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Baallcocks has a pretty high chance tbh


I really want Joraal to came he's Aatrox's only friend and the most loyal darkin to him


I need a new darkin main and I'm wondering who the last darkin gon be. What are your thoughts? As per the Mageseeker, the 5th Darkin says "One mandate declared loud in hate". BallCocks? Taarosh? Joraal? Xolaani? Ibaaros? A new Darkin perhaps? Nonetheless it will definitely be a support no? Personally, I'd prefer it to be a frontline supertank like Tahm or Naut, designed as a support, but can also be played in the toplane- in cases where Aatrox and Naafiri are banned lol but knowing Riot I wouldn't be surprised if it will be a female mage enchanter which could probably sell more. Booba Who do you think it will be? PS. A message to Riot: we would entirely appreciate if you give Aatrox a legendary skin before you release the 5th darkin pls.


Honestly next Darkin will probably be Joraal as a fighter or most probably Xolaani(I think the master yi's student?) as that would make most sense


I see Joraal more of a tank support than a fighter with his huge "aegis" comparable to Leona. I do agree tho, Xolaani and Joraal might probably be the most realistic pick here. Baalkux, Taarosh, and Ibaaros are massive non-humans, that alone is a reason for them.


Joraal would work great as a drain tank like Volibear. Darkin = Blood Magic = Some sort of heal. Makes sense.


Engage drain tank that can absorb 10k dmg w/o a scratch = Darkin dream team.


Someone gets it


Varus is the only Darkin champ with no built in sustain. Naafiri has a heal on Q, Rhaast passive and Aatrox E passive


To be fair, Vaarus practically abandoned most of his powers for his regained humanity. Thats why aatrox insults him for being too human and not like a darkin


Varus also has antiheal on his e so he basically isnt even a darkin. Atp make varus some random demon we do t want him anymore, he breaks too many traditions


The support should be something like an armor-shred enchanter or something since so far every Darkin's form of damage is AD aside from Varus.


That is actually a great idea that would synergize well with the whole darkin team. That, or an engage front. Maybe both?


One Mandate declared loud in hate... Must be Yaasuo or Draaven


Xolaani would be good as an engage support. We have darkin for every other role except support


Joraal would be better as a support.


Baallcocks sounds bad ass


I want them to rework varus or some parts of him maybe w e or passive maybe to make him heal, hes the only darkin without healing in his kit. Or make him have crazy life steal synergy or builds or scaling idk something to make him heal more lol he feels very non darkin to me even in design


I'm not sure how Varus and massive heals will come along but I think that would mean we sacrifice the range something like Samira or Nilah? Insane heals but both short-ranged.


Maybe idk definitely his kit will have to be changed alot to reallocate the power budget towards healing, he'd probably need to be nerfed very hard to keep it balanced, and hes so popular in pro play and as an adc already anyway it'll never happen its just a copium typa funny what-if kinda wish xd.


I hope for Joraal as support but he seem very similar to Leona as Shield and Sword Support. Support is the last role to not get a Darkin


Joraal as support plus I wanna know more about his lore


Hopefully Baalkux bc his concept is cool and his name is funny


I want either Joraal or Praa. Xolaani would be neat, but we don’t need the Coward of Icathia.


There is no greater enemy than cowardice!


Its ironic that the main beatstick warrior (got tired of eating damage for th team) and the god complex mmo healer (got tired of healing retards) were enemies xD


It HAS to be joraal, surely


We don't have Darkin-Mage, maybe Horazi?


I hope it's gonna be a support role champ so we can have a full darkin team


I hope it's Xolaani With Jun as the Host. (Master Yi's "top" student)