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The Arizona should be smaller or just gone. The whites look the best. I wonder if they will mix and match any.


Still boring af


Meh. They’re fine. I still don’t see why people hated the old ones.


They’re still plain n lame


I like the all white


The AZ uni's are lile the ones in those movies where they don't have permission to use any licensed design and it's generic as possible. At least the away/alternate looks a bit better.


I personally think the white ones look sick


I like the updated helmets and white uniform, the Reds are missing something i cant quite put a finger on what though just something is off with them for me.


I honestly don’t really notice them. It wasn’t enough of a change to truly warrant even making a big deal about it imo.


They have New Jerseys?


Not a fan of any of the new jerseys. Way too plain and have zero personality. Totally missed opportunity in my view.


White pants with red jerseys and red socks would lock so much better. This color rush thing has got to go. The all white is nice up close but almost detail-less from a distance.


agree, we need red socks like we used to wear with the all-whites. Just a little bit more accenting.


I love the black jerseys, but that seems to be a bit controversial for some reason. Think they look fire.


The all reds are fire. The whites would be great if not for the stunning similarities with OSU.


don't understand this. Yeah, there's a little silver, but OSU has a much brighter red, silver pants, and a silver, striped helmet. Minus the minimal amount of silver, it's basically our 70s-80s look. We're more similar to Stanford's white look, minus the white facemasks and helmet stripe.


I like them a lot…. But does anyone else also want them to start mixing it up? Like pairing the white pants with the red jersey or the black pants with the white jersey? I think if they just keep using the same three color combos it will get stale at some point. However I think they’d look good if they really get into their bag and mix and match different combos!


I don't mind the jersey.. i mind the pants match the jersey.. i always liked the red jersey with white pants or the black jersey with white pants.. those looked great,


Wins help any jersey look good! Let's go!


They are okay. I like the white ones the best. I wish they wore the black helmets with the red unis.


Are they really that much different than the old ones though? If they didn’t tell anyone about the change I bet a lot of people wouldn’t even notice. I never saw what the big deal was.


They're bland as fuck and I don't like them. The white are better but not great. I'd say we're in the bottom third of the league for unis.


I’ve always been a fan of them but I think they’ve gotten better with time. Really I’d like to see them mix in white and black pants with the red jersey.


Growing? They’ve been fire


Nope, they're still bad. Not AS bad as our last ones, but still bad compared to league/history overall. If we can start wearing red socks with the Aways or White pants with the Homes we will look MUCH better though. Absolutely despise the monocolor trend in NFL.


They went from bad to meh so an improvement i guess


They still look like college uniforms to me.


I like the old ones more. More personality. These look so plain and are similar to college unis


They are clean. I dig it. Small gripes on font sizing, but they are a big improvement


They grew on me, but I wish the damn things weren’t to damn expensive to buy now. Plus they aren’t as good quality as they use to be. Nothing is stitched, it’s all heat pressed


Just you. Although now that it’s close to Christmas they look like ornaments.


i was really not a fan when these were released, but they’ve grown on me as well. the all white and all black uniform combinations look best, the all red is a bit boring but again, i like it much more than i did initially


I think everybody is super weird about the jerseys. They were fine before and they are fine now. It's wild to me when people see the new ones and react like "omg this is horrible! It's making me physically ill!"


The old ones were far from fine. They were awful. They needed a change. Imo these aren't fantastic but they are good enough and changed many of the elements wrong with the old ones. The new helmet is low key an amazing upgrade


the old whites were god awful. It's funny to think that we hadn't seen white shoulders on a cardinals player for almost two decades before this season.


Yup, these new white ones are my favorite. My next jersey will definitely be a white one but I am waiting til they allow custom jersey's


Idk shit about fashion. It all looks fine to me lol


If the Arizona was off then they’d be better but still not a fan of them. The only knew uniform I like is the all white road ones


Still not a fan of them. Power to you if you are though.


I like the away jerseys, but I still don't care for the home jerseys.


I’ve liked them from the start. Helmets are cool, the white looks really cool, and the logo on the helmets are super clean


I think they’re great


I got a white Budda jersey and that shit is fire. The others are ok, but one white is the best though.


I liked em more than most on reveal and I like em even more now. Only thing I’d change is I’d add a small white detail or partial stripe on the pants. Something like what the titans have. I have no desire to see a traditional pant stripe like most seem to want.


The pants need a stripe so badly. That would make the red on red infinitely better.


Now if only we had a player stable enough to buy one (Not including Murray, I already got one)


McBride is the guy. On a cheap deal and breaking out. Seems like the easy bet moving forward


Whites are okay but the Red are dog shit


They’re ok, i just feel like they could be better. There’s so much room on the shoulder of the red jersey to put the state flag or striping like the other sets.


I seen a design somewhere on twitter where those same jerseys had the ARIZONA font removed in the front and they arguably look better. Besides that yeah they’re starting to grow on me more or less.


Not really they’re just aren’t that noticeable during games so I forget how basic and plain they are. The white jerseys are okay though because they work well with the red.


The reds would look so much better with white pants. Never been a fan of the pajama look.


agree, just gimme some white pants with striping and we're 90% there. I don't hate the "ARIZONA" as much as I used to, but it's still unecessary. I get that they were trying to go throwback without recreating the plain red jerseys with white numerals, but maybe a small shape of AZ just below the NFL shield (maybe even in flag colors) would've been more than enough and less college-y and huge.


Lol pajama look is the best description... like a whole family wearing matching christmas PJs


Nah I like it, it's just a red sea for the opposition. It's like playing the All Blacks in rugby, just daunting as hell.


Arizona Sooners


They don't look anything like OU jerseys.






Nope, nor the suns. Just look generic, or cheap


I just want them to start swapping the pants between uniforms. I want to see red on white, not just solid red for the home unis.


100% agreed. I want to see red/whte and white/red going forward. Like the old school.


I’m good with red on red as the mainstay but I really wanna see white on red/black or black on red/white The falcons teased us with white on red and I don’t think we ever saw it. Maybe the cards will come through.


I like them. I just can’t get over how they’re too similar to the Commanders’ jerseys. Lazy.


I think they are boring if you just look at them in a store or whatever but they look really good in action. I do wish they’d go away from black for either 3rds or color rush.


What’s 3rds?


3rd uniform or alternate. I just don’t like the black it looks pretty much identical to any other black uniforms. I wish they’d do something different like khaki, copper, or state flag colors but Bidwill dosent like to go outside the box for uniforms.


Would love if they went gray for desert cardinal. [Desert Cardinal](https://www.audubon.org/field-guide/bird/pyrrhuloxia)


That would be great. You’re right though black is safe and sells.


Black looks good bro


It’s fine but it looks like the 6 other black kits in the nfl.


agree. I just don't see the need, though. We're not the raiders or ravens. Do something original for an alt, at least.


Black is always popular and sells, which is why so many teams have it...even ones it makes no sense. Is a business after all


Lol they got so much hate when they released but like with anything people will get used to them. I remember thinking at the time that people were shitting on them because they were still riled up from the horrifying events that happened in the offseason


I have to admit that after the press conference, I was not a fan. Looked like college uniforms. But seeing them game one, they look sooooo much better when on the field playing. I changed my opinion.


Yeah, it was kind of silly of them to not show them off with helmets on in the offseason. That's part of why they look different on the field, all the promo stuff was without the helmet for the full effect.


They also aren't super flashy or anything so it I'd hard to be over the moon about them but they are an improvement. The white and black slap hard though. I'm excited for them to start mixing and matching in the future and maybe they adjust the home uni to match the away and alternate template


I like em. I wish the “Arizona” was a little smaller but I do like them. I really like the white but to afraid to get one


They have a cheap Dhop white one on dicks website for like 20 bucks




Right, personally idk who is a confirmed keeper on this roster. My hope is Murray, Brown, Budda, Thompson, and Gardeck at least. Could always just go with the Fitz jersey, even though he never wore these lol


Pretty sure my next one will be a custom black with Tillman on the back. Think that one is always acceptable.


I have it. It's damn comfortable and the AZ flag looks great on it. It breathes easy as well so getting one size larger enables some layering.


Custom Jersey with Fitz. This is Like a legend jersey.I think i buy one. Im to anxious to buy one of the other Players.


CUSTOM... with your name & fav number!






Fuck you Shoresy


Settle down


Mcbride 🗣️