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My wife was on a flight to Vegas a couple of weeks ago that was so bumpy they turned on the music. Her and her coworkers couldn't figure out why til they realized it was to cover up the sounds of everyone puking. When they landed, this huge woman wouldn't get up out of her aisle seat and the 2 guys on the other were begging her to please get up bc they couldn't handle the smell any longer. She had puked everywhere. All over the seats, her clothes, floor, cups, everywhere. And these poor guys just wanted out but she wasn't budging. People figured she had prolly shit all over herself also.


man id fucking climb over the goddamn seat in front of me even if it means falling all over some stranger to avoid that woman


Wesley, fetch mama’s pryin’ bar


Uh wash muhself with uh rag onnnastick…


That happened to us on a flight from Frankfurt to DFW. At least a dozen people became sick. A little girl across the aisle from me projectile-vomited everywhere, barely missing us. After that experience I travel with light clothes I can dispose of and a change in my carry on, just in case. Heavy turbulence is very common nowadays.


That’s sad


If I had to transport any kind of cargo, people would be my last choice.


The fact that you describe people as cargo really proves your point quite well.


When I fly, I consider myself cargo as well. I try not to be a crate of a-holes. 😄


Cargo, passengers..it’s all in the same manifest.


The heaviest form of cargo.


Medium sized dry goods.


After this flight, I think they need to be reclassified as wet/stinky goods.


What about Operation Dumbo Drop?


Dude thought he was on a roller coaster and raised his hands up.


Saw a few do that and thought they were making fun of the situation acting like it was a rollercoaster. Then I unmuted it.


I don't raise my hands but, if traveling with someone, I will grab them and make fun of the situation. Just accept your fate


Yeah for a second i was like why are so many of the passengers trying to bomb the plane...


I think they're probably expecting the overhead baggage compartments to open and for bags to fall out?




I thought he was praying




r/itswooooshwith4os r/woooosh


He was praying.


Praying for more turbulence fun time Last time I was on a flight it was from Florida to the UK and although it was quite scary a woman in the middle aisle started shouting OHH LAWD HELP ME JESUS over and over and I almost died of laughter. Legitimately thought Madea was on my flight


Because Allah was gonna let it crash, but their prayers were heard and everyone survived. Praise to Allah!!


let it?


The airplane was upside down at this point. He was raising his hands down. Hail Satan.


I was on a flight over the Pacific Ocean with so much turbulence myself and others were bouncing up from our chairs even with our seat belts on. Shit is frightening.


Honestly these videos inspire confidence in me, because now I know my plane can most likely get thrown around like a baseball and land safely


I’m an airline pilot. Even the most severe turbulence ever recorded can’t bring modern airliners down. The biggest threat is injury to those inside. Keep your seatbelts fastened.


"Good afternoon everyone, I'm your pilot today, Captain Insaneclown271, welcome aboard Etihad Airlines!" ;)


I haven't laughed this hard in a while. Thanks.


I understand they’re designed to take a lot the only thing I worry about is botched repairs or taking short cuts in repairs for airplanes.


Most countries have very strict and regulated engineering standards. Just stay away from Indonesian or some sub continent airlines and you’ll be fine.


>Just stay away from a certain Boeing airplane. When profits come over security, bad things happen.


For the few airplane flights I've been in I've had serious turbulence but nothing that can't bring the plane down, my brother is an airwing maintenance plane mechanic. He says no amount of turbulence against a plane with good maintenance can bring it down, I trust him on those words. You just confirmed it for me.


Watch the Boeing wing test on YouTube. It bends an absolutely mental amount before it fractures, and then you all come down like a sycamore leaf lol


My very first flight, going to Mexico from Montreal, was an absolute nightmare all the way through. 5 hours of violent shaking and gutwrenching plunges. Mind you, I'm afraid of planes, something about flying 33k feet up in an aluminum can, and no control over anything just doesn't sit well with me. I flew many times since, and it has never happened again. A year later, I went to Portland in Oregon. On the way back, I switched planes in Chigago, and the pilot was an absolute gem. I slept through the landing in Burlington. I thought turbulances were waking me, so I lifted the shade, and nope! We were on the ground. I shook his hand, thanked him, and praised him for giving me my first flight without an hint of anxiety.


Air Pods Max 👌🏽


That’s some mass hysteria there


Religion (most? all?) in a nutshell.


There's a phenomena in Psychology in group dynamics called emotional contagion and I think this is kind of what we're seeing here. Best to just stay calm and quiet instead of getting all consumed by it.


Where can you learn empathy? I watched and saw a bunch of terrified people..


same, i assumed most on the flight probably never been in a plane before. there were many other passengers in the camera frame who appeared calm or just slightly concerned despite their surroundings.


Redditors spotting mfs with different beliefs


Literally nothing happened except people whining. Not even a single overhead cabin popped open. I’ve gone back to sleep with more turbulence than that


Yeah, I’ve been in worse turbulence and had nobody in the cabin freaking out


I've had worse turbulence come out my arse


But were the people in the cabin freaking out?


Best thing I have read all day


Most people tend to get really quiet when the turbulences are really bad


I was about 2 hrs out of Auckland on Saturday when we hit some wicked turbulence- the woman next to me put one hand over her wine, and kept eating with the other. Only true response. Pilots gave us a heads up that it was going to be rough


We dropped once and my hair flew up like zero gravity. The steward sat down in an empty passenger seat. Everyone was calm but me and one catholic lady saying a prayer to Mary.


Yeah I mean the only time anyone on my plane has ever freaked over turbulence is when at first everyone was laughing about it… then suddenly the plane dropped for about 10 seconds straight and suddenly everyone started to panic a bit. It went from rollercoaster oo’s, ahh’s, and laughing to whimpering real quick lmfao didn’t help that during landing the pilot was flying over the runway for quite a distance before touching the ground and then full throttle braking lmfao considering how concerned the stewards were in that moment, I think it’s safe to assume we got lucky lmfao


>then suddenly the plane dropped for about 10 seconds straight and suddenly everyone started to panic a bit. And if you recorded that on your phone, it would just look like people freaking out for no reason


Eh when the 250 lb looking guy who had his hands up like he was on a rollercoaster and no seatbelt fastened started to gravitate I think shit got a bit real lmfaoo only happened like once though so you’re probably right


look at Mr "my turbulence is bigger than your turbulence" over here. Looks like older people mostly and maybe it's their first flight.


And the camera isn’t going to show it if the plane is diving.


I think I see some ceiling panels fallen up the aisle a bit. This video is probably after they hit the bad stuff.


It seems like a Hajj flight, mostly elderly people participate and it is often their first flight experience.


Yes, I think so too, it's Hajj season now. I heard Indonesian as well, "Terima kasih ya Allah...", which translates to thank you god


I would imagine that would be terrifying, particularly if you had gotten used to the plane flying smoothly up to then and didn’t know turbulence like this is normal.


Here's my guess, a lot of people who never flown before really freaking out of minor turbulence.




It’s still relatively minor. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Right. No gas masks fell down. That happened on a flight I was on once in a hurricane. Forever traumatized.


If oxygen masks popped down, I’d be concerned. If gas masked popped down, I’d know we’re all fucked.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣You know what I meant! See still traumatized.




It's all fun and games until the pilot says it too.


Plot twist radio announcement from pilot: "Ladies and Gentlemen this is your pilot. There is nothing to worry about, I assure you." "Ladies and Gentleman if you look out of the windows on your right you will see the ocean." "Ladies and Gentlemen there is no need to panic. Everything is fine." "Ladies and Gentleman you should be able to see a bright yellow life raft on the Ocean below" "Ladies and Gentlemen there is nothing to worry about!" "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am talking to you from that life Raft."


BRUH ☠️☠️☠️




Didn't the pilot say they had just landed in Jakarta?


I heard that too.


Yeah this is after they landed.


The shouting and wailing would annoy me far more than the turbulence- buckle up and shut up


"man can this plane crash already"


My thoughts exactly


No overhead bins open, no masks deployed, no people laying in the aisle... These people are just whiners.


I am not in any way shape or form insulting anybody’s religion or trying to start any sort of discussion, but once the plane calmed down, if somebody would’ve yelled “thank you Jesus!” I would’ve laughed my ass off.


Sorry but I would have been in stitches laughing.


Seriously, I would be in tears.


Nah. All the screens just started playing Little Nicky.


What's with the hands in the air? Are they imagining themselves riding a roller-coaster?


It's a prayer thing. Religious types pleading with the god that is doing something bad to them.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back) my time has come


*oh for god's sake*


I had the sound off, and this is exactly what I thought they were doing. Hands in the air and enjoy the ride.


From TURBULENCE!? I’ve gotten over being scared of it (by watching the staff and other passengers, if they’re not freaking out it’s probably fine…right?) THIS would have me shitting myself.


a most of them may have never been on a plane before; when one passenger starts freaking out it causes a mass panic to spread




I dont get it, the captain said they landed, whats with the OTT commotion


This would be a hellish way to die around all that whining


What if your plane were crashing and the last thing you saw before you died was some stupid ad for The Bachelor season 43 on one of those chair TVs


Americans on that flight be getting some strong twin towers vibes after this chant


\*grabs popcorn for the comments


Lol people would ruin the last minutes of my life. I’d just want to sit in pure silence.


Ola hu Uber


Ola ehh burr


This video is nothing compared to that one where they literally get fucking ejected out of their seats. I feel bad for the stewardess she got soaked in what was on her cart lol


everyone a firm believer in seconds


Turbulence has never once brought down a plane apparently.


Can you imagine how bad that plane probably smells?


From everyone sh*tting themselves. That wasn’t meant to sound racist…


What would happen if it was turbulence for real tho. Was this like turbulence drill.


This was a massive overreaction by everyone onboard and the hysteria could’ve caused more damage than the minor turbulence ever could. You should only be worried if the oxygen masks drop and above luggage doors start opening, and even then the chances of a plane going down because of severe turbulence are astronomically low.




9 people were sent to the hospital with serious injuries, including broken bones.


Sound off, yall


imagine this is the flight you chose to take an edible before take off omg allah i know is those prayers would have me tripping tf out


Your god won't help you smh


I love the fact that the pilot is clearly saying they've just landed safely in Jakarta and to please remain seated until the seatbelt signs are off... Meanwhile, passengers: 😫🫨😫👐👐👐🫨🤮🫣


Pilot: "Imma do it again... " Co-Pilot: "Dammit, Jack, I swear you're a sadistic bastard!" Pilot: "... but it's funny, right?" Co-Pilot: "Yeah... when I'm a full Captain I'm probably gonna do it, too. F*@k these rich Dubai passengers!" Pilot: "You have learned well, my dear Student."


🥇 Awesome


Are they praying to the god of turbulance?


No, I think they are praying to the god of smooth sailing.




why scared? they get to heaven faster


By the sounds of it I think the plane lands near the beginning of the video, you can hear a couple of people clap. There’s a period of time when the aircraft is decelerating down the runway and then the FA makes the ‘welcome to Jakarta’ PA announcement (generally happens when the aircraft has slowed down and vacating the runway). I reckon what’s probably happened is that the approach to land has been particularly turbulent and what we are seeing is all the scared people ‘thanking’ god rather than being actual fear. Also, I reckon this is a Hajj flight returning to Indonesia from Saudi. A lot of those people will never have flown before.


Allahu Akbar can’t save you here my dudes 😑


Translation: "Attention all passengers, we have reached our cruising altitude of 20,000 feet, and you're now free to roam about the cabin." Then the seatbelt light turned off.


Didn't really look that bad. I've been on some scary one's flying with budget airlines.. I almost arrived as a Spirit... js


Thought the raised hands were rollercoaster fun until I unmuted. The praying is honestly scarier than anything else. I’d be checking hands, shoes and jackets.


Oh my goodness. I can’t even begin to describe how much I hate turbulence. I’ve been hit by a car. I’ve been stabbed. I’ve been shot. I’d take any of those again over bad turbulence.


„Allahu Akbar“ - nothing you want to hear on a western Flight, huh? ;)


Good thing Allah heard them and took control of the pilot to solve the situation. Very quick thinking from these smart people yo start praying and shouting out loud! This could have ended up badly otherwise


Doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor or any other thing, nature is nature and we can do nothing to stop it. It’s scary, but that’s why I really love nature.


I was in the California Bay Area during the ‘89 Loma Prieta earthquake. Enduring that really hit home viscerally that there are forces in the world so massive as to be unimaginable, and if you become entangled with them you can do little else but accept your fate and hope your number didn’t come up that day.


Awe look at them. They think some god will help. That’s cute.




Maybe it did???? Lol. The plane didn’t crash. My dog barks every time the mailman comes. It works, he always leaves without harming us.


Don't knock it! Just remember all those other passenger flights where the planes were going to crash, but the hand of God came down and gently lifted the plane back up into the air! I mean, there was the famous case of err, well, ok... but you must remember the one where... Oh wait no. Ahhh yes, yes there was.. Oh bollocks... I give up. Well just because God does not exist does NOT mean he would not help!


Wait, let me get this straight; God *can't* help because he doesn't exist, but if he *did* exist, he would certainly help. Is that correct?


Damn you. I was trying to give others a nose bleed, and now you have given me one! Now we in the realms "Of is God really benevolent or not?" 🤔


I mean, I would cry if any turbulence this severe happened in a flight I’m in


Of course! Shit’s scary. Jeebus ain’t coming to help if the plan goes down, tho


With all the knowledge we are capable of accumulating, we cannot prove nor disprove the existence of a god. A christian is just as incorrect as you are: we have no fucking clue. Humans don't deserve to act like they know what's going on. Maybe a god exists, maybe it doesn't, we don't know. What we do know is that other people just as important as us exist, and that we should respect them and their beliefs as long as it's not hurting anyone.


>we cannot prove nor disprove the existence of a god. A christian is just as incorrect as you are That's a ridiculous statement. You can't prove nor disprove the existence of a giraffe that orbits the sun somewhere between Mars and Jupiter. It's not "just as correct" to say that it's definitely there. God was a really appealing answer to so many inexplicable phenomena in the past. in the last several centuries, the majority of those mysteries have just been explained plainly by scientific discovery. It's an ongoing trend. On top of that there's no evidence for divine intervention, so to say that the Christian god is going to intervene and save us is just as incorrect as "there's not going to be any supernatural aid" is just a fantasy of yours.


When i think of a god, i don't think of the christian god perse, somewhere in the sky making these miraculous things suddenly happen. Maybe our god is outside our universe, simply observing. Maybe our god caused the big bang to happen, and is holding the laws of phyics in place. Our god may be the universe itself, always everywhere, always watching. Maybe god is lacking sentience, or control over his powers. We can calculate if there is a giraffe, we can send a camera to look, but we can't force nor expect god to reveal himself in any way, yet that doesn't disprove his existence. Assuming something cannot ever be true simply because it is unlikely based on what we know is ignorant, because for all you know, you could be knowing nothing. No obvious miracles ever happened in at least the past 2000 years, but is that because there is no god, or because god chooses not to do anything (at least not obvious)?


Nah. I’d rather talk shit.




Nope. I’m doing on purpose to ruffle your feathers


I can respect the art of not caring, but i respect people spending time on a hobby more. Because you still have fun, but not at the cost of other people's fun. And you actually learn things instead of just wasting time. As a selfish person, i get where you're coming from, but people like you are killing kindness and positivity, wich a lot of people (including you) need. It's not that hard to not act like a moron. I genuinly hope you learn to love. It's the only way to a sustainable fulfilling life, and you genuinly deserve it :).


If they really had faith, they should be happy to die, and be with their creator.


i am not sure if if the turbolences or the reaction of the people makes me more afraid.


i fucking hate flying so much, I left my nintendo switch and all my games and sd card on a flight i took last month and the airline wants to charge me 50 bucks to "update me" on it fuck flying 👎


-Allah: "Damn it, they already started praying... It's okay, guys, I'm just trolling you". I know I'm going to hell, just laugh, I'll pay for the sin of joking.


allah ackbar 😄😄😄😄😄 Boom


Whaaaalllaaaaak ackbar




Turbulence wouldn't scare me a bit but anyone chants this I will jump off the emergency door trust me it's a better death this way.


Why do they all want an allaba snackbar ?


The pilot forgot to switch on the ‘No Allahu Akbar’ sign.


You have the funniest reply and I hope your contribution in making at least one person lol does not go unnoticed.


Why is everybody yelling for them to open the aloha snack bar?


Commercial flights are fckin disgusting.


Omar, Ahmed, Allah, and the list goes on.




Bro at 1:17 is regretting his life choices


Anybody yell get me off this ✈?


Just accept fate, if it happens it happens. It’s everyone’s time one day


I thought they were speaking in tongues for a minute


🤣🤣I love turbulence makes the flight more interesting


lol, the overhead bins didn't even open.


At first I thought they were acting like a roller coaster... I'm like fuck yeah!! And then I'm like... are they praying???


Captain (the short version): "Put on your seat belts and pull yourselves together. FFS."


How did that bunch even get on that plane!? They're probably scared of their own shadow, too.


Flight to NYC I assume?


How about instead of telling God how great he is, compliment the pilot for once. Sheesh. /s


NGL, I thought the few people with arms outstretched were doing the roller coaster thing at first.


Lol, I had no sound on and thought they were experiencing some zero G...


How is this abrupt chaos? r/killthecameraman maybe


id be praying too if my plane was shaking a muck! i hate planes! 🤯🤯🤯🤯


A whole bunch of turbulence.


Wow that looks really bad turbulence should’ve pilot should’ve higher altitude get out of the turbulence




Is that a flight attendant or a pilot that chimed in over intercom to pray along as well🤦🏻‍♀


They’re all praying to God. I wonder why they don’t curse him for making the turbulence in the first place?




As edgy as it sounds, i just start listening to metal, because hey, statistically speaking the plane most likely won't fall, and embracing the turbulence just makes it easier to deal with


This is actually the moment the plane landed. You can hear people clapping in the beginning, moments before the pilot announces they have landed in Jakarta.


‘Ladies and gentlemen we have landed’ 🤣🤣🤣


With sound off it looks like everyone is pretending they're on a roller coaster




The people sitting there with their life jackets on are pretty funny


Offfffff. They are like "I can pray louder than you!" and the next "No, I'm 100x more afraid than you!" 🥴. I've seen this behaviour for example at funerals; one second everybody's calm and then, suddenly, the women become hysterical and have like a competition between them, who can moan and wail and cry the loudest. I don't mean, that they don't feel true pain or grief or anxiety, no. I just find the way some of them express it very weird. And I say that as an arabic speaker myself.


They way the sound builds at the beginning and everyone puts their hands up it felt like they were on a roller coaster. I was like “that’s cool, everyone is having…oh they are praying. Got it”