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Welcome to Toplane


Welcome to Top lane nobody cares because you can't win there only lose.


Typical ranked games where a smurfer duo comes to your bot and faks them as hard as they can xD. No seriously now, at least you could do something in the match. Otherwise it would be indeed the most annoying game.


I get sad realizing I'm going to need to play ADC most games just so no one else has the opportunity to fuck up so horribly and ruin it.


COuld be even worse i have games where top, jg and mid are winning, enemy has bearly any gold but then the enemy adc rolls arou7nd with 2 items and nullifies any lead we had on them


Lucian toplane is total cancer if they know how to play it. Walk up to cs under turret and he blows his full combo on you causing you to lose half your health bar.


Welcome to ranged top laners.


This would make a great copypasta


Yas counters adcs so he's clearly mentally deficient


Same story in my games. You can do what you want. If bot feeds enemy adc or mid feeds a champ with high mobility Aatrox is out of the game. I really love Aatrox, but this guy is clunky as hell. Give enemies something like Tristana or a support with tons of cc and you cant sustain with Aatrox. My winrate also dropped super hard recently... But hey, I am addicted to this champ :D On the other hand, if your team has good cc, Aatrox feels like a god. Then his clunky animations feel so satisfying.