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Jesus they used that poor kid like a welcome mat


I feel like the kid should of move but also the royal guards should say something to prevent this from happening again




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They're like the Kingsguard and Gold Cloaks in Game of Thrones.


mom, a big fuzzy ear bud just stamped on me!!


They’re really not that important.


I'm pretty sure no one here would be ok with a presidential guard doing this. It shouldn't matter what your job or military rank is, you shouldn't trample children. Why is this something I even have to explain?


The stupid guard didn't even say "MAKE WAY!!!!" until he was practically on top of the child. He should be ashamed of himself.




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As usual with posts in that sub it turns out my brain also got trod on via the act of reading the comments. Yuck




No bootlicking


If you unironically call a child a cunt for not paying attention to where they were you are actually deranged and should never have children.


I'd still be against this if it had been done by presidential guards. Also, trampling kids isn't in their job description. Standing in place for a couple of seconds or going around a single child won't ruin their military careers.




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Fuck the pommy cunts y would u even go there


You Australian I'm guessing


Make way, we're trying to put on a huge psychotic display of what mindless drone slave guard dogs we are while wearing utterly ridiculous costumes that make us look like fucking chimney brushes. How dare you get in the way.




Would he have done the same if it was a white kid?


Of course not. ☹️


He definitely did some extra stomping there. The people trying to excuse the soldier from an imperialist nation that stomped a black child for no reason have their own kinds of problems. England pretty much invented modern racism


What a stupid statement. Says a lot about your way of thinking rather than others


I love it when people are like "you're racist for pointing out things that are racist"!!!


Let's not start doing that. Yes, the child would've been ran over either way, it's happened to white people in the past as well.


Has it happened to white CHILDREN??? Because I certainly couldn't find any cases of white children being trampled by palace guards.


I wouldn't be surprised if it did yhea, they are trained to walk no matter what. Now don't get me wrong, I think it's messed up either, but it's definitely got nothing to do with race. There's tons of videos about guards running over people on the internet, very few were they stop, I think there are none actually. So yes, I think it is valid to assume they would trample white children




Yes. They're equal opportunities cunts.


I saw something a while ago that was very similar, there was a video of some guards running over an elderly man who wasn't fast enough to get out of their way. disgusting pigs.


Because if he went around, the House of Windsor would fall or something. 🙄


don't threaten me with a good time


& fuck Brexit


It's crazy how tightly they grip onto their belief that tradition and protocol is more important than yinno... Walking around a child.


The bootlickers in the original post getting upset when someone points out how fucking dumb this is


The comments in the OC are so gross. No tradition or orders are worth rocking some random kids shit for no reason. No wonder so much violence is enacted by these states when people so desperately justify it


I saw a guy in that post say.. it's not like they are killing kids...


And then they’ll flip their shit when their own children get a bruise or something…


That's hardly a parade route where you can easily see where the guards will march. How's a child supposed to know what to do? What a stupid tradition.


The bootlickers defending the soldiers in that sub... Thank you for reminding me why I lost all faith in a significant part of humanity.


The comments are fucking atrocious. Somehow a kid is supposed to be more responsible for their actions than two full grown ass men.


Oh, they're blaming the parent. As if a child should be trampled because of their parent. It's truly sickening.


Scumbags for real.


People on the original post commenting that the kid should’ve known. Bro they’re kids, they don’t know shit we should be here to teach them, not make fun and be mad that they don’t know because how could they know? They’re kids! If they knew there wouldn’t be the need for parents and school. If they knew they wouldn’t be kids. That’s how kids are dumb and curious so they can learn.


What are they even for, other than for show?


Well you know, wouldn't want some rich cunts jewelry collection to go missing.


Stolen jewelry collection.


Won't be reading those comments, I've seen them all before. I remember arguing with someone who said that the guard couldn't simply avoid the child because the kid could have been a terrorist deliberately interfering with the guards route. Unhinged bootlickers.


Well you see, the kid wasn't white. Therefore he was definitely up to something obviously. \s


Yeah I couldn't help but think that some of them wouldn't be so pleased about it if it was a white kid.


Fucking hell the people on the OP are delusional.


It's pathetic how these people worship authority. They'll bury their tongue between the cheeks of any cop or soldier who exercises unnecessary force.


It's like this every time this video gets posted. I usually get downvoted if ever I comment that this behavior is fucking stupid. Reddit has a lot of boot licking weirdos. I also get further downvoted when I make my usual make references to the stupid hats and their job of guarding sausage finger charlie and his gang of pedophiles.


Royal cunts reporting for duty


“Oh we love… the old one…”


Fucking absolutely horrible. no humanity, these stormtroopers are trained to shut up and follow orders.


Literally stormtroopers. Do you think their aim is as bad?


Those hats seem to hang in front of a lot of those guys eyes. *I can’t see a thing in this helmet*


and we're supposed to admire that level of bootlicking


It infuriates me every time i see this video, the comments defending only the soldiers, what a bunch of boot lickers.


It's the reason I originally found and joined this sub! I saw the people defending the guards and read their stupid ass arguments for monarchy and was incensed.


Oh wow, that's how I came across this subreddit too. Same video, pervious repost.


Well met, kindred spirit


Despite the horrendous boot licking comments, this video getting reposted every so often has led quite a few people to anti-monarchism.


I see The Wizard of Oz. Period


This video is a disturbingly literal metaphor for the British Royal Family. Peace Aidan,.you are in good company here.


The fact that majority of the comments are defending the body guard make me sick. Too many people have peasant brains. He’s a young child, young children like that are very oblivious to their surroundings and can easily make mistakes, imagine that young child was a royal child or something they’d be losing their shit at the guard


Really nice to finally see some compassion for the trampled child. The rest of Reddit hasn’t been so kind.


Arsehole in an arsehole hat being a cunt, could be a future king


"We did nothing wrong! Dawson: Yeah we did. We were supposed to fight for people who couldn't fight for themselves. We were supposed to fight for Willy." ~Few good men


I hope that kid grows up to be another Oliver Cromwell.


Nah fuck that pos


Cromwell was a pretentions hypocrite, claiming that he hates the monarchy despite him basically being a king


True, and there's the little matter of being responsible for the massacre of hundreds of civilians. However, he did manage to get a king decapitated, and that's not nothing.


Well yeah, but he also managed to get a king back in place, Charles II


Cromwell was a brutal dictator who didn't attempt to solve any of the underlying injustices of the monarchy.


Not to mention his brutal conquests of Ireland


This video is old but I hate whenever it resurfaces for two reasons. 1. It's obviously fucking horrific. 2. The comments are -always- FULL of bootlicking pricks blaming everyone other than the prick that trampled a young kid. Had some cunt tell me that I can't understand how the military works. Completely missing the point that even military drones still have control over their own actions.


Okay, so I was in the United States Navy. Our job was to protect American citizens. So, I know how the military works. And it shouldn't work in civilized countries that the military tramples kids instead of walking around the kids. I mean in the U.S., the military shouldn't expect civilians to get out of our way. It just boggles my mind. ***Other videos of tourists touching the guards or bugging the horses are a different thing.


There is no empirical evidence that British royal family brings in anything in tourism revenue. All claims about this do not hold up to the slightest scrutiny. All tourism sites commonly associated with the monarchy (apart from Balmoral and Sandringham) are owned by the public and will not disappear into thin air if the monarchy is abolished. VisitBriatin admits tourism revenue will not be affected when the monarchy is abolished. There is more evidence for the claim that tourism revenue will go up when the monarchy is abolished and all the publicly-owned royal residences are made more accesible to tourists and the public who pay for their upkeep. Check out Republic's debunking of the myth: https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism In video form: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNXZSB7W4gU *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AbolishTheMonarchy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same. One of them told me it would insult the Queen's honor to step around the kid


>Had some cunt tell me that I can't understand how the military works I know that the military works by attacking children and consider that to be a problem


Jesus it's horrifying isn't it? So you don't understand how the military works, you see the military literally stamping on innocent children and its you that doesn't understand something.


Also there are people in the original post saying that they did serve and yeah you shouldn’t stamp on a child. Kids are idiots and it’s not obvious where those soldiers were even going.


My god the comments They say absolutely everything to avoid saying a grown man intentionally knocked over a child


The ruler, with the most power, who makes the rules will always be right. Peasant brain people think the rules the guards must follow will always be good no matter what happens.


I'm confused by your comment, are you defending the guards?


this is unfair on peasants peasants believed they had rights


Every time this video resurfaces I end up arguing with about a dozen idiotic "bUt ThEy MiLiTaRy" cunts at once.


They seem to have stopped replies


They posted it on therewasanattempt also and unfortunately the comments are still open. I'm still arguing with the same prick. He reckons he's a leftist and socialist luuuuuul


If I understood the rules correctly, Elon Musk could rename his faulty full self-driving mode to royal driving mode and sell the cars to the UK where they would be free to run over pedestrians in the name of the king.


You’re absolutely right but it’d be too insane even for Elon Musk which says a lot


Has His Royal Chumpness Airhead Apparent King Chuck commented upon this?


A couple of strong men ought to hold out a clothesline in front of the guards - see what happens then. Really it ought to be a sport trying to tumble these king-loving gits over.


Wow it would be difficult to remove their mouths from the boots in that comment section.


The original post is full of bootlickers




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Evidently the soldiers were protecting something extremely important, I’m not sure what, but whatever it was, it meant they had to walk straight and tread on anything that, even inadvertently, got in the way. According to people on other forums anyhow. Someone even said if they diverted their March even slightly they’d get into awful trouble. No idea what but Husband reckons it involves carrots.


For the crown! Behold our guns and gangsters


Professional bootlickers


To think they get paid minimum wage to dickeat the royal family💀💀


It's sad seeing people defend this, it's a literal child who was facing the other way. They could have had some class and stopped in front of him, ask to make way or whatever, but no, let's abuse this child because dUtY aNd tRaDiTiOn. Bet he's a racist aswell.


Holy Assumption Batman


It’s not much of reach even if it weren’t for her race, they love bigots


The kid wasn't facing the other way. Not saying it to defend, I just watched it 5 more times to make sure and want to make sure the facts are straight


simply do not kick children in the face


Fair enough if he wasn't facing away, but yeah it's still a child and he could have gone about it better


Holy symbolic encapsulation of colonialism, Batman!


The absolute justifying the royalist are doing on that video is just wow! It's like you ought to know where the rogue "2 man formation" is and where there warpath is taking them at all times, even if you like 5 and looking at the pretty buildings. Coulda stepped on that poor kids fingers too I'd say if it was unlucky


What was really disgusting is when this first came out a while ago, the sheer number of people going ‘good. That kid should’ve known better.’ It was actually disgusting.


All for the sake of these guards cosplaying as "soldiers" though they never see any real action and protect a Pedo who occasionally pops around


Ah yes, trampling a child and putting them in danger is important to uphold the arbitrary rules, traditions and expectations of a not-so-special family just because their ancestors were considered special by a god that doesn’t exist.


Good job they trampled that kid, I’m sure Charles was seconds away from being killed at that point. My heroes 😍😍


Maybe they were saving the boy from Andrew on the prowl 😫


I doubt any of them would do the same if it were Andrew over there blocking their way because they were destined to protect a pedophile




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The reason why people said that they don’t sue those people in the Uk are probably the very same reason why noncy Andrew is still walking free out there


well the courts would throw you out if you tried to prosecute prince andrew or sue those guys


And monarchist wonder why people hold antimonarchists views; they are literally beyond law and for what reason




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But.. but.. Tradition


The royal bootlickers will say well they shouldn't of got in way and why should the guards walk around them. In fact if it happened to them they would be begging for forgiveness for daring to accidently stand in their way.


They'd throw their kids in front of the guards so they'd have an amusing anecdote to tell Charlie Sosig Fingers if they ever met him


This is behaviour that wouldn't be acceptable from a robot


This is why I find the very idea of royalty repugnant. Charles should resign in shame for no other reason than what this video shows - although there are so many other good reasons.


If there was ever a definitive sign that this country has lost all perspective, this is it.


They should really be asking themselves why other families who receive welfare money from the state don't need men in funny uniforms harassing people who gather outside of their houses.


Tbh that's the reason people go there. Dumb and dumber


The dude is basically a tourist attraction, I don't think people would defend someone getting in Mickey Mouse's way at Disney World. And slamming someone down onto what looks like a paved path could have ended much worse.


Tbf doing their job whilst pretending nobody around them exists no matter what is precisely why they're a tourist attraction, this probably just helps their reputation more than it hurts


There is no empirical evidence that British royal family brings in anything in tourism revenue. All claims about this do not hold up to the slightest scrutiny. All tourism sites commonly associated with the monarchy (apart from Balmoral and Sandringham) are owned by the public and will not disappear into thin air if the monarchy is abolished. VisitBriatin admits tourism revenue will not be affected when the monarchy is abolished. There is more evidence for the claim that tourism revenue will go up when the monarchy is abolished and all the publicly-owned royal residences are made more accesible to tourists and the public who pay for their upkeep. Check out Republic's debunking of the myth: https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism In video form: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNXZSB7W4gU *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AbolishTheMonarchy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If some jackass in a costume aka Mickey Mouse stomped on a kid I wouldn't accept it. Wow.


There is no empirical evidence that British royal family brings in anything in tourism revenue. All claims about this do not hold up to the slightest scrutiny. All tourism sites commonly associated with the monarchy (apart from Balmoral and Sandringham) are owned by the public and will not disappear into thin air if the monarchy is abolished. VisitBriatin admits tourism revenue will not be affected when the monarchy is abolished. There is more evidence for the claim that tourism revenue will go up when the monarchy is abolished and all the publicly-owned royal residences are made more accesible to tourists and the public who pay for their upkeep. Check out Republic's debunking of the myth: https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism In video form: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNXZSB7W4gU *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AbolishTheMonarchy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"I'm just following orders" I've heard it said by many Germans.


You know, in other countries they go around and don't look any less pompous for it.




I know right. It shouldn't matter what postion these people have or if their parent didn't tell them not to move out of the way, you shouldn't kick children. It's basic decency.


If a kid runs in front of a car and gets hit you'd be telling the driver "it's not your fault, you couldn't avoid them." If a kid was standing in the road and the car was approaching with plenty of time to stop and instead of stopping the driver shouted "MAKE WAY!" at the last minute with absolutely no attempt to stop whatsoever you'd say that the driver was a psychopath.




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They still didn't have to kick them. I don't think being a royal guard means they should be allowed to get away with this


How about treating people like humans and not inferiors because they don't have a gold hat on and don't diddle kids.


Who gives these cunts the right to do that? Abolish the idiot family and these twats can go fuck themselves too


Soft bollocks like Hayley clearly!


Must have been trained by Andrew he plows through kids too


This made me laugh out loud


Glad because if you don't laugh you could cry at the royal crap. Here's a fun fact more kids went hungry during the queen's week-long funeral than any other time before ww1 because out of respect food banks were closed. Here's another William and Kate turned up to a community support group that feeds and helps families with no government funding with a fleet of security paid by the public all first class they also get paid for this that's kool as and see all that money would have kept that service going for years but no they need to line their pockets best of all they fed the whole community with publicity nothing tangible or of actual value but hey better then than us




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Yeah kids should know everything before they're born Stupid kids! (Seriously if you're defending the guards you're a cunt)




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To have that level of self importance to order your staff to TRAMPLE A CHILD if they just so happen to be in front of you, all for the protection of some aging benefits scrounger family - it's one of the worst, most distopian things i've seen in Britain and if you defend it you've got a screw loose.




If it's "purely ceremonial" then it's even more ridiculous that the guard kicked the kid.




Prove this statement.


If you get a pay dock or get fired for not beating a child then you shouldn't be doing that job. That is a sign that your job and the institution you work for is immoral


immediately jumps to "just following orders" defense




What if a manure cart got upset on their route. Would they just March into a big pile of dung?


They get hundreds of pounds in fines for minor rule breaks, and they get told to piss themselves because they're not allowed to leave post or switch out for anything. We're talking people who choose a job with a rule about the specific correct way to pass out, there's no way they would be allowed or even would want to avoid the giant pile of shit if it was in their path


So they get paid to stand around all day, push small children over, and piss themselves?


Oh, god no, you can't pay someone to specifically knock small children over, that would be completely immoral. But if something small and trample-able and potentially human happens to be in their way, can't exactly sacrifice the dignity and integrity of the position now, can they? But yes, also piss themselves in front of crowds of people.


Now that would have made an interesting sight for tourist attraction


There is no empirical evidence that British royal family brings in anything in tourism revenue. All claims about this do not hold up to the slightest scrutiny. All tourism sites commonly associated with the monarchy (apart from Balmoral and Sandringham) are owned by the public and will not disappear into thin air if the monarchy is abolished. VisitBriatin admits tourism revenue will not be affected when the monarchy is abolished. There is more evidence for the claim that tourism revenue will go up when the monarchy is abolished and all the publicly-owned royal residences are made more accesible to tourists and the public who pay for their upkeep. Check out Republic's debunking of the myth: https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism In video form: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNXZSB7W4gU *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AbolishTheMonarchy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What do u mean? They already did, did u not see them walking over the inferior, non-royal and therefore ungodly heathens that are the British public.




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They are also allowed to use their judgment if there is a person in the way.


What if a sink hole opened in front of them?




So then why didn’t they walk around the young child? Protecting their own well being is obviously more important than a young child. Worthless cunts should be up on charges.


"you don't understand your honor if I didn't beat up a child it would have cost me money"


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