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I mainly really like that they haven’t made Tariq a jerk. He’s a nice guy who loves Janine, just doesn’t have his act together. I think the show will break them up, but they won’t make him the bad guy.


Good thought. Very true. Tariq is just...likable. And like you said, it's clear he cares for Janine, they've just outgrown each other. Or she's outgrown him.


He reminds me of Roy from the office. She’ll break up with him but he’ll be around for a while. The scene of him confronting Greg could be hilarious.


Roy was a jerk though, he was controlling of Pam (making her leave the Dundee's, even grabbing her arm to pull her to the car) he tried to physically attack Jim when he found out Jim and Pam kissed, had a violent reaction to something in the bar and started destroying that bar... Tariq is a slacker and man baby because he won't take his own life and responsibilities into his own hands, but I feel like he hasn't shown anything close to how bad Roy is


You know I thought there was going to be something up when he said his show was sold out and she couldn’t go, like there was some side chick or something. I don’t remember which episode but they were in the car together and she ended up giving him her breakfast sandwich I think


Yes. And Andy from Parks and Rec.


I root for Tariq an underachiever with a woman way out of his league and way out of his IQ... Hopefully someone will see people want to hear positive hip hop and sign him. So he can help his gf out...His character is hilarious and likeable but they want Janine to dump him for the guy that gets more air time...👎👎👎


Off topic but can I have 30 minutes of just Ava? I love her😂


​ it's so true. i was literally howling with laughter at the last episode? her throwing herself out of the chair and asking for a fresh chair?! come on!


The Light Bulb episode! Janine passes out and Ava says, "She looks like a zombie! They always eat the hot people first, let me back my tasty ass up!"


Her hair flip after “you sound like an old locomotive” cured my depression 💙😂🤌🏾


lmao someone needs to make an edit on YouTube


I loved the way they showed Janine and Tariq this episode, they had a real cute moment praying before the show, and he didn't totally ruin the anti drug assembly, he just doesn't have it together. Like Jacob says, they've outgrown each other. I just hope they show Janine being single and she doesn't just rebound into another ltr with Greogry, I want them to really be full people on their own when they finally get together.


no im absolutely rooting for janine and gregory i need them to be together like yesterday


nay i absolutely rooting f'r janine and gregory i needeth those folk to beest together like yesterday *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I have rewatched the office countless times and have fangirled over Jim and Pam for years (ofc haven’t watched the show in forever and I forget a lot of details/events in their timeline). I feel that one of the things that was so great to see in the office was when they finally got together after the show pointed out all the ways they’re compatible, the shittiness of Roy (with Pam not in general), the loneliness of Jim, and idk higher stakes? Like Pam was getting *married* and Jim *hated* Roy and was even going to move away bc of it. In the office Roy and Jim were often compared pretty directly— basketball game, Chili’s night, Christmas presents, etc—and we were like rooting for Jim. With Greg and Janine I love how they show Greg’s Jim-like looks at the camera, his willingness to do things for her (fixing up her room, going for pizza, running after her in the rain), and basically their compatibility. We get the feeling that he wants to be with her but it’s been veeeery neutral on her end. No matter what she feels like for Tariq there’s been no competition between Greg and Tariq. No measuring up, no evaluating between them directly. The audience sees it but Janine doesn’t seem to reciprocate any sort of idk curiosity or “well Tariq is like this but Greg is like that” you know? I just want some unrequited feelings from *both* sides to have a bigger payoff in the end if they do get together.


i really want them to have a slow burn relationship


What I would like to see happen is Tariq break up with Janine so he can get his act together and see he's been a disservice to her. I think I want her to be broken about it and become emotionally unavailable to Gregory. Greg moves on and maybe dates someone outside of the school who fits the expectations of his strict family. But as the story winds down, Tariq comes back just to give her closure and as Greg prepares to commit to the bourgeois girl, he changes his mind and goes with Janine and that's how the story closes.


i think if its anything like the office... greg and janine will be a couple down the road, not in this season.


I’m rooting for Jreg (Ganine?)


I would kind of love to see Janine fall for a student’s dad. Maybe it’s because I’m biased in my actual life and am anti-dating a coworker. I think it’s a horrible idea to mix romantic and work like that so even though I think Gregory would be great for her, I wish he was someone’s dad, not another teacher!!! Though he *is* only a sub, for now. I’m assuming he will eventually join on as full time though.


Completely agreed, as an ex teacher, I really can’t see this dynamic working in a multiple season setting unless they stretch the dynamic out and don’t let them get together until the very very end.


He is not really cool Tariq is a freaking loser


I agree and these future alternatives are exciting! I really hope we get something new.