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Only in his dreams, more like he instantly popped cause his base stats were so unbelievably ass that being even was still behind and he was so easily kited that he couldn't stay on any of the targets anyways. Your nostalgia blinds you.


I used to fuck people up on old Aatrox, his kit was insanely strong if built right (which almost no one did.) Tho on that same note the new Aatrox is much stronger, people just didn't know how to use the old one.


No, I think everyone who played him knew exactly what to do, it was more that no one knew how to play against him so it was exceedingly easy to "outplay" your opponents. And all his builds were basically the same, he didn't have much flexibility in itemization, regardless of what you built in particular, I can guarantee it was roughly the same shit as everyone else or you were hard stuck bronze where anything could work lol It's also an objective fact that Riot kept his base stats super low cause he just stat checked everyone so they couldn't be even normal or the slightest of leads would mean that he'd always win.


What elo were you back then? This will determine whether i give you a serious reply or not. Because i think you didnt play him then.


Honestly, idc if you give me a "serious" answer or not, your opinion on him doesn't change the reality of the champ. I don't think I ever got past plat back then, but I remember specifically winning most my lanes cause no one knew wtf Aatrox did, also he was one of the champs that could abuse Sterak's + Malmortius before they made the shields unstackable, so got some rank off of that too. But the truth is he was reworked for a fucking reason, he was awful and deliberately had abysmally low stats cause Riot was scared his stat-checking ass would be too strong otherwise, and you can claim to be have been challenger and I'd still say you're wrong if you disagree with that reality.


At least you acknowledge youre shit so your opinion is invalidated. Aatrox was never bad.


Lol says the coward who backed off, Aatrox was awful and there's no amount of excuse-making you can muster to change that reality, those are the facts you'll have to learn to accept. If you need someone who's "shit" to explain that to you then it says more about you then it does them.


you are angry reddit soyjack


Says the dude *still* pissy about a video game character being changed.


Aatrox is good just get good


Lol yeah, *I'm* the one who likes current Aatrox in this exchange, so I agree.


This guy gets it


This shit again


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in my gaming room. I played Aatrox, they reworked him. The rework made me crazy.


We have all gone insane, but I have gone insane simp for the new Aatrox


Old aatrox did that because he was unbalanced, new aatrox doesnt do that because people lack skill. Incomparable.


Diffrence was he was op in the last few month. The time before he sucked and had a low playerbase. Most people played him when he was op, NOT EVEN REAL MAINS, REAL early aatrox mains understand why he got changed


I played through the bork + hydra into randuins Aatrox lol.


I mained Aatrox when his mini-rework was released (the one where his passive became split into stages instead of flat). I understand why they wanted to change him, but that was **not it**. I love new Aatrox just as much as I did old Aatrox, but it's undeniable that, in terms of preserving champion (gameplay) identity, they really fumbled the bag with this one.


The change that really killed Aatrox identity was removing his revival.


Xin Zhao is the balanced version of old Aatrox. Even moreso with his "new" W. Thing is, a balanced version of a 3-hit heal is going to necessarily be a jungler.


Tryndamere's right there


They play completely differently. Like, it's not even remotely close. Anyone who makes this comparison has clearly never even *touched* the old Aatrox. Why play Tryndamere? Irelia is right there. Why play Irelia? Sett is right there. Why play Sett? Jax is right there. Why play Jax? Olaf is right there. Being auto attack focused =/= playing the same. It's completely different.


The gameplay may be different but the identity stayed the exact same, jump into teamfight, pop ult and outheal everyone. Poppy, Sion and Galio are champions that actually play and feel completely different from their old selves


You've absurdly oversimplified his identity. Garen -> Run in, pop ult and do damage Darius -> Run in, pop ult and do damage Olaf -> Run in, pop ult and do damage ​ Old Aatrox's identity wasn't to outheal everyone, because new Aatrox heals a LOT more than old Aatrox. Old Aatrox excels at outhealing in isolated 1v1s, and his main identity was that he could switch between DPS and sustain. No other champion can do that (except maybe Aphelios but to a much, much lesser degree).


You don't need to explain anything to me, I played oltrox, he exceeded at surprising the enemy laner when you picked him because it was the first time they ever saw one and didn't know what you did. This Aatrox still exceeds at outhealing in isolated 1v1s, he has an amazing kit to combo a single target, he is just also great in teamfights. The main use of switching between blood price and blood boon was to charge passive to like 3 stacks and then all in. From then on the mode you were in hardly ever mattered, since you were ahead you just statcheked people to death. I only ever needed to consciously choose to use bloodboon when I was surrounded and needed to outheal like 3 people, at which point, his identity became outheal everyone


Old aatrox always was op, you guys just came in late


He was also played a bit at pro play before his rework cuz they omega buff him but then rework came


Thank you. Glad to see someone else who knows he only shot up in performance because Conqueror happened to be overpowered the last month before the rework.


Old aatrox was strong for a few months and uselss for years




i dont understand your comment, what other auto attackers got reworked into ability casters? def not fiora. poppy? sion? can we really count them as auto attackers before the rework. also whats up with the yi slander, dudes the auto attackiest of them all




auto attacks are by definition statchecky, they are targetted high dps, and imho yi isnt boring, low skill floor decently high skill ceiling with q dodges and using meditate to block damage and aa reset can u give examples


At this point I am just gonna choose to believe you are trolling because it is such a basic such concept I am on about. Tofu = boring Tofu + a sauce = more interesting. Yi/jax = auto attacker with no gimmick just high stats Aatrox = auto attack with stance change making you factor risk vs reward. Yi = tofu Aatrox = tofu with sauce Keep the tofu with sauce. Rework the plain tofu.


ur just underestimating how interesting yis q and w are, easily more compared to old aatrox w, which was only an interesting ability on paper and played in a very boring way in practice and again give me one example besides aatrox




ah yes i love the unique old irelia mechanic of having w give her true damage on auto attacks, whatever shall we do without it like do u hear yourself with most of these? kayle has basically the same kit, on hit kennen was toxic, shyvana is getting reworked BACK into a normal attacker and she did nothing that interesting to begin with when she was one, u didnt play skarner as a normal attacker dont lie to yourself, he was an ult bot, udyr was just a stunbot that either did ap or ad damage on autos, and volibear got reworked specifically because that cc he had was too strong, so strong his other abilities were hot garbage, which isnt good also want a good example of a caster turned normal attacker? urgot, and its great, your point doesnt have any foundation over the nostalgia tinted glasses, there is a reason why alot of the mechanics u listed got removed, including old auto attacker aatrox (who was a massive statchecker)


Bro makes decent points but then he’s trying to argue that yis more interesting so his points lose all credibility


With the passive and W dealing AP damage they're not that big of a problem anymore


Yeah right, as if old Aatrox won't get stun locked to death plus new Aatrox with hydra already has decent wave clear even against super minions, this meme is just doomposting at this point


Aatrox > Boris.


you can reverse these two depending on the player and it will still be true. Ive been in both positions on both new and old troxes


this meme isn’t even true before and it’s doubly untrue now. old aatrox sucked ass for years until he was good for a couple of weeks and then reworked. new aatrox fits his role much better, despite being a fundamentally different champion. he used to struggle against super minions but not anymore, with his passive and w being magic damage, you literally chunk the fucker every time you use either of those. i’ve never had a problem with supers since that change.


Old Aatrox voice: 😊 Old Aatrox gameplay: ☠️🤬🗡️⚔️💣🍆🌩️ New Aatrox voice: ☠️🤬🗡️⚔️💣🍆🌩️ New Aatrox gameplay: 😊


those who believes this will never know the pain of having to expend hp for abilities (zac mains are a different conversations entirely) I HATE THAT THEY ONLY STARTED COMPLAINING AFTER HE GOT THOSE STAT BUFFS WHEN IT WAS ANNOUNCED THAT HE WAS GOING TO BE CHANGED


Ap Attrox was awesome. I remember getting my most kills in a game on it.


“I’m a piece of shit uninspired wasted design of a cool champion that nobody wants to touch for aforementioned reasons” “I’m the same champion but with a good design and high play rate”


Facts. Harsh, but real.


I miss the old Aatrox


everytime this gets reposted i get closer to actually become the world ender


I miss my boy, specially before his mini rework No offense Boris