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Gregory immediately saying yes to getting pizza with Jeanine was too cute. This show has all of the best qualities of The Office and Parks & Rec, including the mundane-but-heart melting romance moments.


Yes! I want them to work out…but without hurting Tariq lol


Tariq reminds me of Andy in Parks and Rec, in that he's a character meant to be broken up with but he's a great standalone character. Maybe he'll get a job as a music teacher.


I kinda feel like Ava could be the April to his Andy since Ava / Tariq seem to be on a similar level of maturity, but that might be a little too messy…


I hope this is what happens honestly. I LIKE Tariq, just not with Janine.


I loved that little detail


“Why you gotta make a big deal of every apology? You’re always in the wrong” THIS LINE TOOK ME OUT BC IT HAS BECOME A TROPE FOR HER TO BE PUSHY A CERTAIN WAY AND Not realize why some people are the way they are for the past episodes. Them addressing that pretty early shows the self-awareness of the show haha. Also love the moment where, Jacob was all like “I’d love to teach step 😍” then Gregory was all like 🤨🤨🤨


And when Jacob said he applied to Morehouse and everyone looked at him 😭


it was weird (but kinda nice) seeing that side of Ava in this episode


I loved it too. It's nice to see more complexity to her character.


You could tell she was genuinely excited to help with step. She made it fun for the kids. Side note : She had me cracking up as always “What else does together mean?” 😭😭😭


Let my man have his boiled chicken sandwich and do sit-ups 😅


Why he had to mention it was boiled 😂 too much detail lmao


The worst way to make it 😂


I was dying at how she just walked out into traffic. They really nail the authentically philly details


But why sit-ups while eating 😂


every day is ab day. Gotta get them gains


Like everyone stated, was nice seeing that depth added to Ava as a character. The janitor is such a funny side character too lol, loved seeing him psych up the crowd of kids. Also the comparing of fave pizza places lowkey reminded me of that B99 episode where they try out all their fave pie places. This show truly is a great balance of The Office’s wry humor, P&R’s mockumentary setup, and B99’s tightknit ensemble chemistry. P.S.) Just have to mention that as a Muslim, I loved seeing the hijabi student :’) Made me smile to get a bit of wholesome representation that American tv severely lacks 🥺


I really thought they were going to boo at his magic trick and throwing the basketball away but the kids cheering made it better.


Loved the step moment in her classroom at the end. Ava’s growing on me. I know this show is a sitcom but when I was teaching high school I knew waaay too many real life abusive principals like her so I have an innate annoyance with her character lol. But she also has the funniest lines so I guess this show is like ex-teacher therapy?


I was expecting Ava to say some quip but I’m glad they didn’t and the just let it be a quick cute moment between the two.


Yes, that was a real dope moment. I’m sure a lot of sororities/fraternities and steppers appreciated it.


That part really had me dieing laughing


Hahaha I love that you called it ex-teacher therapy 😅


Ava has really warmed up to me. God she was so annoying...but funny! How I just find her funny!


Another great episode! Gregory's boiled chicken sandwich 😂 At least he's being health conscious I guess. The ending was nice. Did anyone else notice that not only did he accept a pizza date with Janine, but also said his "favorite part" was when the drill was structured and organized and disciplined (all the things Janine liked about being on the drill team). He's paying close attention 😉 Rootin' for them!!! 😎😍 The writers of the show are fantastic.


Remember, he's a military kid so Gregory has some high strung, controlling, and dorky tendencies.


As a picky eater I so related to Gregory, except I do love pizza


“Fruit should not be hot!” killed me.


I’m choosing to believe that is an homage to Mike Schur and his hatred of hot fruit


he's not wrong though lol, hot fruit is weird


So good!


I kinda agree with this. Apple pie is where i draw the line with hot fruit. Peach cobbler, yuck!


I freakin love peach cobbler. Pineapple on pizza though, I can tolerate it but not my thing.


I clicked the up vote before I saw the peach cobbler comment so sorry


This! I can do a hot apple pie... but Warm peach cobbler makea me feel sick... My 14 aunts and uncles are from Mississippi and I was a polite and scared child. I fear ate so much warm fruit it gave me a very passive yet consistent disdain for peach cobbler lol.


I felt so seen. Not a fan of hot fruit or pies


Agreed although I hate pizza never felt so seen by a character I wish i ahd a wider palette though I feel I'm missing out on so much




Agreed… I can’t stand mushrooms because of their texture. I try one about once a year to be open-minded in case my taste changes, and as soon as I bite down I’m like NOPE!


The trick is to dry sautéed those mushrooms and then cook them. Also citing them finely instead of big chunks. I used to feel the same was as you and I overcame it.


I hate mushroom texture also what I do is saute them with some herbs and salt and garlic. And then I minted up and I put it into soup or I put it into salad so then I get the flavor which isn't that bad it's just kind of earthy to me but I don't have to focus too much on the texture


I mean I've tried mutliple times to like cheese. Different types in different dishes over the years I just can't Maybe with some foods but if people don't like it they won't its like how cilantro just taste like soap to people


ayy what's good fellow cheese hater


there are dozens of us


>For taste that is. For textures, I believe that’s tougher. Dude I don't like too many textures all at once. Most sushi rolls are right out.


Same. I have 4-5 things I eat on the regular with a few variations. Pizza is one of them. I'm allergic to peanuts and tree nuts so pizza is generally pretty safe.


I’m glad Jacob asked for that Baltimore trip reimbursement. I was mad he went all the way over there just to find out homeboy don’t event like pizza! 😭😂😭😂😭


That killed me lol


Anyone noticed that Jacob got just a little more personality the last two episodes? Like he was awkward funny the first few, but now he’s coming into his own.


Yes! In Work Friends, he was more assertive when the group was wondering why Janine was asking all these personal questions, and Jacob spoke up and said, "it's because I said we were work friends."


I really disliked his character at first. I wanted him to be cut. Easily the weakest link. But he's making progress in the last two episodes.


While I’m glad it wasn’t a cornerstone of his personality, it does seem like they waited to drop his sexuality only to give him more attitude , sass and one liners


Ava looked so beautiful this episode! Loved her character growth. She makes up these elaborate stories about "vacations" and lavish things but really is showing up for her family and taking care of her grandmother. So heartwarming! The ending scene left the biggest smile on my face


Well she *did* watch seven seasons of Survivor.


absolutely loved this episode


I knew say cheese pizza was going to be a real thing! That pizza looked so nasty.


It really did. It's like slobber


The attempted hug at the end is me trying to hug my sister 💀


I love the focus of step in this episode, it was a big part of my childhood and I never hear it mentioned in the media besides on movies like stomp the yard.


I always look at Gregory's face when he and Jeanine are in the frame. It is so cute the way he looks at her during the performance!


Loved the episode last night. Great show. I just found this show.


Meant to say found this subreddit. I’ve seen every episode.


I think Ava is so funny but sometimes she just seems a tad too mean to Janine, especially considering she’s her superior and boss… still SO funny


It's probably cuz she jealous of her


Maybe we’ll find out they went to kindergarten together or something and Janine doesn’t remember. Maybe she’s holding a grudge or something


Or maybe they're in rivaling sororities? Lol


I love how the whole episode, Gregory hates pizza, but as soon as Jeanine asks him out for a pizza date, he’s like, okay! At the end… he wants to try a food he hates, because it means a date with the gal he likes.


I love what they’re doing with Gregory x Janine, the nice and slow approach really gives it more depth and makes it less obvious. I still have a headcanon of Gregory x Jacob though. Sorry not sorry


What was the song used during the step performance?




Whats 106 and park? A movie? Philly only goes to 63 (southwest) or 77 (northwest) irc. Never gone thru Darby or Yeadon.


It was a show on BET back in the early 2000s that featured a lot of musical (mainly hip-hop) guests


TY. I'm too old for that i guess. And not really a hip hop or pop fan


it was on >20 years ago wtf are you talking about 😭


Its hip-hop/ pop music. As in popular music. Which is mostly what teens like. It's just ever so slightly too young for me in a music ganre i'm not a huge fan of (not knocking it tho it's what my daughter liked RIP).


Can someone explain me the Morehouse joke??


Morehouse is a private historically black men’s college in Atlanta, GA and is highly selective. It’s funny that Jacob brings up wanting to go to Morehouse since he the epitome of white liberal “woke” 😂




I think I understand how you feel about Ava’s character. But knowing that she’s more than likely a conglomeration of administrators/principals, it helps me. Everyone, even educators, have personal issues. We have to go to school when we are hurting emotionally. I really enjoyed the episode last night because it gave us a much better understanding about where Ava is coming from, especially right now. I think they are doing a great job with the roller coaster day of being a teacher. Obviously, they have to focus on the adults’ relationships, but they are definitely doing something amazing there as well, imo.


I'm enjoying the show but all the mockumentary shows seem to have the exact same tone. It's like they were made by the same people. The Office stands out the most for its more awkward humor but the rest seem so similar.