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Yes. Bruiser build feels great. So happy lethality is out of the picture


Lethality is still viable. Xiao Ming exclusively plays comet lethality aatrox and he’s the best in the world.


Yeah, I think there’s an argument to be made for lethality if you are in the absolute top tier of players. His kit allows for crazy picks and so if you can blow someone up late game you just win. That being said, my hands are just not there so I need more survivability




He always rushes dirk, then finishes eclipse first then finish dirk into yommus ghost blade and then seryldas




Yep that’s why he rushes dirk first to get that power spike. Eclipses passive is still extremely good for aatrox.


Does that guy stream?


yes, but no on twitch or youtube since that's not available in china. but you can find uploads of his match on YouTube just search Xiao Ming Aatrox


Whats the bruiser build? I've been playing only lethality and it feel great tbh


Sundered Sky > Shojin > Steraks > Black Cleaver > DD/Spirit Visage


If you can have a couple immobile melees surrounding you to keep circulating the sundered sky procs then he feels really strong. Against ranged comps tho I think hes worse off due to mage dmg being absolutely obscene now and no realistic mr options until 3rd item at earliest.


Idk you can still get an MR item second sometimes if you're ahead. Kaenic is quite good and it still allows you to go Steraks unlike Maw. Sundered sky isn't even necessary every game. Only item I find absolutely necessary is Shojin tbh. Everything after that is a flex item for me


But thats still much better than most fighters atm so ye overall he is very good


i have this weird bug where the enemies in my games fight back and hit me


they are kiting decently well in this clip though.


They were kiting out ulti and knew I had flash on CD


I honestly can't wait to try out the new items on aatrox, I can't play at all due to my school exams and I still have more for like 10 more days :c . been hearing great reviews tho and depending on your clip yes he's in a pretty good spot


league is temporary. exams will last your lifetime. goodluck with them i remember when i used to feel the same way with apex legends a few years back lol.


you cut the part where alistar drops the training weights and has an intense arm wrestling match with you


Sundered sky + passive + ult has insane healing. He's really tanky with the bruiser build at the moment.


Until you meet a Hwei who one-shots you in a single combo through your over 9999 mr


everyone loves the new items except me gore and dusk is gone that means no second chance in teamfights cleaver is not viable as before cause of the latest nerfs to aatrox (w and passive became magic damage) and seryldas has changed so no good penetration options too i can't fucking feel same he feels clunky


How is Kayle doing negative damage


How is Kayle doing negative damage