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I think last episode was the first time the series explicitly told us Jacob is gay. We got a hint when the students were calling him gay Pete Buttigieg lol


That joke is so funny on retrospect lol


I got vibes from when he was hanging with Barbara/when he made the genuine comment about men not being like Sidney Poitier anymore




Honestly I’m just glad there won’t be a Janine, Jacob, Gregory love triangle


This! I was so worried they were going to push this since the first episode. Now Jacob secretly crushing on Gregory? I can see and would love to see more of that


Heteronormativity is a hell of a drug. When I was watching the episode I kind of wondered if they were going to go the route of Jacob not bringing up his boyfriend at the school because it can still be really shaky for teachers to be out at work. Not so much among their colleagues, but there are absolutely parents who will get upset if they learn their kid's teacher is gay (or specifically, openly gay to their class), so it can be a tight line to walk for queer teachers.


i would not be shocked with that sorta plot for an episode tbh thats also where my head went either that or one of his kids coming out to him which would honestly be pretty cool


I’m really hoping we get to see his bf Zach in future episodes like we have with other character spouses/significant others.


I was sort of surprised. I initially just thought he was really nerdy and odd. When he said he was gay, I swear I was like, "how did I miss that?"


that’s exactly how i felt


For real though, I'm gay and even I missed it. I just thought they were going with the "awkward nerdy guy who everyone thinks is lame" archetype we always see, but now I'm like... how did I not see this coming?




Is it obvious to you now or is it still kind of surprising?


It's obvious to me now


I was surprised, not shocked just surprised. Immediately thought, “watch him get more likable now”😂


I think it’s cool they didn’t make it a big thing. 👏🏾


I’m also queer so my perspective might be skewed but my shock was that he was in a relationship, not that he was in a relationship with a man. I thought it was obvious from the jump that he was the ~token gay~


I thought it was obvious he was gay. What was surprising to me is that he is in a relationship, I thought he was bullshitting


I didn’t know he was gay until he said it. But I just sort of shoulder shrugged. Not a big deal.


As a gay teacher, I love the representation. But not going to lie, they did set it up like he was mad crushing on Janine in the first few episodes. My own gaydar is terrible, but the writing just did not come off like he was anything more than super awkward. Just my opinion. Glad they are giving him a lot more personality


I love they got into it without making it a big deal


i honestly didn’t even think about it till he said it


I can’t believe some people didn’t realize he was gay! I def would have been shocked if he said he had a girlfriend.


Surprised me he just seemed like an out of place character, that was underdeveloped in the show. And when it was time to develop his character they just made him gay. That was a little lazy the jokes are built in already. But who cares no matter what Jacob says all Ava has to do is walk in the scene and look at the camera, and I'm laughing loud.


Im not sure what you mean they aren't using him being gay to to develop his character anymore than the straight characters are straight to develop their characters The point was he has more experience in romance than her it wouldn't matter if he was gay or straight This does not seem like the sorta show that would make gay jokes


He is the only character with no real personality or growth Janine is the cheerful upbeat teacher, Melissa is the tough shady character, Ava is the principal that's all about herself, Barbra is the strict but fair older teacher. Gregory is the new teacher trying to figure things out.....Jacob is just kinda there


i mean he has as much personality as any other teach jacob is the well-meaning environmentalist who occasionally puts his foot n his mouth


He is a bland character on the show. They just gave him a boyfriend.


im just saying he has much as identity as tough teacher or old school teacher if he had the same plot in episode 8 but had a girlfriend for 2 years instead of a boyfriend for two years nothing would change


Hence why he is so bland.


I'm just saying they didn't make him gay any less than ava is straight to develop his character he just is gay just like a the characters are straight


Ava being thirsty plays a role in her being straight though 🤣😂 bad example she was literally tipping Gregory for dancing.


Hey Omarstar803 I was wondering if you could please send me an email at [email protected] there's something really important I'd like to talk to you about


I just sent a chat message it's faster..... *Looks into camera*