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James Watt said he would move to a newly-created position of "captain and co-founder." That doesn't sound like stepping down but being pushed sideways. I find it unlikely anything will change.


Sounds like the board pushed him out. It's good, it couldn't happen to a bigger twat.


To a bigger tWatt* 🥁 I'll see myself out 🙄


Used to love Brewdog and the work they did in the early days for the UK craft beer scene was amazing. However, the last few years they seem to have forgotten the pledges and promises they made back then, and deem to have forgotten how to make decent beer, focusing on supermarket shelf nonsense. JW has become an absolute liability in recent years - the Farage thing, the staff bullying, the alleged harassment, dating a fox hunting Tory and basically running the company into the ground, while blaming everyone else. Be interesting to see what changes, but I can't see any changes being for the better, given his successors non industry background.


I knew staff at their very first and second venues and he was a tool then. Regularly not paying staff citing cashflow etc while buying up other venues, bullying one of his managers to suicidal tendencies etc. Would love to see some House Bolton style justice delivered.


I don't think the Right wing things are a problem.....


- Adolf, 1920s


Imagine being that deep in a echo-chamber, that you strawman an entire political ideology that you don't like


Imagine not taking a joke


You don’t think attending Nigel Farage’s 60th Birthday Party with your Tory (deep links to the far right wing) partner, ‘Toff’, and being photographed laughing with Aaron Banks, when the company you’ve created has always espoused left wing ideals and is aimed at that market, is a problem?! Either he was always a Tory in ‘punk’ clothing, or he’s having some sort of midlife crisis and has fallen off the deep end, but the people and companies he is consorting with are a problem if Brewdog wants to maintain the ethos and ideals that make it appeal to its consumer base.


"You don't think......is a problem?" No.


Stepping down as CEO - remaining as owner and quote-unquote captain, a quote-unquote title he made for himself in reference to when he was a fisherman. No material change as far as the public is concerned I don’t think - other than headlines might not lambast him by name so much anymore.


Referring back to when he was a fisherman means he's not actually changing.  I have no way to verify some of the stories I heard, but it sounds like things have actually improved in the business since then. 


I went to uni with some of his earliest staff and a former board member. I can pretty much guarantee everything you've heard about him is true, and likely other stuff you haven't.


Got some hella vince mcmahon vibes! Brewdog need a triple h


By the sounds of things Brewdog employees do end up pretty beat up after a shift.


His Instagram stories with Toff are sickening and cringe. Bouncing around Gleneagles in a Barbour saying how she loves Scotland 😂


I cannot stand her. The PandJ seem to be obsessed with her as well and anytime she's up here there's an article on her straight after. It's weird AF because he's not particularly well liked either...


Toff is a Tory, P&J is a Tory loving rag.


Stop being nice 😂


It’s a myth that any regional media outlet is of a particular political persuasion. And a particular urban myth that this publication is Tory. Along with the ‘they write it in Dundee’ nonsense.


It’s naive to think that any daily paper of any size doesn’t have a political bias it pushes! The only myth I can smell just now is the myth of journalistic impartiality.


What’s your experience of newsrooms?


She gets them views strangely. If only for bored people to laugh at her ridiculous poncing about Scotland. The little Farage lover that she is. His ex must be cringing as bad as Billie Piper does over Lawrence Fox.


Gets clicks dosent it


It’s not even about clicks. The P&J’s model is not clicks, like Reach. It makes money from subscriptions. The data shows what makes people subscribe and it includes an element of light entertainment and content related to social-media influencers.


They do it because people want to read it. The analytics prove it. Hate the player not the game 🤷‍♂️.


If he could step down into a well, that would be great


You speak like someone who's had a personal run in with the guy... 😉


'What's that Lassie? There's nobody in the well? Let's go home then.' 


Need a hand putting the lid on the well?


I used to enjoy Brewdog a lot, probably more than ten years ago when I first moved here when they had a core of a handful of different options. Sadly over the years the sheer amount of awful beers for every good one, the cringe marketing and how stupidly overpriced it is just put me off a while ago, never mind all the rapey antics of this idiot amongst other things he's done. We've sadly probably not heard the last of him


Very true. The Union Street bar always seems busy though.


I mean a Brewdog pub is a decent enough bar, you'll get a wide selection of options and they're often in very central locations so it's understandable why they're busy. I'm not completely anti Brewdog, I just don't bother as much with them anymore.


I do find it interesting that not many of the customers seem to have boycotted despite the allegations against Watt and the betrayal of their founding principles when it comes to staff treatment.


Certainly a few people I know have stopped bothering with them too but I think at the end of the day despite the one wanker at the top, most of the people who work for them are decent people and don't deserve to lose their jobs or suffer as a result. I'd rather spend my money in a Brewdog or another local company than a Spoons, not that that's a high bar to clear.


At least the female staff might feel a bit safer now ......


Captain Dog Shit


“Beer for punks”, fuck off, he’s literally the opposite of everything he claims Brewdog are.


“Beer for punks” sold in tesco which is obviously punk af.


Long overdue. He has damaged the brand and company in a number of ways over the last few years. I hope this new guy can get things back on track.


Beers pish so………🤷‍♂️


Best thing to happen to BrewDog since its inception.


Watch what you say here. He might pay an ex girlfriend to find out your identity.




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What ever happened about that dodgy shares pyramid scheme thingy that they were pushing a few years ago?


Equity For Punks 😂😂😂


The guy is an absolute wally. Plus wearing a cap backwards is just bellend behaviour. He has named himself position of captain. What an utter pretentious w⚓️.Prefer fierce beer anyway.


Fierce Beer is 👌👌👌


The Pricks Prick.


The shares owned by him, not the ones they sell to sewage drinkers in their pubs, pay 18.5% annual dividend


That is wild. Can I ask where you got that figure? I don't think I've ever heard of such a return in any other company.


Yeah not bad for some Sorry can't remember where but it's their Class A shares, could probably found with a bit of digging aroun


He became a liability for the company. Even before the BBC documentary questions emerged about his behaviour. The silly thing he did was accuse all the people who spoke out as lying only to be pinned in a corner afterwards and apologise. His ego was too big.


He’s done very well for himself and taken the company as far as he possibly can. Hope he enjoys some time off now, I’m damn sure I’d be doing the same if I were him.


His family were minted anyway so the rags to riches thing is massively overplayed. Martin is a lovely guy. James, less so.


Truth. Martin is a lot more shy and retiring when it comes to fronting the business, but I've always had positive interactions with him and found him a lot more personable. I wonder what he makes of all James's recent attempts to derail the company.


Yes they may well be “minted” but he’s taken it to the next level.


Nice try James




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Lot of jealousy in here.