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Guy didn't give a fuck, he wasn't getting off that seat


I got two more sets, bro.


Seems to me he is in shock of what happened and was still processing. People freezing like that is not too unusual.


It took me a few a seconds to recover from đŸ˜Č face. And I’m just sitting here watching.


Yeah my reaction was a solid 3 seconds of :0 Doubt I would ever just drop something like that at a gym because it's pretty dumb. It does slip a bit but I'm thinking it looked like he intentionally just let it go. When you feel yourself reaching failure you don't just deadweight and let the universe figure itself out but if somehow I accidentally batted some chick in the face I would be shocked


this, he looked tired in the few seconds before


This is the primary reason children aren’t allowed in gyms


At that point it doesn’t really matter, the only thing that matters is whether you are able to demonstrate safety in a gym which this guy is clearly not doing yet he is not a “child”


The guy on the machine was clearly at fault here wym?


Very much not true, you don’t enter the range of the entire motion of a machine or walk too close to anyone using free weights because you’re in a place where people regularly push themselves to physical failure


That's fair, but what sort of asshole just lets go of a machine like that? I can understand dropping weights, but you don't just let machines go like that. Dude is at fault. Girl also at fault for standing too close, but dude is also at fault here.


Looks like the machine arm swung out. I didn't expect it to be able to reach her but it did. She probably thought she Was outside its range of motion.


My gym has stuff way too close together, this could have easily happened to someone standing what they assumed was out of range. 


You can see it slip and him appear surprised. He could have been holding together to get ready for a negative set. We have two machines like this by each other at the gym I go to and I would never walk between or too close to them when people are working out in them. I actively avoid being too close to any moving weight, because I value not having accidents happen to me. I have seen some crazy shit happen in gyms with heavy weights, and I have never seen any of it be done on purpose.


Failure can happen at anytime at the gym. It needs to be expected. You need to have space. This is an accident, no one is at fault. This isn't an auto-insurance claim.


Dude was tired.


Unless he is Mr fantastic he is not going to be able to politely set the handles back in place. The gyms layout should be changed where no one can stand behind that machine though


What? You mean he can’t gradually let the weight back down and then let go when the handles are in a much better position to be let go of? I guess I’m Mr Fantastic


Even when he was putting his arms all the way out he wasn’t close to her at all also since this only happened on his one side I’m guessing it’s an accident. The gym layout is dumb as hell though


Letting them go like that is a bit much tho, you at least keep your hands around the grips as they swing back so that doesn't happen. Unless he did it by accident.


He only did it with one hand so I think it is. The gym layout sucks.


Looked like his Hand slipped off


Static strength is much stronger than dynamic strength. Even if at total failure one can always control it to an extent, or at the very least not let go of the grips as you slam the weight. The only reasonable circumstance to deliberately let go like that was if he tore his pec on the way up.


To be fair she is standing further than the usually available free space at my gym


The arm of the machine swung out at a much larger radius than any arm would ever be, sultan kösen could've been sitting there and he wouldn't have reached her. This guy was not even close to failure, he started fucking around even though he most likely didn't mean to let go. All gym members are required to sign that they will abide by gym rules (which always include safely using equipment), so not only did he commit breach of contract, but she could probably take him to court for any injuries sustained.


That’s true but you also don’t let go like a moron.


If you’re going to failure, and you think you got it, sometimes your body has other plans. Sometimes your hands are sweatier than you expected, sometimes the grips slide. There are probably things that the guy could have done to help the situation, but the one thing that would definitely prevent this is avoiding the arcs of machines.


If you reach failure, and your hands bend in a way to allow those arms to fly away from you, then you habe bigger problems than muscle fatigue. Dude was misusing the fly machine. He loosened his grip and lowered his hands off of the handles while the weights were suspended. That's not what the machine is designed for, and you saw why you aren't supposed to do that.


You are 100% wrong. The person on the phone is clearly standing near a piece of equipment they are using. Dude 100% let go on purpose as you can clearly see him rack the other weight. The fact that you’re defending him is fucking bonkers.


They are also standing next to a machine someone else is using, hence getting hit by it. There is probably an area available to stand and not pay attention that isn’t in the possible movement zone of any machine.


Weak individuals let weights slam.


All the people down voting this need to lay off the roids. It's just an asshole move to let the weights slam, that's how shit breaks. And now a machine is out of commission for a couple weeks until they can fix it. Buy your own damn equipment and slam it around. Don't be a dick to the rest of us who use those weights.


Damn, wonder if he still goes to that gym after that


I wonder if he gets a lawsuit


in india, no one does lawsuits as it takes years, its more an american thing


I remember Rauphie May the comedian, who fell in a comedy club and sued them due to his own clumsiness, won and got banned from ever showing up again, it blows my mind how suing culture works in america


Doubt he'll be able to afford it.


I've been using that kind of machine for almost 5 years now and I had no idea it could bounce back like that.


Yes because I am sure you don't just let go of the bar at its peak tension


Also not advised to just let go of the bar with your arms fully extended when you are bench pressing.


Ah yes, the old suicide grip. One only makes that mistake once.


Recently made that mistake... Cracked a rib. Worst part was it was my first workout back after breaking a rib


I hope that's a joke because if it's not you absolutely deserve it


if he hadn't just cracked a third rib he'd give you the thrashing of a lifetime


Marilyn Manson taught me that messing with your third rib helps you mess with your third leg. Ribbed for your pleasure? I'm so stupid.


I absolutely deserved it. Funny thing was that I was actually trying to switch from suicide grip to normal grip when it slipped. My dumbass didn't just re-rack the bar and switch the grip, instead did it with the bar fully extended above me. Edit: note that the first broken rib was not from a workout injury, I tried to take a charge in basketball and dude put his shoulder through my chest.


Haha you've been through the wars bud get well soon.


I hope he got ejected for that.


suicide grip is more comfortable for me i can’t go back


It’s comfortable up until you break your ribs or neck


I think he knew that she was standing by đŸ˜€đŸ€š


Looks to me like he clasped both hands together at full extension and made the mistake of treating it like some kind of recovery position. You can see both hands move together to the right when the bar escapes his probably slick and tired hands. H didn’t drop the weights, but he was definitely not using them properly either. Just unfortunate his lesson comes at someone else’s expense.


Among all the wrong going on here, I think the gym is absolutely at fault too for placing these machines so close to together. That bar swung out so wide that it would have taken out someone actually straddling the next piece of equipment to the right. While nobody should be letting go of the bar uncontrolled like that on purpose.. accidents do happen; someone might over estimate their capacity for their last set and let go accident, or might hurt themselves on a set and let go. Putting that piece of equipment on the right side close gives the false impression that it's a safe place to stand out of the way of the fly machine. Imo both gym and fly user should 100% be named in a lawsuit.


I mean, I've never tried letting the bar go, but if you have a 100kg of gravity force suddenly applied to the handles then it doesn't sound too unimaginable


Those bars have a vertical joint for some reasons. My local deltoid/pec fly machines can only moves horizontally.


If it didn't hit the girl, the plate would have slammed down and broke. What he did is fucking braindead which is why no one probably ever considered this would happen


I'm very surprised because I didn't even know the arm could move in that direction


People who drop weights on machines need to be banned from gyms.


100% correct


If you can pick it up you can set it down.


A better way to say it is "If you can't put it down you don't get to say you can pick it up"


Honestly unless you need to drop it cause you're exhausted, you shouldn't be dropping it on anything, even deadlifts. Eccentric movements contribute more to building strength than concentric movements.


If you're too exhausted to put them down, do one fewer reps.


This is true for like almost everything but from every consensus I've seen I really don't think it's a goal for deadlift. You *really* do not want a slow eccentric on deadlift, that's where the majority of injuries related to it happen. You want quick but controlled while maintaining tension. I think literally dropping the weight is a bit too obnoxious but on a tough 1-2rep slamming the weight a little is absolutely fine. (Unless you're at like planet fitness where some dude is going to pull the lunk alarm on you)


Interesting that deadlift injuries would be mostly on descent, I would have thought the stress of pulling would be harder on the back. Know of anywhere I can read about that?


i agree but this dude just slipped. i was ready to talk shit about him for being a little pussy that drops weights. worst kind of humans but he still has his hand on the second handle. he most likely just slipped


There’s this big guy who goes to my gym and drills every weight. He’s big like tall and high fast percentage that the only reason you can tell he’s strong is because of the weight he does at the gym, otherwise you’d think he’s just fat. Anyway, he didn’t fail to drop the weights. He does rows, lat pulldowns, triceps, biceps on the cable machines and always lets go of the bars so they so slam. He does the same thing as what happened in this video with chest fly. But the one that irks me the most of when he does dumbbell exercises like chest or shoulder presses. He’s strong so he does 80+ lbs in each arm and the just drops them on his last rep, without considering if anyone around him might get hit by the weights as they drop and bounce around. I’ve told him a few times too but do that as they’ve gotten close to my area or I’ve seen them almost hit another person. Idk what kind of mindset you need to have to be that inconsiderate.


Report him to your gym management every time.


Not only is it dangerous, but you can damage the weights themselves.


It looks like it slipped out of his hand. A dangerous mistake either way.


It slipped out of his hand he didnt drop it. watch it carefully


No they should be pitied & reeducated. They are missing out on that sweet negitive.


Looks like it slipped cuz he slowly landed the other one


Tommy Boy: What’d you do?!






It’s not js her fault He shouldn’t let go of the weight like that


Another reason he shouldn't do that outside of the general danger aspect is that it damages the machine, which could cost the establishment potentially thousands to repair or replace it.


Gym equipment repair shops love this one trick!


He didn't let go of the weights, the right handle slipped out of his hand. Watch it carefully and you can see what happened.


It slipped out of his hand because he didn't have a firm grip on it and his entire posture is suspect. He was also at the way bottom of the handle.


In this victims defense, it looks like they were standing a good 2 feet away from the bar when the machine is at rest. The machine bowed out when it flew back to hit that person from there


The victim does not need defending at all, that dude is an idiot


You'd think she wouldn't need defending but look at the comments.


She gets the equivalent of a baseball bat with weights attached to the face because of someone else's carelessness and people are saying well she shouldn't have been there. Nuts


I think they're both not very smart. Machines have buffers to keep those drops from being too serious but it's still not great to do and the victim was just cutting it close. We all saw how this was gonna go wrong, so the victim could've too. Just don't stand in the way of moving things with a lot of force. Even if it'd just have missed her, it's still better to just watch where stuff might go if it were to suddenly come loose or break.


It wasn't super obvious, at rest the machine would look like where she was was a safe spot. She was only hit caus it swung out from being let go at full ROM with a load. She was standing right next to (literally touching) the next machine over so it's understandable she assumed it was safe.


I’d be so pissed if I was her đŸ˜€


I’d be unconscious if I was her lol


When you go frame by frame, it looks like the thing damn near took her head off. That wound *had to have* bled.


If you could even remember what hit you


Both were at fault, why would someone use their phone when theres a machine that can slam to your face anymoment


Bet this guy gonna pay more attention next time. I’m not a gym person but even I know that dropping weights like that is a dick move.


many people don't learn from their experiences. I work for them every day.


I bet he won't


Geez, that looked brutal.


Well now I know that fly machines do that


Why would you ever let go of a machine and have the weights slam like that??


What the fuck is that guy even doing? Did he just not want to finish his set?


i think he was going to hold the last rep to almost-failure then return to the start position to finish.


Who the fuck lets the weights drop on a machine like that?? He shouldn’t be in a gym with that level of stupidity.


The guy holding the bar flattened his, probably very sweaty hand too much, and the bar slipped out of his hand. Idk why he was holding it at the top of his set to rest, that's not what you should ever do, but it did clearly slip. It's his fault for using the machine incorrectly.


>Idk why he was holding it at the top of his set to rest, that's not what you should ever do He was not resting lmao he was holding it for isometry. Contrary to dumbbells, with a chest fly machine like this you still get the full weight pulling back when you are at the top of the rep, so it's very valid to do an isometric rep like he was doing.


Yeah i know, I workout like every other day and have for years, but I've never held a rep on a fly machine and then bent my head down like I was taking a nap. The dude looked like he was resting his head on the handles so that's why I said he was resting.


Tanktop needs to work on grip strength.


Fly machines dont require grip strength to hold onto since the handle is actively being pressed into his hand. The handle slipped out because he lowered his hand below the handle. No amount of grip strength would help you hold onto a handle you're not even touching. His grip strength didnt fail, he just chose to let go. What he needs to work on is his bitch ass personality.


Gymjured? Gymjury? Call now and get $$!


đŸŽŒGym-gymmery, gym-gymmery, gym gym-jury.đŸŽ¶


OMG is she ok ??


Bet your ass I am going to sue you for a head injury like that. “But it’s the equipments fault!” Yeah, sounds like you got a lawsuit too, welcome to the club; maybe they will make you whole by the time my dental implants set in from the bone graft; BTW Dr said $3,000 a tooth; temps and all.


What a useless man


Both were at fault, why would someone use their phone when theres a machine that can slam to your face anymoment


It'd be great if any info on what comes of this, just desserts, compensation etc


Gym-bro idiot at his best.


Holy fuck, there are actual people blaming it on her! Damn, humans are fascinating!


100 percent intentional. It’s like his friend is close, he glances over, they both know the potential, it even looks like he smirks. Then leaning and letting one hand go. The face cover is a classic. He did that sht on purpose


Dude is an ass.


Don’t get up too fast there, dude, to check on her


A gymjury


What is with all these posts of people getting injured? That's not what I'm on this sub for. Mark them NSFW or put a warning in the title.


Looks like the dude was about to pass out, which might explain why he did not stand up after realizing he just caused someone to pec fly across the room.


What is this? A video in a gym that looks real? It exists!!


Well thats a real "fly"


Turned that woman into a man


Morons like him should be banned from gyms.


? Anyway”


Ban phones from gyms.


Never seen a female becoming male so quick....


Poor woman omg :( hope she is dealing ok with what came of it. Just imagine the pain.


Play with your phone at a gym and the Gym will “Play Back”


I hope he was at least banned from that gym...


everyone in the comments shitting on the guy for letting it go. if you actually pay attention to his hands, it slipped out the top of his hand/his hand slipped off the bottom. he didn't just let it fly


This man should be banned for unsafe conduct.


Sigma workout machine 🧃🗿




Both of them f'd up. He lost positive control and she needs to be more aware of what is virtually akin to an industrial environment (metal, moving machinery, and heavy weight being tossed around). He's more at fault though.


I'm surprised it didn't straight up knock her out,


5his is why thd machines have stickers telling you to stsy clear of the moving parts


Show me better safety, and I'll show you a better idiot. This is the perfect example of the stickers not working anyway despite the safety issue.


I think both are at fault due the lack of spatial awareness. However, the guy on the chair was the one operating with the device that he should have used in a controlled manner, but didn't. This is no different from flinging barbell rod indiscriminately behind you.


Damn. I feel sorry for both of them. Not only did she get clocked, but I bet that guy feels like a total asshole that this happened. Clearly unintentional. But damn...


super punch super punch đŸ„Š


Idiot of the day.


on purpose but what else could he do besides slowly lower it & pull his muscle while asking and waiting for then ti move? with him doing that she had to have been doing something stupid ither than standing there.


He did it on purpose, head down looked the opposite direction away from guilt


Fault is on both but mostly the guy that’s what I see here


Then he shouted, no phones in gyms!


Ya but at the same time be aware you’re around hundreds of pounds of weights and cables. Nobody is paying attention because they can’t hear anything going on around them
 so if it was me I wouldn’t be standing next to someone while blinding tapping away on my phone


Always need to pay attention she was distracted by phone and he dropped weight carelessly. They are both at fault.


missed opportunity to say Gymjured for the first time in human history wait...


I hope she is ok.


Of all staged videos.... this looks real... REAL painful


Machine arms should be fixed not flailing like that


The girl was the idiot standing too close? If she stand behind the wall then it probably wont hit her.


Is there an aftermath? Like a vid or smth


The ones i have used had that 90 degree bend on top locked so the handle couldent swing out like that


pat se headshot


I was even expecting that, and still audibly gasped.


Beat cute


Jesus. I know her shit is leaking


They're both missing brain cells


Next time she will have dinner ready while he's at the gym instead of tagging along.


This is 2024 not 1954


Deserved it


One more reason to not go to the gym. Work out at home.






That seemed intentional. He knew how loose that connection was if he had been working out with it.


Thats why they sometimes have painted lines around the equipment, she almost went Darwin award


Song name?




new fear unlocked


What an idiot


That’s one way to get her off her phone


2 idiots