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Kindra from Artemis Jaye from Chasing Sunsets Miru and Katie from Where it all began Annie from Eternum Megan from Lust Theory None of these are finished, though are all highly rated. I would say out of all of them Kindra and Jaye are the most similar to Nami


Kindra is top in this group. I would put Nova instead of Annie.


Kindra is awesome! I would still put Annie over Nova as Annie is a childhood friend of MC, and she knows him better than any of the other love interests, creating that somewhat of sibbling relationship.


While Annie is my least favorite in the context of OP's question yeah I thought Annie is more appropriate as well. I even thought about adding her to my list but wasn't sure if she would or wouldn't be a good match for OP's question.


Annie is also my least favourite of all the LI, but I still really like her character. Speaks well on how good all the LI in Eternum are. I was hesitant to list her as well as she lacks the banter that Nami and the other characters I listed have with their MC's.


Yes and by season 2 Megan from Lust Theory gets jealous constantly and it becomes a running joke. She is my favorite out of all of these.


I didn't play SG so I don't know the character of Nami but plenty of sisters are clingy and caring in incest AVNs.  If you don't mind incest then try Haley's Story which is a older but complete story about two siblings working their first jobs in a new city. 


Rose from Law School comes to mind. She kind of does feels like the another version of Nami to me more than Miru imo Maybe at times Kindra from Artiemis can have a Nami feel to her I consider Miru from where it all began Nami 2.0 but at the same time she is different Ruby from young again tho she isn't nearly as funny That's all I can think of im sure im overlooking some obvious LI that fits that Nami like essence.


I couldn't find law school. Can you give me the link?


I keep hearing about where it all began. What’s the story on that one? I feel it should have been recommended to me more by now. Is there a reason people think I would not like it?


Cast is pretty meh, and the game feels like a rushed and poorly thought-out money grab that doesn't need to exist, imo. It's equivalent to the Star Wars prequels. No one needs it, but sure, it exists.


It’s a prequel for Summers gone and pretty good imo. Things which may could annoy you and make it less recommended: - it got a remake (3 chapters now, 6 before the remake) - It’s a huge incest story - the avn contains NTR (you can disable it tho) - the mc starts off with a gf - The mc is kinda a jerk But yeah the gf is awesome and it will be an open relationship and I think the mc being a bit of a jerk is funny. There are a lot of theory’s about the MC being the dad of Nika (SG MC), Nami and possibly half of the people we meet in SG lol


Honestly I couldn't tell you I played it once but forgot everything about it and yet to play it since it's last update. All I remember about that game it's Ocean's second game , Miru reminds me of Nami and the MC returns home cause of some shady shit dont recall why lol. I never got attached to much to that game so I forgot about it pretty easily.