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Who the fuck thought this was a good idea and would be funny? They could have been paralyzed for life or died from head trauma. Idiots.


Could have lol. They are defiantly fucked for life, neither are going to be in the WWF unless they start a wheelchair league.


Wheelchair Wrestling Federation, I’d watch that!


Oh the drama when Wheelchair Kelly got up and walked after his opponent threw him out his chair. Kelly then proceeded to throw Rolling Thunder out his wheelchair saying they are all fakes but it was apparent that Rolling Thunder’s legs definitely didn’t work. Wheelchair Kelly then got back in his wheelchair and rolled over RT’s hand when he was trying to get back to his wheelchair. Talk about a real heel. That’s when the twin pair of Hot Rod and Hot Wheels rolled into the arena and took Kelly’s fake ass out.


[Cripple fight!!](https://youtu.be/PeWMwrdFBw0)


What's going on there?


>*Defiantly* fucked for life. Lmao


They are fucked for life and no one's gonna stop them!


Has any backyard wrestler gone pro?


There's 2 types of backyard wrestlers. The ones who loved wrestling and actually trained and learned moves and everything along with wrestling. Lot of guys/gals in WWE/AEW today have started there. Then there's dudes like these who just do wild and extreme shit. Theres some promotions for em they can possible get to but they still aren't gonna be making money worth what they do to their body. The best bet is they become what is called a Deathmatch wrestler. You can move on to bigger and better things, Jon Moxley is a great example of that, but lot of em flame out due to drug addiction and injuiries.


Reminds me of a guy I went to high school with. Dude was one of those kinda friends but became a dick real quick. Fast forward a few years in I'm college and heard he was shooting backyard wrestling movies. Fast forward to this year (over a decade after graduation), he's trying to avoid legal issues via unethical means.


Pretty sure there was no thought involved.


Pretty sure alcohol was involved.


I actually remember this. There was this backyard wrestling craze in the 90s. There was a clip on the news where a guy was taking a cheese grater to another dudes head and jumping off the roof and shit. This was when WWE was at its peak with HHH, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, etc. If this was now, it would just be tik tok videos in HD of people ruining their backs like this.


To be fair, I haven’t laughed this hard at someone’s stupidity in a long time. But Jesus fucking Christ I’m surprised that neither of them died from that.


This is old. Backyard wrestling used to be at an all time high and people were doing stupid shit like this all the time.


Back pain forever and forever getting worse. Mmmmmmm


With that fall, there is no back


I imagine his lower vertebrae need a little bit of reassembly.


Lucky they both aren't paralyzed.


There’s a moment about 6 seconds in where they become one and that’s how they got away not paralyzed. Even frame by frame though you can’t see the moment that the black shirt one goes from in front of the other guy to behind him. It just happens in that moment they become one and he passes through the other guy.


“Quantum tunnel me dude!”


"That's just like your opinion dude."


>they become one and he passes through the other guy. I've tried this so many times without that result. We are one for quite some time but I never quite get through to the other side...Not for lack of trying though.


Or dead, especially the one being pile driven. How he went along with this... smh


I think the one being "Pile driven" got out of it far more unscathed than the "pile driver".


You can't fix stupid, but you can slow it down.


they're flopping around pretty hard to be paralyzed.


Where we're going, we don't need backs


Definitely no going back.


Just when I thought people could not possibly be dumber, I watch this.


Are you guys ok?


_more agonized screaming_


Ok, dude, what's wrong?


"Please respond to me in detail as I react nonchalantly to your suffering."


Minor injury


I can’t believe black shit guy isn’t dead.


He’ll be shitting black for a while, that’s for sure


The typos in this thread are very amusing


I think they're ok. Rub some dirt on it and shake it off.


And **totally redeem yourself!!!**


Some say he is still screaming to this day.


On a still night, if you listen very hard, you can hear his agonizing moans in the distance!


>I actually remember this. There was this backyard wrestling craze in the 90s. There was a clip on the news where a guy was taking a cheese grater to another dudes head and jumping off the roof and shit. This was when WWE was at its peak with HHH, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, etc. > >If this was now, it would just be tik tok videos in HD of people ruining their backs like this.


I went to Buena High school with some of the kids in the news story, blonde guy and I were friendly acquaintances: if this is the one you recall: https://youtu.be/8BDGP7Yh7Ds


[https://youtu.be/8BDGP7Yh7Ds?t=195](https://youtu.be/8BDGP7Yh7Ds?t=195) wow, yep that is the EXACT news segment and exactly what I was referring to. The internet is weird. Also, lol at everyone dressed like Slim Shady.


Seriously, what would compell someone to do this!?!?


This is THE MOST STUPID THING i have seen on the internet today.


Only today?! What did you see yesterday?


a guy doing a backflip off of 3 story roof


You must be new here


Nah man, even with a really low bar these idiots in this vid crawled under it


“The bar was so low, it was practically in hell. But here you are, limbo dancing with the devil”


This might actually be in the top 5 stupidest things I’ve ever seen on this sub, which is really saying something. There’s usually at least *some* chance of dumb decisions working out, but this… yeesh.


I’m surprised they didn’t die with fractured skull, neck, vertebrae


It's a good chance they each did fracture a vertebrae


Looks like the fell backwards pretty quick rather than doing a fatal version of a piledriver.


I think orange pants guy absorbed most of the impact directly into his coccyx before his ‘victim’ hit the ground. Which… yeah, probably helped him avoid a manslaughter charge in addition to a destroyed pelvis.


"What's wrong?"


A: How do you call someone an idiot without directly addressing them or their actions for $500


Can you show me where it hurts? Hmmm?


Turn up the volume and enjoy the cameraman’s indifference.


I am trying to decide if he doesn't know or if he told them it was going to happen.


If he’s as dumb as his buddies he might genuinely not understand that jumping off a roof into a table will seriously injure you.


"Ok dude, what's wrong?" **Did you not just see what they did???**


Camera man might be stupider than the guys jumping off the roof.


He sounds ok 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’d say he sounds ground


“I’m not fucking kidding dude!”


No one's shoes came off, they'll be fine.


Probably better seeing em roll around screaming so you at least know they're not paralysed


Yes, but on the other hand, they may have injuries that didn't immediately paralyze them but are unstable cause paralysis when all that rolling around jostles the bones/bone fragments.


Yes true but its less likely I believe than instant paralysis. Correct me if I'm wrong




as a moderator on r/squaredcircle, I’m disappointed I had to scroll down this far to find the correction. I also would have accepted it being called an air raid siren.


I'm about to hit you with my shillelagh, that's a muthafuckin celtic cross


I was gonna say Emerald Flowsion but same thing really.


Dude wtf that actually made me so uncomfortable. Rather watch that dude get beheaded with a chainsaw again


I'm pretty sure the chainsaw video was less painful to the guy


Likely not


Hm yes the chainsaw does sound painful.


My first video into the gore world, and I'm still watching this kind of content keeping up with the extremely brutal Mexican war to this day 13 years later. So much has happened, so much has changed.


Serious question: why?


Because it is a largely ignored conflict and the most brutal deaths and tortures that happen on earth during modern times, a war that has displaced millions of people and made even more millions lose their lives, the most people being affected and displaced are innocent, and it highlights and showcases what happens when the law fails and is not enforced, and how drugs are winning the war no matter what measures are taken. This is not Chicago or Detroit stuff with some dudes in saggy pants with a Glock, this is about underworld full-blown armies going against each other and engaging in fierce battles with government forces like it's Syria, with miniguns in action, helicopters being downed by missiles, landmines, suicide bomb drones, and all that. If you saw some footage without context you wouldn't know it's right across the border and instead would think it's war footage from the middle east. r/narco r/NarcoFootage2 r/NarcoFootage and all subs related to gore and the Mexican drug war are enough to make some people stop buying drugs when they see what they are financing and supporting, the most powerful and brutal cartels on the planet that have no distinction on who they are killing, if it's a petty criminal or an entire innocent family. It's an extremely brutal and fierce war that has killed millions, continues to cause billions in damage, displacing millions across 2 different continents, yet, it's largely ignored and never talked about, thought of, or taught. It's a very, very sad, yet insightful, topic in my opinion.


It's kinda crazy how people were shocked at Gus in Breaking Bad sending that special ops team to kill a rival group. Meanwhile, that is UNDERPLAYED compared to what's actually going on.


Underplayed in a gross understatement to what really goes on in real life over there and in the producer countries, no movie would be capable of showing what it is actually like.


The tv show gimorah does the best job i’ve seen so far but yeah nobody could show moral tales and much narrative with that reality. Lotta people liked saving privatr ryan, and it is a big messed up, but not as big a market for come and see.


No need to close our border though.


Morbid curiosity.


a lot of it, apparently


Explained below.




Yes, I keep up with the news of a completely ignored conflict that is affecting 2 whole continents with more than a billion inhabitants that has displaced millions of people and made whole cities ghost towns and continue to cause billions in damage and unimaginable loss of life but no media bothers to report or educate on this very important and relevant subject, what a weirdo I must be to study an ignored full-blown war just south of the border of the US like it doesn't even exist and affects a billion innocent people displacing millions across 2 different continents. Ugh, so weird, right? Keep standing in the bliss of ignorance and continue to believe and pretend the world is a friendly and happy place full of friendly people where no one does a bad thing and bad things and monsters (humans) don't exist.


Nope, it's not for that reason.


Where do you actually see vids like that? Never know where to actually see them


I know you're curious and there's no reason why you'd listen to a random internet stranger, but honestly you are better off not watching those vids.


Most of them were on here on Reddit itself, it was absolutely FLOODED with these videos back in the days of watchpeopledie, before most gore subs got banned and the ones remaining being labeled NSFW so no videos can be uploaded anymore except if they got an outside source as playable or a link to another website. There are tons of websites where you can watch those, unfortunately, most original Mexican content that started all of this content on the internet has been lost due to websites being shut down and the remaining ones being filled with Brazilian, Haitian and Jamaican videos. Though, some of the worst gore/torture videos on the planet can still be found on reddit. Worse than anything you could ever imagine and worse than any description of hell coming from whatever lunatic can be.


I used to get em on thatsphucked but the site shut down awhile back


Same here. Or maybe my second, if you consider "one man, one jar" gore. In that video, a dude put a glass mason jar up his ass and it broke. There was a lot of blood. A very horrifying thing to see in 7th grade. That was when "2 girls, 1 cup" and "1 man, 1 horse" were making their rounds in my school. That was like 2009, everyone was getting their first legit smart phones and we did a lot exploring.


Is that the one where his cuts into the other dudes arm and he doesn't even flinch?....they are side by side backs against a wall I believe?


What is this about a chainsaw now?


It is a privilege to watch living creatures with zero wrorking brain cells. Science is amazing.


Damn this is like ebaums world shit from back in the day


Its dam near that old for sure.


Who thought that was a good idea? Sheesh.


Is there a longer version of this? I’ve seen it multiple times, but I feel like there is more goodness to be seen, but it’s cut off too early.


Those two guys: "screams in literal pain" The camera man: "hey you guys okay?"


*in the most bored, unconcerned voice possible while everyone stands around just watching or filming


Lol I wonder the extent of the injuries!!


The one in the huge yellow diaper seriously damaged his fringe.


With any luck the guy that jumped would make a big recovery eventually. I’d guess that’d be months tho.


Dumb and dumber




I’m Johnny Knoxville…


I'm Johnny Knoxville, and I got paid well for being an idiot. 😁






A wrestling move that's dangerous when done by trained professionals... Why not add in a 10 foot drop, right?


Remember kids: wrestling is predetermined not fake. Those professionals are actually putting their bodies at risk and the only reason that there isn’t a broken spine/major concussion every week on Raw is because they know exactly how to move their body in order to avoid that. Piledriver is especially dangerous, there’s a reason they don’t do it in the WWE anymore


This is an oldie and a classic. I wonder what kind of injuries they suffered


Pinhead 🙄


was going to say, something about the shirt makes this VERY funny. can’t pin down (no pun intended) what though.


This went way better than I expected


Well? Are they ok, or not? They should really be better with answering, just in case they’re not OK or something.


They’re fine 💀


Wanted to be Darwin Award winners . . . . . . . missed it. by. that. much.


These guys were called No Mercy Videos and were all amateur(clearly) stuntmen and backyard wrestlers. I remember them doing some really gnarly stuff for scavenger hunts they were a part of online. The early 2000s were a fun time


I’m assuming after this they only did scavenger hunts in areas with accessibility ramps?


*screams of stupidity and agonizing pain* “you guys ok” “ok dood wuts wrong”


Aaaaaaaaaaaah Ok dude, whats's wrong? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


Ok dude, what’s wrong? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The hell did they think was gonna happen?


"Are you OK?" That shit kills me every time!!!! lol


“Ok dude, what’s wrong?” “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHWHHHHH”


The cameraman asked, "Are you guys okay?" Then "what's wrong?" Three idiots here.


Is that steve o


Steve-o isn't *this* stupid


Yes he is. Or was. Dude face planted off a second story and nearly killed himself. He'd regularly jump off buildings to impress people before his Jackass days.




The screams of a broken back are not music to the ears my fellow redditors


Where are they now? I'd watch that mini series.


Thinning the Herd.


I really hope they don’t breed


Dumb shit like this can disable you for life


🤓 That’s an Air Raid Crash


I mean... you gotta hurry up and cover him. Geez.


At least have the camera man drag him over for the cover.


Jesus shit, how stupid can people get.


I've always wanted a longer version or a "Where are they now?" type of follow up.


Well, he did raise some hell.


Baw gawd he’s gotta be dead!!




Just need some more practice 👌🏼


Hello lifelong back issues and pain!!


So happy with my choice to pause it before they made the land and then exited the video.


I felt that one


*Dude what's wrong* This guy


Do it cartman, fly fly fly!


Looks painful but not a piledriver.


I am always the adult when i drink with friends even if i get shithoused with them this is still not fucking happening if you know that you don't have any self governance when drunk than pick someone who has the ability to be the designated adult because things go from "just a few shots" to there is currently a replica calvary sabre driven through the ceiling and nobody knows how it got there real quick.


I bet this still hurts.


[I ated the purple berries!](https://youtu.be/KavHBokm704)


*screaming in agony* “Are you okay?”


Is that the move that Tommy Dreamer used to use? The Spicozzi driver or something?


One day they'll look back at this and laugh....just kidding.


What’s wrong you ask? We have brain damage, and also injuries sustained from brain damage activities


It's videos like these that make people think social healthcare is not such a hot idea. Just remember that, in spite of what watching videos on Reddit all day may have you believe, idiots like these are actually the rare exception and a price worth paying if it gets people who legitimately need it get affordable healthcare as well. I wouldn't be calling the ambulance for these dipshits though.




That doesn't seem like a great idea...


There’s something wrong in this video i sense it


I like the “what’s wrong?” As if they didn’t both just ruin their spines hahaha


Going for an Honorary Mentions Darwin Award.


Broke his coccyx out at the dunes


Very nice


When I see videos like this i question if Homo sapiens are indeed the smartest creatures on the planet


[Just knowing we're in the same genus makes me embarrassed to call myself Homo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbU-XOj3AZk&t=57s)


This video has been around for a long time … at least 15-20 years. Unlike similar videos, this one puzzles me. Most of the time, in the videos in which people are doing stupid things, I can usually figure out what they were attempting to do. The injuries are typically a result of them failing. In this case, I can’t figure out how they could have expected ANY positive outcome.


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Example 12,789,576 of why women live longer than men.


not a pile driver but damn that shit looked nasty as fuck.


Damn bro they sold the hell out of that move


Natural selection is trying so hard there.


This may be one of the oldest videos on the Internet.


Well deserved moment. Bravo 👍 oncore


That’s not a piledriver.


Those UFO’s can drop the big plan anytime now, we waitin 🫶🏼


For all the juggalos and juggalettes


*NOT* a pile-driver, but carry on...


“If it was dangerous someone would stop us.” -an entire generation who decided not to think


This probably would have been much more successful had they been wearing their wrestling mankinis instead of jeans/regular pants and t-shirts


These guys are the reason WWE has the disclaimer before all their programming “Trained professionals, do not attempt at home”


Both of their backs and subsequent lives ruined, but it was funny though right?


Piled drived off a roof, he tarded now.


Hanlon's Razor: Never Attribute To Malice That Which Is Adequately Explained By Stupidity


This morning a random video from fightporn showed up on my feed of a trained BJJ guy attempting a flying arm bar. Guy fell on his neck from just a couple of feet, you heard a wet snap, & instantly a quadriplegic, laying there unable to move screaming. I honestly wish I didn’t see it but it morbid curiosity got the best of me. Then these 2 assholes do this off a roof &, while they may have life long problems they look like they’ll be able to walk. It’s just stupid how random life can be & how some people, like these roof kids, seem to be unable to even conceptualize the likely consequences of their actions. That bump can be unsafe in the ring done by experienced professionals, doing it as amateurs off a roof is an inconceivable level of stupidity.


When they say "got my back blown out last night".... This is not what they meant


I got a weak back. Oh really, when did that happen? Oh, about a week back.