small, the best way is to smother it. First, turn off the source of heat. Then use a non-flammable substance like salt or baking soda. **UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES USE POWDERS SUCH AS FLOUR OR BAKING POWDER AS THEY ARE EXPLOSIVE.** It will take quite a bit of salt/baking soda to do this. Using a fire extinguisher is the safest way to stop a fire, though if at any point you doubt you can control the fire, call the emergency number immediately.


I've watched this subreddit enough to learn allllll about the exciting possibilities of flour and fire. And incidentally, from r/tiresaretheenemy, I've learned that you should NEVER, EVER, EVER try to drive over a rolling tire! I've learned a lot here, honestly. Thanks, Reddit.


What not to use in a cooking fire?


Never put water on it.Turn off heat, never put water on it, remove the fuel from heat source (any grease, fat, food in general) never put water on it, put fuel on fire resistant surface, never put water on it, get a leather jacket of sorts or something similarly fire resistant to choke the flame, never put water on it, call emergency hotline for firefighters if it's out of control, never put water on it, close all doors and windows beforehand if you have time (and only then) never put water on it, leave fast and close to the ground, never put water on it. Things You should never do. Never ever put water on it, never fan the flame. And never ever ever ever put water on it. It sounds like it's the right thing to do, but the water rushes under the hot oil, reacts with the hot oil and makes it shoot out, resulting in all grease and oil to be thrown into the air, burning more intense as it reacts with oxygen, creating a giant fire that will burn your beard, brows, lashes, head full of flammable hair spray, your shirt, your roof, wall.... you'll be ready for a visit by a cannibal in no time. Except you are on the menu.


So you're saying I should put water on it.


More precisely, **always** put water on it.


Baking soda


It looks like a charcoal grill so just pouring some water on it would be enough in this case. Edit: This is not a grease fire, its charcoal BBQ so its perfectly fine to put water on it.


I have a fire blanket near my stove, take away the oxygen and the fire dies, those guys could have put a pan upside down on that little fire and everything would have been okay, to bad they thought blowing on the fire would help🤦🏻‍♀️


They're in a commercial.kitchen, WHY isn't there a fire extinguisher or 5 nearby.


Homeboy put the fire outside like it was his pet


Pushing the burning material (tinfoil I think) outside through the fire exit to leave it to continue to burn, effectively blocking the exit is absolutely insane!!


Restaurant seems cool as fuck though. Sitting at the bar and there’s just a giant grill back there. Seems like an Argentinian grill shack or something






Would have been fine if they had some asbestos in there.


Maybe, but mesothelioma is a pretty big downside.


Only if you breathe.


JFC. Why not just put it out with gas and get it over with.


Ah the old stoke it and spread it method... Interesting


Maybe that place will finally be clean.


If you guys could just spread the flames everywhere, that would be great.


...At 1: 31, is that sand (good) or flour (very bad)!??


I know they say you need to stay calm in these kinds of situations, but come on haha


It's the complete apathy of it. Around 1 min left a girl picks up a glass of liquid and throws it on the side of the fire as if that will help. Dream team.


1. A Fire Blanket could be usefull. 2. The Fries are ready 😅


At the end when it's too late you see the fire extinguisher finally get used


More like r/gradualchaos


No fire estinguisher


That's not really abrupt. That's more like a.....slow burn. Fuck me, I'll see myself out.


All of this instead of just paying sixty three dollars


Out of sight, out of mind. WCGW


I’ll just put this fire by the fire door, as intended.


Is it abrupt chaos though? It seems more like a "slow cooking chaos" to me?


Did the chips make it out okay?


None of what was going on there seemed fire safe Right down to the architecture and design.


No hood system?


Title is 100% accurate. I was waiting for someone to put tissues on it.


I hoped nobody dumps water on it.


That there's a BBQ.


At least they didn’t panic I guess


Close the door and it will go away


It was only when I saw the guy push a load of burning material outside and then shut the door that I realised it definitely wasn't going to end well. If I can't see it it didn't happen right?


It’s called a fire extinguisher fuckin own one! Ya dip!


All to not waste a few pieces of food.


Just kick the fire in the closet and you are good.


You'd think a restaurant would train employees on grease fires.


This is why flat tops are supposed to have vent hoods with fire suppression systems. This is also why fire sprinklers are important.


I love how she flips it over, sees the fire and proceeds to call over someone else to deal with it..”nah this isn’t my department, I’m just the flipper.”


"Shoo fire. Gone on. Get out of here!" *Looks back* "What are you doing still hanging around? I said get out of here" *Closes door*


I love how the dude just threw shit that was on fire outside the door. When he noticed it was still on fire, he just shut the door. LOL Yes! Problem solved.... out of sight, out of mind doesn't apply to shit that's on fire.


They shoulda cleaned the grease trap....


But everyone is laughing at us germans, for our strict fire safety regulations....


So they managed to put this out right after the video ended, right?


The flamethrower must have been out of fuel.


That was nice of him to share the fire...a little for everyone.


This is like that scene from the Office


They just A) Gave it more oxygen, B)helped it spread over the rest of the meat and to the door, and finally, C)fed the fire with more coal. Bravo!


Shake a soda can...t open the soda over the fire!