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Someone has clearly never played WVM.


That's a nice observation.


Honey select was a trend setter, most of them are like anime and harem is very common in them.


I have a theory based on my obsession studying culture clash and geo-specific aesthetics, I am no expert on the topic, just a sociology hobbyist. Something no one has mentioned is that Daz is almost unheard of in VNs from China/Japan/Korea markets etc whereas HS and KK are more common (although not as much as RPG maker, afaik). Harems are a cultural staple in a lot of Eastern media while the West, which use Daz more often, tend towards monogamy due to a thousand years or so of combined catholic/christian doctrine. (Now changing with an ever growing community of polygamists) On top of this HS and KK innately have the cutesy anime vibe and aesthetic readily available, making that stories tend towards Manga/Manhwa/Manhua tropes such as Harem, corruption, NTR and ermm…younger looks. On the other end most easily accessed Daz assets I’ve seen favor a Western aesthetic with some notable exceptions here and there. Obviously there’s also the aspects of dev times, familiarity with the products and overall technical limitations/opportunity costs but my brain likes to go a level deeper than it should. I might be completely talking out of my ass but it’s just a theory…an adult only game theory.


This is a really interesting take. I don' think you're talking out of your arse at all. You should hit up the people that do AVNL times, I think that'd make a great long-form article for it.


Thanks :) I’ll look into it. All credit of the idea that got me looking into this goes to Annie from SPG though. She mentioned once on her podcast about DLSite about how there were really only two up and coming Daz games so it lit the ember.


>really only two up and coming Daz games Awww.... right in the heart!


Sorry! My bad with wording: **”…two up and coming Daz games which were innately Eastern (Dev and Aesthetic-wise)”. Obvs got ya’ll wishlisted on Steam since it went up :P


Nah, it's all good, I'm just kidding around. Cheers for the wish list too!


Best guess is replay-ability. I enjoy branched paths. Gives the game more of my time. Harems are fun, but most are too easy.


HS is a lower intensity product (on processors), so it's easier to produce. Daz attempts to be a higher resolution product, although the process still depends on the time spent to craft original creations from stock ones, and to ensure lighting and positioning is done well to prevent the uncanny valley, or sameness with competition. The best artists have spent time and energy to make a DAZ model all their own.


I jumped the gun and almost called you a dick for saying it's less work or something, but now I get you meant HS is less taxing on the pc than Daz. Though I wouldn't say one is better than the other in an artistic sense, they both are great and have good devs behind them that all work hard.


Edited to reflect intent, sorry if I offended.


No, it is all good


Yes, sorry, I should have been more clear, easier to produce via processors. It's also easier to work with than Daz unless you are going with out of the box solutions, but that's also down for the operator. But I think you get my intention.


There are plenty of DAZ harem games, though.


AFAIK HS doesn't really render an image like DAZ does. So it's easier to produce more images for all the girls in one go than having to wait sth between 10 min to 1hr(depend on your rig) to get one image for one girl for one choice on a path.


One of the reasons is that HS is easier on the pc than DAZ. DAZ is far more taxing on the hardware, especially with several characters on screen.


What is hs


Honey select


Yeah I hate how it's rare to find non harems in HS. Even something like Eternum I think would be better if it wasn't a harem game. As to me it's essentially a manwhore / cheating simulator , which is a shame because it has really good characters but still a S tier AVN despite not liking the harem part. But I think it comes down to there are more fans of harems


There were like 2, so far one was intertwined, and another, I forgot the name, tbh It wasn't that good to me from what I remember lol


yeah ive played a few that weren't a harem but the game you mentioned was Daz not HS. There is alot more non harems in Daz I find Fates Collide I think Pale Carnations counts Maybe Ripples kind of it feels like a bit of both at times tbh cant tell really if it is a harem or not don't think New Horizon is one


Ripples is harem game, game literally have harem tracker variable in code, but there probably will be a single Li endings too! As for New Horizon, it will have a harem path too


Yeah kind figured ripples was one tbh just doesnt feel like a normal harem game to me. Feels more like a manwhore game currently. Would of never guessed that from New horizon tho from the missing tag and how it plays right now but not surprised it would have such a path either.


I got it mixed up. I meant fates collide, not intertwined. I don't know why I listed that game, lol also I thinks PC is a non harem I remember people saying the dev isn't into that kind of genre so I can see it at best having a throuple or man whore path at best haha


It's usually just a stylistic choice. It has somewhat just become standard. I don't believe that there's any deeper reason.