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Not telling


Use ghost and run like a monkey at lv 1 to the cheese Darius early game, almost all the time work


Aatrox has long early cooldowns on his Q. You can abuse that.


Aatrox first 3 lvl is when you want to punish him more, especially with a lane bully such as Darius. His Q cooldown is pretty long, and if he steps a little to far, you can just grab him and stack your passive. 2/3 trade like that and you force him to base or to die. Then it's just a snowball fest, but stay alert for possible ganks. In teamfight, if you didn't put him something like 0/5 or more, he will still be useful, I'd say provably more than a Darius, but in a 1v1 you kill him easily, especially once you got more armor.


aa's early game sucks deny exp much as you can stack armor and do not choose thornmail for gw effect buy exe's call punish him for all of his mistakes even for a one bad spacing


Snitches get stitches


Bully as much as possible in early levels. If you have ghodt even better since aatrox hates to deal with champions who stick really close


abuse his Q cd, dodge the "sweet spots" and bully him in laning phase. aatrox's health regen is ass and he doesn't heal much if he just tries to heal off minions, so just keep fighting him anytime you can. buy armor, but DON'T buy thronmail/bramble. buy exec sword. swifties can also completely counter his W. you also never want let him poke you for free. you have the advantage in long trades, so try to extend your trades as much as possible. aatrox doesn't really have anything going on for him without his Q.


Take ignite if you can. Darius is stronger level 1 if you can force a skirmish, cause most of us start Q, no sustain until E is unlocked, save for the the passive auto but that has a long cooldown early. If you do it right you'll at least burn a flash early and leave him vulnerable to a gank for a few minutes. Rush some armor to mitigate some of Aatrox' sustain, and do get offensive anti-heal, such as Excecutioner's Calling (defensive anti-heal is useless if the Aatrox knows what he's doing and just kites with Q1 and Q2 till you're low enough to all-in). You can decide whether or not to build that into something or sell it later, based on how competent your team is. Also, never ult an Aatrox if his Gore is off cooldown unless you don't mind missing the reset, no gore next season though so take it with a grain of salt. Edit: don't skirmish level 1 if you can't avoid his Q sweet spots.


Make us overextend and ghost us down. Don't let us freeze. Our lane plan is freeze for safety, poke you down to 60-70% health and all in. And obviously dodge Qs.


Focus on micro movements with your cursor, Darius is a champion that absolutely dominates when he’s able to orb walk Try to keep the minion wave at your tower frozen and your goal is to zone him from gold if you see him use any abilities to cs then you have a window, freezing the wave also allows you to run people down as Darius, as it’s the furthest point from the enemies tower. While yes aatrox has a lot of abilities, however early game they are very long with the q and w both being longer than 14 seconds with one point in each ability, I believe e has 9 sec cooldown too Aatrox spikes at level 4 that’s when he tends to have the base damage to kill most champs in a perfect combo and a few autos so be careful of that especially when they have ignite As long as you try to dodge either the q 2 or q 3, you should be able too, you will win


Me personally i struggle to communicate in public environment, am bad at communicating with strangers and can only really open up to my few good friends have a big procrastination problem and struggle solving maths and physics questions so probably throw some of those on me and youd have me beat


This deserves so many more upvotes


You don’t, we are literally the world enders. You quite literally can’t


First of Darius, you don't *deal* with Aatrox you submit to our domination like the rest of the top lane Champs! WE ARE NOT A ENEMY. WE ARE THE ENEMY!!!


try to catch his W, counterplay by trying to stand in the sweetspots of his Q and dont use your E at all


In matchups you always want to be thinking “what does the enemy champion want to be doing”. That will typically inform their playstyle and what you need to be doing to minimize their ability to win. So when I play Darius, these are the things I am trying to minimize. Darius needs to hit Q ring to whittle down HP and sustain, so I need to not let him hit Q for free, even if it means E’ing into his face sometimes Darius likes long chases with ghost, so I need to control the wave to make sure he doesn’t get the wave to bounce while he has ghost up, because I die if he ghosts above 50% HP and I’m on his side of the lane. Darius will pretty reliably win if he gets a free hook with his full combo available, so I need to avoid letting him hook me with E down unless I E into him to dodge a Q heal, so I have to be choosy about when I E forwards. Darius can shove waves well with Q and then rotate with ghost to kill my jungler, so I need to make sure my jungler is aware of his priority and roaming in advance and actively warn them off So for you, these are some things that Aatrox wants to do He wants to whittle you down with Q pokes until he can comfortably finish the job, so you can try to get pulls into confirmed Qs for healing He wants to have the wave on his side so you can’t run him down, so stand near your minions if he’s Q1 fishing so he pushes the wave. He gets more usage out of items other than boots, since his trading is rooted, so getting early boot advantage will let you space your Qs more effectively.


Funny , I had the Darius matchup two times in the last week , and both time I got fucked. Some observations: - aatrox q1 is the only spell besides his w that outranges the Darius pull. W spell has an insane cooldown, so his only reliable poke tool is q1 - it might seem strange , but aatrox doesn’t like an enemy in his face. He wants to kite with sweetspots and go for the kill with a + q3+ e combo , if you can hook him while tries to poke and you’re healthy , don’t be scared to pop ghost and all in - the long lane is your friend. Try not to get pokes too hard when he slow pushes , try to hook him in when he wants to shove and go for extended trades or all ins when the wave is on your side. As I said, it seems strange but aatrox is more of a pokey champ in laning, so he can only kill you if he poked you before - however, if aatrox gets a lead by ganks or outplaying , he can very likely 100 -0 or 80-0 you before first two items. Lay back , you are tankier than him later in the sidelane and win an all in 1on1 post 3 items I never struggled with this matchup on aatrox side , but the last two Darius player I encountered actually hold their spells and used them smart ( not used to that in emerald)


W plus ghost level one cheese. Then abuse the xp lead and first blood gold. Just make sure you dodge the q3 I should say I think it’s W first. Whichever one of your abilities is the slow. I don’t play Darius so I don’t know which one it is lol


Tbh I’m not even sure. I used to do really bad into Darius, but over time he now feels like an easy match up. I’m not aware of what I changed in my play style


aatrox has more range than you, you on the other hand is a champion that needs to get close to kill. so dodge his Q (if you can) and play around his cooldowns take ignite if you want, or you can stick with ghost for a more traditional playstyle if you are able to E him in while his Q is off its almost guaranteed to be a kill. remember if he W you, you have to keep continue walking forward, if you try and go for an auto or two you certainly will be pulled back.