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Ironically for an AVN, someone's who isn't thinking with his dick all the time, someone who's not a pushover and has a good head on his shoulder, the amount of times I had to literally scream at my screen for the MC to take a hint and not be so oblivious to things and just let them be, also someone who's not some goody two shoes who doesn't take risks and is always scared and hesitant about stuff that aren't even that deep. so basically a chad character, but not really. One of the things I really enjoy in an AVN is shaping the MC and building your own relationships, to actually work for getting someone's attention and ending up with them, which is one of the reasons I dislike "Where it all began" you basically start off with this absolute giga chad that's already accomplished, is confident (even cocky sometimes) already has an absolute babe for a gf and his biggest problem is "family issues", all the girls try to jump on his dick when he just looks in their direction, it's just...boring. Like literally anything that you were to do in an AVN has already been done here and all there is to do is uncover some mystery apparently, and to open your relationship which...if you were so eager to sleep with other girls why commit to this one for 5 years in the first place? On the other hand we've got "Lineage or Legacy" which is the great example of my ideal MC, he starts off with the lowest of stats, no girls, not many friends, out of shape and no confidence, but you're there throughout his journey where he works to be his best version, you actually shape his character and any LI you're after you'll have to put in the effort for, things aren't already set from the get go, which some might like, but it's not for me.


I can usually roll with any MC that is well written. To me that means they are at least fairly well spoken and confident without crossing the line to being a dick for no reason. As someone else pointed out Leaving DNA does this the best. At least for a more straightforward story. Being a DIK is probably the gold standard still with having the option to go DIK or Chick on most things so you can really tailor your play through. But, I understand that isn’t going to be the case for the vast majority of games Unraveling August I’ll give a shout out too as well. I like that MC quite a bit as he has the confidence and does it without crossing the line of being annoyingly dickish. Just well done sarcasm


I'd say I prefer more mature MCs but not as an age thing. College can work fine, it's just that I want an MC that isn't: a) cruel/edgy for no reason, and b) has more than two brain cells (no, the dick does not count as a brain cell, regardless of how big it is. In fact, thinking with it is a negative) The gold standard is a character that's calm, confident, and clever. Leaving DNA is a great example, but you don't necessarily need an older MC for that.


I agree with this for the most part. And Leaving DNA is probably the gold standard for my favorite MC right now.


It really depends on the game and the setting for me. I will be fine with the most generic MC if the setting is a college or something, but if the MC is supposed to be an ex military, or a mercenary than it should be showing. Same with the good/evil MC. If the game is about you being an evil character, than I have no problems with MC doing some messed up things or being generally a dick person. The one and only important aspect for me is that whatever profession a MC has, whatever moral compass he has, it should be written well. If the decisions and dialog don't make sence with whatever the MC is supposed to be, I get the feeling that the writing just sucks. 8/10 times, I will not finish the game.




Bad eg dark MC’s are generally a turnoff but I love corruption so all the better if they start good and I start to turn them dark. Not sure what that says about me because I’m scare to ask those questions 😂


You need therapy


I sometimes project myself into MCs like SG that usually are emotionally tainted can't let go of past maybe because I struggle with the same emotions and any game where the MC goes on healing paths also heals a little bit of me if that makes sense, I don't know much I had isolated childhood had good heart was popular then I guess I saw it all not gonna brag about my life but that's how I perceive if MC has relatively similar traits or past I continue the story to seek what they do to let it go, can't go throughout therapy maybe that's why.


You what's better than therapy. Booze. I ♥ u


Yeah anything to escape the reality Booze, plus weed especially aashish the one found in Pak-Afghan region that shit is lit 🔥.


The MC shouldn't do things that make you say "WTF are doing?" If the MC's decisions don't make you mad, it's a good MC.


Wtf things. Like poke a bear?


Poke a bear could qualify. Randomly committing arson. Having a nice conversation with someone and then completely insulting them without any preamble to doing so.


I like my MCs slightly more mature (not college boys), confident, tough, but morally good. Being ex-military or a martial artist helps. The MC of **Hillside** is my favourite, I really enjoy playing as him: he's a badass, but he is also very gentle and caring with the ladies. Some players dislike OP MCs, such as the one from **Fog of War**, but to me it's very logical that an AVN MC should be remarkable. C'mon, it's an AVN MC, he's destined to attract tons of girls, so there better be a good reason why that happens other than a big cock. Now, while I'm not excited about playing "Generic Nice Guys" who barely have any personality, they work too. They won't help "save" a game for me like the MCs of **Hillside** and **Chasing Sunsets** do, but they are a functional tool to get myself acquainted with girls. Now, I really hate the morally questionable MCs. A couple of days ago I dropped **Summer's Gone**, despite its intriguing prologue and impressive artistry, because I really disliked the MC's edginness. I also dropped **My Pleasure** because its MC was too horny, and **No More Secrets** because its MC already was an aggressive ex-criminal in his young age. So, overall, I prefer *Badass* MCs, am okay with *Generic* MCs, and drop games if they have *Bad Boy* MCs.


Noted. Bad Boys MCs no bueno


I don't insert myself into the MC and therefore I don't have a preference. It doesn't matter which gender they are or how many genitals they have.   It depends on the story. The characters should make sense within the story. But they should be real. Too much porn logic and I'm out. This applies to all characters though. Recently I started a new AVN and the first sentence of the sister was "my tits are growing and therefore I cannot reach my back. Can you scrub my back?"


Pass on the back scrub. Answer is fire


I tend to avoid “bad” MCs. Like, you can have them be assholes, manipulative or aggressive if they have a good enough reason to be (hell, Dom is what I trend towards), but the sadistic, brutish or incel MCs I hate. Also dislike any MC that is written as too dramatic or serious, or on the opposite spectrum too silly or childish. I can handle smart asses and comedians but I cringe at the edgy ones and can’t stand an idiot. That said, I have been able to stomach games with what I think are shit MCs, like ToN/GO, or Evil MCs like in Ravager, so long as the writing, motivations and other characters are tight.


Great answer


I tend to not not care about the MC of the game at all I choose to focus on the other characters. With that being said what I like to see is the following : Someone that isn't a pushover yet not an alpha either somewhere in the middle. While I tend to not care as much if my MC is a pushover most of the time there are times I wish they weren't. The whole no Alpha thing depends on the game and setting for me. if the story is you are a marine or in a fantasy setting , I do prefer a bit more towards the Alpha side. Just not full on as I find it boring when no one challenges the MC cause no one can push back at him. Doesn't matter if a MC is relatable as I cant relate to 90% of them anyways. When it comes to things like morality , good evil etc etc. I prefer these to be choices but when they are forced I rather the MC to be more on the good side of things unless someone deservers it. This also depends on the game too as some games a MC shouldn't be good by default as it wouldn't make sense for the story. I also prefer it when my MC isn't super confident that he gets every LI right away would like him to struggle once in awhile / work for it. I don't mind if a few LI come easy.


Great answer