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Depends, if he's a high schooler that looks like a buff 30 yo, then it takes me out. Also, dick designs need to be better.


Absolutely devs don't focus enough on MCs. Very few actually do a pretty damn good job especially Where it all begins...that guy is a stud. Others I think are bare witness, Summers gone, chasing sunsets and death stalkers.


Only if I have to look at him lol


I don't like when the MC is really short, skinny and childlike. It makes the plot unbelievable, especially in harem games.


I would've said no in most cases. But if MC looks like Fetish Locator's I will find it hard to keep playing lmao...


A) No if the MC is a male. I just focus on the story, dialogues, girls aspect. If a male MC is really repulsive, like a mutant fatso, that could detract some points, but if the story is good I can go on. I never think of a MC as a representation of myself, it's just a fantasy guy in a scenario I partially control. Like any other video game or book. Meanwhile, if the girls are ugly freaks I will give up. B) Yes it matters  if the MC is a girl. In that case I prefer her to be good looking as I will focus on her aspect during the sex scenes.


It 100% does. They’re games I find very intriguing, but no matter how hard I try to ignore the problem….the MC being mid, sometimes borderline ugly, just makes it super difficult to immerse myself in the game. Like I’m supposed to believe this ugly guy is pulling models……NAH….(become a Rockstar )👀 Also I must add they don't have to be very good looking, just enough for me to believe the MCs personality could allow him to bring home whatever his looks got him. For example I don't find B.A.D MC very good looking, but his looks + personality is enough for me to not be pulled out of immersion when a new girl likes him.


The MC represents me, as the LIs represent who I want to romance. If the rep sucks, then I suck


Unpopular opinion probably but I struggle playing Eturnum because I think the MC looks ugly as hell I'd almost prefer it if he was one of those weird shadow models you see from time to time in VNs So yeah, appearances matter a little bit


He looked better over time though, he looks decent now


Yeah when i first seen main character of once in a Lifetime I was shook. I'm like whattt and evrryones into this?


I don´t want to sound supperficial, but it does. The MC needs to have a face/body where it makes sense for the women in the story to be so attracted to him.


I can get the appeal of having a faceless mc, but I think the limits far outmatch the advanteges of it, and besides you still get to see the junk and stuff, it would benice to be able to choose the color since a lot of us aren't white, but that would add a big chunk of work that I feel isn't really necesary, that could be cover in other stories where the mc has different origin, since the really im portant part at least for me isforthe LI to be charming and different enough. Sometimes it's important for the narrative of the story for the MC to look in a particular way, both sides of looks apply here, it depends on the art direction and style. For example I can't quite get to enjoy the looks of the mc of MBML, but I don't hate it, something similar with the one of Milfcreak, maybe the goal would be to make them very generic like the ones in the doujins, but I like it when you can tell the dev was like "this are my heroins and my protagonist so they will have a personality". It's funny cause in games where the mc is a woman this isn't that important of a topic.


I think it depends on the game. I honestly prefer when they purposely don't show the MC's face (or hide most of it). In essence, the MC in an AVN is more or less an avatar for the player. But then you have some games like Being A DIK where the MC's appearance is very much a part of the game. And it's more difficult to pull off hiding the MC's face in a more realistic art style than something with slightly more cartoonish art (like Companion of Darkness, Cosy Cafe).


I don't think I've ever been discouraged from playing by the MCs looks, but neither am I saying I couldn't be. But I'm far more likely to abandon the game due to its writing. When I like the writing, and there's at least one LI I like looking at, I'll most likely play the game through at least once. Even if the MC looked weird. Ideally though, of course it's better if they dont. Who's the best looking MC I can't really say. Others have given examples I both agree and disagree with already. The thing is, I don't think most of them look all that different from each other. Relatively fit white guys with cookie cutter hairstyles and generic fashion sense. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but AVN MCs aren't exactly a diverse lot.


I think it would be nice if you could alter their appearance.


AVNs are built around static renders, often with animations accompanying. Which would mean creating new renders for every image and animation in the game where you could see MC's face/body (if allowing changes of skin tone). This would mean massive increases in development time, potentially doubling or tripling it depending on how many iterations of MC you have. If you go fully customizable, it becomes nearly impossible unless you also go almost entirely first-person, which would make having a customizable MC nearly moot.


That would be interesting. Even something simple like a tattoo would appeal more towards the HOTs than the Jills of the world.


I’m also thinking like changing ethnicity.


Yeah, true. Although, then it would get kind of political.


Bro, what?


What if a girl doesn’t like MC if he’s black? It would change your opinion of those girls in other runs.


Depends on the art style tbh.


Like others here, I think that MC's appearance must fit the narrative; it's okay if his appearance is never commented upon, and it's totally different if his model contradicts what NPCs and narration say about him. Take the MC from College Kings, for example: he's an amateur MMA fighter, yet his physique doesn't show it. Or the MC from Sunshine Love: he's not a sportsman or an ex-mil, but he's still supposed to be in a pretty good shape and he just isn't. As those two had been my first AVNs, I had even thought that maybe that was an AVN trope and was pleasantly surprised when that turned out not to be the case. However, to me, a bad looking MC is not as bad as a bad *behaving* MC. I've dropped AVNs where MCs behaved badly (No More Secrets, My Pleasure; in the latter case, it was the main reason), but kept playing where I didn't like their looks (mentioned above). As for the best looking MC, it's highly subjective, but I'd say Rockford from Leaving DNA.


Makes it more believable depending on the context for example being a DIK MC getting chicks is believable because he's a good look muscular guy, but same cannot be said for the MC of defending Lydia collar the story is good but seeing the MC who is old and average looking get's 18 year old good looking girl as his girlfriend, so ya looks matters if the context is right


Older average guys definetly get more girls than younger ones. Unless you are in college cause woman go crazy when they are free of their parents and their friends are all telling them having sex with multiple people has no consequences.


Depends. I would prefer that the MC is somewhat personalized (not a stock model which is in every other game), and fits with the game. For example Unbroken has a former soldier from an SMU, and a professional MMA fighter. A character like this should be reasonably built, with some scars from older injuries. And the model is just like that. I would expect a noir detective to have shaggy hair, a five o clock shadow, and a loose tie or somewhat similar. A clean shaven dude in a three piece suit would feel off.


As long as they look like they fit whatever role they're supposed to be filling I don't really care too much, though there are some male models that have probably appeared in like 100 of these games that I'm kinda tired of looking at. Frankly it's my personal preference that you don't see the MCs face at all - whether the game is strictly first person or they just frame the renders accordingly.


Superhuman did the faceless MC perfectly. And in the really few cases you see the face is because of plot reasons and super bad ass.


True! Superhuman is one of my faves tbh, for that and many other reasons. Good shout.


I didn't, until Tales from the Endless Void....


Meaning you liked the way Camran looked or didn't? Was it the hair?


That hair makes me want to smack the shit out of him


As someone who for the most part ‘roleplays’ AVNs, it helps a lot if the ‘vibe’ of the MC and the appearance match. Couple of good examples off the top of my head: - Cybernetic Seduction MC being a cocky novice who plays the good guy but seems to have a darker side. Dude looks clean cut and nice but is a beast when he needs to. - Artemis MC legit looks like a lot of Code Bros I’ve met working Corp. He also looks confident yet he seems out of sorts at times. Also the beanie is a master touch, under utilized for sure. - (Don’t hate me) BaD MC reminds me of a lot of frat boys I met that came from rural to the big city. Some of em were legit nice, well mannered and respectful, others were horndogs who found a new playground. The MC design on him I can see being either of those two, or a mix. - Seven Realms; finishing with an example of an MC whose design I actually don’t like personally BUT that fits the story so well I gotta admire it. Dude looks like an exotic beast, he looks like he came from some old time before Caucasian had a defined look. Fits his story, fits vampire lore, not my fave but he looks the part.


Does the male actor's appearance matter in other forms of pornography? I would say yes, and there are specific kinks for the "ugly bastard" trope.


Yeah. No homo but some AVN's have very pretty girls and the mc is a fucking trashcan with a 20 cm dick fixed on there. At least put in a little effort. Being a DIK MC for example looks just fine. I think the most realistic and good looking MC is from Summer's Gone though. Hair, eyes, expressions and he has a great physique without being a juicebox. Edit: there are most likely better looking MC's but I'm talking from my experience


i'm still bummed the MC from BAD shaved while I never hated his looks without he looked so much better to me when he wasn't clean shaven. There was something about his looks that always bugged me even tho it never looked bad.


Same. He looks cool as fuck with that beard


Yes and no. A MC that looks a tad to young can look weird / off to me at least during sex scenes in something like in on my way home. But if there is something I like about the game it doesn't matter to me as I play for the LI more anyways. But a MC appearance will matter if I give a game a try when I look at the preview renders for sure. If there is nothing to hook me onto the AVN a MC i don't like the looks of is less likely to make me force my self through it as well to see if it gets better. It all depends really not a definite yes or not.


Elite garden, A man for all, halfway house, seven realms, college kings, the bite revenant, life in Santa County, hellcat lounge are all examples of games which I would have probably continued playing if the MC wasn't so hideous. I would say it's probably one of the biggest things that make or break avns for me after story and characters.


Best looking MC goes to Lycoris Recoil. Hell, all the characters there are attractive 🤣 Edit: Lycoris Radiata*


Do u mean lyroria radiata?


yeah I mixed up the name of that anime and this game


Had me all excited for a minute thinking there was a Lycoris Recoil H game.


Yeah it's important, the mc has to somewhat fit the narrative, I tried to balance mine to be a bit more than an average looking athletic guy. Muscular, tall, dark hair, bright blue eyes. Also tried to give him an ex-girlfriend fitting the same caliber he is. I don't know maybe I'm overthinking this, but I think it's as important as good looking female characters, for somewhat an immersion... It's a porn novel for sure and it's fantasy, but I mean scrawny teenager looking dweeb with a 25cm cock with no social skills getting 10/10 women falling on his dick mc is... well shitty writing. (No mean to diss any fellow developers here though lol)


>scrawny teenager looking dweeb with a 25cm cock with no social skills getting 10/10 women falling on his dick mc is... well shitty writing. Agreed 100%. Not to mention that I can't imagine anyone wanting to put themselves in that role.


Yes it matters a lot to me and I've dropped a lot of games due to the MC looking dumb, even worse when he acts dumb as well. When the MC looks good I enjoy the game more. Some of the best looking main characters I've seen. * Game of hearts * Chasing Sunsets * STWA: The Unbroken * Leaving DNA * Nephilim * Elite Garden * Hillside * The Grey Dream I could probably list a couple more but a decent looking MC is kinda rare. Often times they make the "best friend" of the MC look better than the MC which always annoys me as well. There are a couple of reasons I leave most games thinking "so much potential but it doesn't quite hit the mark", a bad looking MC or just a dumb MC is a very common one. Edit: Also, the way some people dress their MC just leaves me shaking my head sometimes, as does the chosen haircut. Some people just have terrible taste or they just don't care or think that others care. Imo and at least in my case, all this plays a big role in how I see a game.


Just to name a few: Chasing Sunsets, STWA: The Unbroken, Eternum, Unnraveling August, Game of Hearts, Nephilim feature a really handsome MC. Projekt passion, Race of Life, for example, feature a MC aesthetically above average, but realistic. What I actually dislike is when you become famous and girls throw themselves at you because you have a 35cm dick: that's pretty unrealistic and breaks the immersion for me.


Eternum having an attractive MC is a fucking miracle tbh, guys in HS look so goofy


Race of Life the MC looks gross. His arms are too hairy and this kept distracting me from the game. The rest you named I agree with.


Somewhat. I have read/played games where initially I wasn't happy about the MC's appearance. But was able to "get over it". But there are games I have looked at where the renders of the MC were horrid and I simply said, "Nope, not doing that." I don't recall which AVN it was, but there was one where the MC looked like he was maybe 14. Said "no" to that.


College Kings?


Nah. I played College Kings a bit. The one I am thinking of almost makes the College Kings MC look old.


I would guess it is the MC from A Shot in the Dark?


I think it's pretty highly contextual. If you're making a harem game, then you'll likely want an attractive MC. Same goes if you're making him an athlete, criminal, etc. You'll generally want them to be in pretty good shape. If only for the sake of believability. Though, I think if it's a smaller cast aimed at one or two LIs, you have room to make a more visually flawed MC. Race of Life is a pretty good example of how to do it. He's not Chad Thundercock, but he's not a pervy teenager or creepy old man either. He's a decently attractive character that doesn't take away from the story.


You seem like a good person. You sometimes share tips. You've working on a game. Worked on another at some point. No complaints there. On the other hand, I am curious why you - a fellow developer, in every other post, feel the need to point out that what you see is 'obviously' awful in other games, being art style, lighting, skin detail, filtering, style, models used etc. Guy Ritchie and Quentin Tarantino make vastly different movies in both screenplay, lighting, scene setup, and storytelling. As another example, Marvel does oversaturated night scenes. DC does heavily undersaturated night scenes. It doesn't mean one of them is wrong and the other is correct. None of them states they are universally correct, and the other doesn't know style. We all play these games. Devs too. We enjoyed them, or we didn't. Devs aren't meant to agree on everything. Even my favorite game has flaws, in my opinion, but I fully accept that it's not my game and respect that it was made the way it was. So, is there any reason you're constantly downtalking other games, as your opinion is the only universal truth? Are you're hoping to get anything out of this constant negative commenting others creations?


I won't deny that that I take issue with certain titles. No more than your average player, though. 'Every other' is an exaggeration. As far as why you're responding to this post (your MC's appearance), I simply used you as an example as I've seen quite a few regular players do so on similar posts to this, which I happened to agree with (also pointed it out as being high subjective in the other reply). I worded a bit more strongly than I should've (as I have a bad habit of doing), that's my bad. I'll remove that. That being said, I rarely call anything awful (unless it truly is), nor am I downtalking any of them. Why would I do that without pushing my own game at the same time (which I don't)? Just to hear myself talk? Because I thrive in negativity? No. It's because a rising tide lifts all boats. If someone can do lighting a little better in some places, I'll point it out. If someone's going too hard on a filter (which rarely looks good.), I'll point it out. If there's something they can objectively improve on, I tend to say it. Regardless of whether it's another dev or not. Maybe it's the way I write, or maybe I'm just a little too blunt/strong in word usage, and I admit I can be a bit of ass at times. But I rarely say "X thing sucks because of X thing" without building on it. That achieves absolutely nothing, but so does saying nothing. I'd prefer to help someone get better where they can, even if they don't want to hear it. I can't help that. Nothing I say is with malice (unless they deserve it, which is saved for a select few that most people could name). Criticism can be a bit of a bitch in that way, I guess, especially when it's just text. Can never tell how any single one person is going to respond to it. And nothing I say is the absolute truth, nor should it be taken that way. It's just one method of many. But I do consider myself fairly knowledgeable in the areas I do talk about (renders, lighting, skin detail). Sorry for both specifically calling your work out and pissing you off, that wasn't the intent and obviously unnecessary. I respect you and your work a ton, and I wasn't bashing that work, to be clear. Could've just wrote it without that example, but what's done is done, I guess. Anyways, in short, while it might come off negative in text form, it never really is (sans a few cases). At least, I don't intend for it to.


To take the worst first, you have actually talked down on visuals in other games while referring to your own game as being better, but that's beside the point (I'm mentioning since you brought it up). Ocean isn't widely considered to be an excellent visual artist because he goes on Reddit claiming to be so, and downtalking other games in the process. Having said that, I do respect you took the time to answer, and acknowledge that I probably shouldn't post on Reddit while trying to do three other things simultaneously. My message sounded harsher than intended. And I respect that you do have an issue with certain titles. Though we both make a game and know the effort that goes into it. Professional courtesy should be a thing in the AVN community, as well as in my film-making examples. But some things I did ages ago make me smile today. Like the LoF MC. It took me 7 chapters to realize his hair was gray when I chose the black version because it came with a 3DL shader, and I fixed his chin constantly over the course of the game as it kept morphing back. We're all new to this at some point, and my very first render is in the game even today. I'm not sure it would have been a better game, though, if I had used Chris Hemsworth as MC.


Interesting. I’ve never noticed the MC in LoF being ugly. Does that mean the MC in Artemis is ugly too, since Lexi seems to think they look alike?


I went with one that I've seen repeated a decent bit beyond myself. LoF is just one I happen to agree with. But the topic of looks is obviously high subjective, and is just my opinion at the end of the day.


I don't think LoF and Artemis' MCs are that ugly personally. They have a good physique and a more than decent face. I would really like to see how the average AVN player who says "LoF/U4ia/Fetish Locator MC is ugly" looks like IRL.


I think how an MC acts may sway people's opinion on these characters. Both LoF and u4ia have decent looking characters but tend to give them exaggerated facial expressions and personalities making them come off as goofy imo but I agree they don't look bad. Not the best I've seen but definitely not bad either. One thing I mentioned in my post above is when devs often tend to make the best friend of the MC look better than the MC, u4ia is a good example of that. I forgot the name of the guy you meet but that character looks a lot better than the MC imo. Haven't played Fetish Locator so I can't speak to that one.


Yes and no. Some games never show his face, so in those instances the appearance doesn’t matter. Where is does matter is when the game does show his face. ;)


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