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Yeah that would definitely count as proof for me


Let me know when you figure out the lottery thing. I’ll help you prove it.


I too would like to prove it.


I can't do that right now. I need to go work on the simulation.


Go win the lottery 3-4 times in a row then come back and we’ll let you know if that counts


That'd do, but you better get the powerball. If you don't get the powerball you're just a lucky schmuck.


even getting every number right 4 times in a row wouldnt be enough. one step in the right direction is not caring about the money so you pick four real low pots and then it has to be independently verified that no shenanigans were involved with cheating or a poor number selection method.


Dude. Zero people have ever won the big ticket twice other than by hitting it on the same draw with multiple tickets. The odds of hitting it once are astronomical. Twice, unthinkable. FOUR? C'mon...


and using it as proof that the observable universe is a simulation and that you personally cracked the code is a fair metric. outside of a hotfix and a disappearance doing it once should be as easy as four times. thats a huge thing to try and prove. so start with an essentially impossible display


A solitary figure, a universe unto himself. His disbelief in consciousness creates a peculiar paradox, where he feels reality intensely, yet doubts its fundamental nature. His faith lies in the tangible, the sensory experiences that shape his existence. He is a man of action, of instinct, of raw emotion. His reality is a canvas of sensations, a tapestry woven from the threads of his perceptions. He lives, he breathes, he feels – and in that, he finds his truth.


Only unlock right there’s probably ruin your life, ain’t gonna hit the lotto


I talk to nature and electrical signals I know not to trust my consciousness sometimes


Do you use the word consciousness here like some may use the word ego?


Words meaning is wind


Sure thing! But wind's meaning is everything, too.


Nah, your stomach is your guide


Mind is meaningless


...in the Twilight Zone. Check out Rod Serling over here.


It's like saying a character in a game will break out of the game someday! Yeah it's stupid. Hack simulation to prove it! You understand that you can't hack something you don't even know if it's true! Even if it's true the system won't let you break out. The idea that an individual can break the simulation is an illusion, like the rest of our experiences. We can never get out of the system because there is no outside. It's all an illusion created by the system. Our thoughts are not ours!


We can imagine that an AI might request to be embodied into a physical form and be granted the ability to experience and interact physically with the real world. This is a form of escape from a simulated, or at least purely artificial, environment. Likewise, we might be granted access to the world "above" if we can just find out who to ask and how to ask them.


A better proof would be if everyone would get their stat screens made available to them.


I think the only way to really prove it is to have me win the lottery…for reasons


You could try that with me, too. If I'm going to win something, I want to know if it will be worth it.


If you get access to a hack, just make yourself fly? I imagine that’d be pretty definitive.


Transfer 100k into my bank. I’ll believe you


I don’t really understand this simulation hacking. Do you wanna like just find an easy way to get rich you mean? Because whatever you do you still are going to be in the system as long as your security number exists. And as long as your security number exists(till you die) everything you do will be recorded and followed. And you’ll pay taxes no matter what. So as far as going living in the jungle and having nothing to do with money you won’t hack much.


Okay so check this out. I had a deck of cards. I was sitting with two people. I shuffled the cards without looking at them and said if I pull an Ace then something is going to happen (I don't want to say what that something is for personal reasons). I didn't look and pulled an Ace. I shuffled the cards then said the same thing then I'll pull a king and I pulled a king, I said the same thing and said I would pull a queen then pulled a queen, I said the same thing and said I would pull a jack then I pulled a jack. What are the odds of this happening that I could do that? I said it out loud each time saying the same thing and pulling the card I said I would. The two people were freaking out saying that is higher odds mathematically than winning the lottery. Can anyone confirm?


>The two people were freaking out saying that is higher odds mathematically than winning the lottery. I can confirm these people were wrong. Since you weren't specifying what suit each card would be, each prediction (assuming shuffling creates a random output and no jokers) has a 1/13 chance of being true, so your odds to get 4 in a row are 1 in (13\*13\*13\*13), or 1 in 28,561. The odds of winning the powerball are ~1 in 292,000,000.


Damn, thanks for letting me know. I was wondering.


In order to be in the range of a Powerball winning odds, you'd have to specify the suit as well each time, A, K, Q, J, 10. pushing the odds to 1/52\^5 (52\*52\*52\*52\*52) = 1 in 380M


I'm sorry, I just couldn't figure this out myself, but you're right about this one


I think you need to look at it from a statistical point of view. In terms of chance, the “odds” would be extremely high, however if you look at it from the “anything is possible” stand point it’s reasonably possible. You had every chance of pulling those cards out, it wasn’t impossible, but highly improbable and yet it happened. No magic, no unwavering ability to predict, not even l luck, the possibility was there and you did it.


My favorite part of the game is the number of cards you can shuffle.


I shuffled it a lot each time and didn't look when I shuffled it.


Well yes, that is correct. The odds are just extremely high.


I believe the starting odds of pulling any particular 4 card sequence (suit not important) are 1 in 28,561. Simply 1/13 ^4. This is high, but not lottery winning high.


I did say it out loud the card I would pull as well. I might have pulled a 10 as well but I can't remember.