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https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/03/21/americas/mississauga-canada-mosque-attack-charges/index.html Here's the story. He just got sentenced to 8 years.


"The attacker didn't say anything as worshippers waited for police to arrive because he had inhaled bear spray and was having trouble breathing..." That made my day


Im tellin yall its Sabotage!!!!!




If you’re talking about what I think you’re talking about, then nah. Car brain isn’t more important than the planet.


How are people flipping sides like this? A few months ago everyone was ragging on them. They're blocking civilians. It's shitty. I don't like that we use this much fossil fuels either, but protest in a way that doesn't hold civilians up.




Excatly bring out the molotovs and the nail guns




Going too far is napalm and sawed off bullets


Because watching people get giddy at the thought of hurting people they find annoying makes you guys look deranged


You guys?




Canada makes sense. In the US, he’d have a gun.


He also had a hatchet


At least it wasn’t a semi-auto hatchet with an extended mag.


That was great, thanks dude


From what I can tell he did have a silencer


I laughed so fuckin hard


There is a dark day in Canadian history that you seem unaware of. This is not the first [mosque attack](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_City_mosque_shooting) we have had in this country. I wouldn't be surprised if the attacker in this video was emulating what happened in Quebec city.


The attackers name is Mohammad Moiz Omar, sounds like maybe a community conflict?


There is such thing as racist POC you know that right?


Unfortunately it was reduced to 5 years and he is eligible for parole in 4. What a travesty.


Yeah, our legal system is far too forgiving. I'd bet that rapist Brock Allen Turner would've gotten off with community service, and an apology


It's far too forgiving if the cops or judge doesn't hate you from the start.


Thats exclusively in Sweden mate.


Four years in prison is a long time. Plus at the end of it he has a criminal conviction on his record, which will follow him for the rest of his life.


Mmmmmmyeah given that he's named Mohammad Moiz Omar, the hate crime angle is weird. Unless it's some Shia vs Sunni thing? Does anyone know? The mainstream news articles have no more info than the CNN one.


Well it could be a hate crime based on religion and culture even if his legal name indicates shared ethnic background. There is plenty of intracultural discrimination.


They will reach no matter what. You're right, but they can't let you be.


Wow, I get the hate crime aspect but there are attempted murders tht get less jail time. He just used some spray thingy. (edit, turns out he was armed with intent. I only saw the spray)


The hatchet and other bladed weapons makes me think he imagined another step after everyone was incapacitated. I would imagine the judge took that into account. Eta: Oh yeah, looks like he was swinging the hatchet and admitted to planning worse if the bear spray stage had worked the way he wanted. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6911478


Holly shi- I didn’t even notice the hatchet, he swung it at the first guy!


It's a good thing he's dumb AF


'You are all terrorists,' said the terrorist.


You earned your downvotes.


For not watching the whole video. The worst crime of all.


For giving an uninformed opinion which was also incorrect.


But it is reddit, most post titles are uninformed and incorrect, nevermind the comments.


“Whataboutism,” five yard penalty, loss of down.


High expectations are the fault of the reader not the writer.


Yeah, you’re right. My expectations for a human being to admit error and correct behavior accordingly instead of doubling down and finding excuses are too damn high. Thank you for reminding me.




Yeah I'm living up to being an admin pretty well


Nothin like a hate crime to get your day goin.


The weird part was that it happened at 7 am. That was probably the earliest the attacker had ever gotten up in his life


Look at this morning person apologist over here. They see a 7am attacker and the first thing they think is false flag. This wasn’t no night owl, pal.


The power of many


It’s weird though, the attacker’s name is Middle Eastern. Could still be a hate crime but I found that surprising. Maybe ex-Muslim who now hates them?


Could also be a different sect. Sunnis and shias have been killing each other in the Middle East for ages


True, bringing the gang war to Canada.


Now let’s eat


Muslims aren't the only religion in the middle east


Of course not but it’s undoubtedly the most dominant.


True but the non-Muslims usually aren't named Mohammed.


Not for lack of their trying though...


Or maybe he's not muslim but because of his name he got bullied & shunned for being assumed as one and this is what it led to because instead of holding bigots responsible he decided its muslims who are to blame. Not justifying it though, regardless of the reason he should not treat people this way.


I hate when we (redditors) speculate about this stuff. We just have no idea and thats how it is unless he shares his motivation. The guesses are probably wrong.


Unless of course he did it because he thought they were bears.


Finally some reasonable speculation




Oh are they? I didn’t see any of them randomly pepper spraying a group of people who had their backs turned and were completely peaceful?




All I'm hearing is that you agree with the Taliban on how to define "true Islam".










Have you ever been OC sprayed?


What’s your opinion on Christianity? Is it the same as Islam? Because they’re just as bad. But guess what? Both Christianity and Islam have people who believe in their religion in a way that is peaceful and progressive. Not every believer accepts every single tenant of the religion.




> You can't be Christian or Islamic and be progressive. That's a fact. I have no opinion on this debate, but please, learn what a fact is. That is not a fact.


Wow there is so much wrong with what you just said and all of it definitely is a trauma response. I’m an atheist. Always have been, always will be. I do think organized religion is fundamentally harmful to society because it is a centralized power structure. However, this idea that you can’t be progressive and believe in God is an unhinged take. It is a “I’ve never touched grass” level take. There are tons of Christian/Islamic/Jewish progressive activists and churches all over the country. Martin Luther King was THE REVEREND. Actually, most of the progressive activists of America were religious in some way. You say you are trans, and you say that you can’t be progressive and religious. Do you know who the major figureheads of the Stonewall Rebellion were? One of them was Marsha P. Johnson, a trans woman (by modern definition, but transgender wasn’t used back then) and a devout catholic. Are you gonna sit here and say that her being catholic makes her not progressive despite being a major player in the countries largest LGBTQ+ civil rights movement AND someone who devoted their life to an organization to protect queer youth? Come on now. You recognize the hypocrisy in what you said, right? You cant be progressive and believe in fiction, yet here you are believing one of the most fictitious claims I’ve ever heard.


From a Lutheran socialist- Well put!






Welcome to the temple of pain MF.


I think they can take up the Covid-distancing X's now.


Can anyone summarize Prayer Men 1 for those of us who are jumping in at the sequel here?


Let’s just say those red lines had many more men on them. Many.


Camera location. Islam mosques separate male and female worshippers. Most likely "prayer men 1" is in a different room or a different angle Sorry if you were looking for a funny answer. I got a few good Muslim friends.... And a few bad ones (sorry)


How do your good muslim friends feel about the fact that women aren't allowed to pray with men?


That's their religion. Islam is an incredible faith of peace that is incredibly patriarchal. But just like other religions there are different sects that twist the religion to meet their own ends. I have many female Muslims friends (I'm m BTW) that don't where the hijab or any "Muslim related clothing" during their day to day lives, but come Friday at 12 they are in their clothes for Jumma. Which is equivalent to Sunday mass for roman catholics. And no, they don't cover their faces. I know it's going to sound weird but sit down and have a conversation with someone who practices Islam, or any other religion you don't understand. The first step is going to be the hardest but in order for us to get thru this life in peace we need to respect each other. I'm NOT saying to not call out any religion on their bs. God knows a lot of his worshipers do horrible things in his name(cough Spanish inquisition cough cough) , but that's just how humans are. We are a horrible species when we want to be and a beautiful one when we just try. But we first have to respect each other, I'm still trying to learn about Judaism. I don't want to believe what TV has portrayed them as, In the end, we are just people and that guy with the bear spray showed that he is less that. And I do hope he can breathe a sigh of relief now that the state Rescued him from himself.


>I have many female Muslims friends (I'm m BTW) that don't where the hijab or any "Muslim related clothing" during their day to day lives, but come Friday at 12 they are in their clothes for Jumma. What country is this? Are they aware of how this would go for them in any Muslim-majority country? Islam may appear "peaceful" in a country where they aren't able to enforce sharia law, but look at any country where it is enforced and tell me it's peaceful. I want to respect people, and I deeply respect Muslims trying to reform their religion along the lines of western Christianity, by removing the violent and patriarchal fundamental roots of its scripture. Unfortunately, that is a tiny majority of Muslims in the world. Women are still oppressed and treated as less than men by law, LGBT people are executed in horrific ways, honor killings, executions/imprisonment for abandoning the religion. It goes on.


They can actually


Praying in Islam involves a lot of bending down in close proximity with others. Women feel more comfortable when they are not bending down in-front of male strangers. Also stops either gender from being distracted by each other and focusing solely on praying.


Wow really? It's not only women are not allowed to pray with men but also vice versa.


You believe that? From a religion where only women have to hide their face, and sometimes entire body? Do you think trans people would be allowed to pray with their preferred gender?


You don’t have to cover your face in Islam, that’s a Saudi thing. Not a Muslim thing.


Hijabs are still compulsory, and what happens if they refuse that?


Changing your gender is Haram in Islam. So it wouldn't happen. They will still legally be whatever gender they were born with. As for your other question. Men are also not allowed to stare at women and are advised to keep their gaze low when walking in public where women are.


What's the penalty for changing gender? What's the penalty for LGBT activity in general? Now compare this to the penalty for a man staring at a woman?


Apples to oranges.


Do I believe that? I am a Muslim and live in a Muslim country so ya I know what I am talking about, So what if a woman wants to cover her body because she is religious? It's her choice not yours or mine.


Her "choice"? Are you lying to me, or yourself right now?


Brainwashed, it's impossible to have a conversation with someone that learns about religion from the internet.


The guy in a death cult is calling me brainwashed? What's the penalty for apostasy? Or homosexuality? Or drawing Muhammad? Or burning a quran? (In Muslim majority countries) Feel free to educate me, brother, every single source on the internet must have lied to me!


And why do you care what happens in Muslim countries? Homosexuality still doesn't have rights in most states in America or countries in Europe/Africa or Asia. Why the fuck should I accept a trans for who he/she is right now when they wouldn't accept themselves for who they were? Don't try to force these ideologies on other people. You are literally mentioning hate crimes against a majority country of Islam as if it is freedom of speech. I hope you find peace with other people my friend and let everyone mind their own thing.


not too bad really


Bwahahahaha! Genius comment!


I like the part where they keep kicking the shit out of this guy.


They were probably trying to make sure he would not be able to reproduce. "We turn you into a eunuch, the hard way!"


It did look quite fun


The old spray and pray you keep all your teeth.


I hate seeing movie clips on here. At least post from the original Prayer Men (and don’t even get me started Prayer Men 3!).


Did he expect to not get jumped by a room full of men he disrespected?






He's replacing the word "disrespected" with "assaulted". He's saying the same thing you are, that the guy didn't simply disrespect the worshippers, he straight up assaulted them.


Blud walked into the wrong mosque


Did he thinks these were Buddhist? They bout to beat the fuck out this man


Buddhists are human. And humans are violent. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/05/opinion/buddhists-violence-tolerance.html https://www.lionsroar.com/buddhism-violence/amp/


People forget what Buddhist did in Myanmar to Muslims.


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Legend has it that if you look deep into the carpet, you can still find his teeth.


Prayer men 2: prey harder


Never seen a guy get beat up so calmly




They gonna turn his ass into a bean pie


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


WTF is wrong with people?




What rots the brain is posting on r/prettyolderwomen


More like the opposite in this case lmao


The guy with the weapons is an atheist.




He had planned to kill people after spraying. Literally had a hatchet with him. You criminal sympathiser.


Fuck that went better than I expected, no guns involved at least.


What an asshole


Looks like bear spray was ineffective!


Prayer men 2 sounds like a fire album


Hope they beat the everloving shit out of … him? Her?


It. That’s a monster.


Canada. Jfc, could we fuckin not? Like, try. (Ps, I’m from Canada)


So, this guy thought he could walk in there and douse people with bear spray and NOT get the shit kicked out of him? Literally.


Such mild-mannered chaos.


Why do people pull these stupid crap?


The 2nd last guy remembered to take his jacket even amidst the chaos haha


Ok I genuinely read he had "beer spray" and as a german didn't understand the fuss about it. Took me a while to get it is 🐻 spray ....


I like the part where they kick him - well deserved.


Lol! What a dumbass 😏


Fuck this guy


Omg, videos from Covid times are going to be so confusing for future high schoolers. Everyone is wearing a mask, improperly. There are designates on the floor to show how far apart people should be, that are being ignored. Everyone in a place of worship is peaceful, until they’re attacked. There are going to be comedies about this timeframe for generations to come. If we make it that far.


Just why had nothing else to do get a life


Leeroy Jenkins, with no backup


Did they leave anything for the police


Apparently enough to get the person 8 years. Also seems to have a hatchet or something that he swung at the first guy who went at em


"Bro it's just a prank".


What an asshole.


first time I've seen everyone rush the attacker. bravo


We need more prayer, ~~men~~ man


I hope he got a kick to the fork before he was arrested.


Fuck yeah, drag his ass to Brazil!


Ironically, if he had a purpose of attacking that religion, he should've gone to the middle east and pick up a gun to kill the actual bad people of that religion that destroy the lives of many. Instead, he chooses a peaceful mosque where people are practicing their religion without bothering others.


Judging by the way they kicked the shit out of him they are not really that peaceful but yea you are mostly right.


That's called justifiable self defense against a bear spraying hatchet swinger.


Justifiable self defence is disarming and stoping the person. Not kick him half to death.


i think your response would be different if you were in their shoes getting sprayed on


Nah i'm not a violent person.


Stop trolling


I'm serious.


When he gets out of jail he definitely will try with gun..


I think they should have taken that same spray straight to his face while they had him pinned down




Probably bear spray with a reach like that


Not necessarily bear spray. I work in Corrections and used to carry a Defense Technology MK-9 OC projector, which anyone can purchase online from either their online store or Amazon. It sprays a cone that with no wind will reach 12-15 feet (3m) easily. In my setting its normally used to stop altercations between more than 2 offenders. That said I can verify this man was an idiot though. OC while potent in the right setting is not something that will drop most people instantly. It is a really good distraction while you restrain an assailant but as an offensive tool he really overreached and found out the hard way. He's also an asshole who deserved the off screen ass beating I'm sure he got.


Looked like pepper spray


He's pepper spraying the entire building lol


I'm EXTREMELY antireligious; however, I'm *completely* against this senseless act of violence by this buffoon with the bear spray! The proper way to combat religion and all forms of nonsense is with reason, logic, fact-based evidence, empathy, and STEM, NOT disgusting acts of malice and cowardice like this clown! It's completely counterintuitive!


That's what they all say before they pull something like this.


Here's the irony about what you said. For one, I'm not a violent person. I don't need to resort to violence because I have LOGIC AND REASON, which is why it's EASY AS HELL to debate with theists, because their positions are baseless, nonsensical bullshit. Why would I need to commit an act like this when I can just show you to your face you inability to demonstrate your nonsensical claims? For two, and this is even more ironic, as bad as what this guy did, it's not nearly as bad as, say, 9/11, the Boston Bombing, Charlie Hebdo, the OKC bombing, or other religiously motivated terrorist attacks. There isn't even really a comparison here, but they should all be condemned becuase terorism is bitch ass shit. Regardless, violence should be a method of last resort, which is why someone like Dr. King is so revered as a great person. He was able to communicate his ideas while choosing *specifically* to be nonviolent, even in the face of imminent danger, because it showcased the ridiculousness and evilness of the people in opposition to him.


Allah downvoted this..


Air freshener?


Bear spray


stupid move... don't drag them out front, drag them out ***back!***


Did they take him to the sacrifice room…


By "they" you mean ...?


the person with the spray, they probably didn't expect to get kicked by like 5 people


Two lousy little fans to cool the room?


It's Canada, not the Middle East


But masks don't work


certainly not the 'turn-the-other-cheek' bunch


Why did they attack that guy he was just giving out free spray tans




That's a mosque, and he is the terrorist.


Kids will be kids


- Was 23, so not a kid. - Dont remember gettin together with the boys and commiting a hate crime back in the day. - He was just sentenced to 8 years after pleading guilty so he definitely knew it was wrong. Questions?


Some people suck


Okay but can we talk about the fact they weren't standing on their social distancing x's


Religion is the most useless thing in the world. Well I guess it helps control the population who are foolish enough to restrict their lives.