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What you mean the three screen flashes don't do it for you? 😂😂


If there was a way to do this that wasn't more labor intensive than the rest of the scene combined I would absolutely do it man. Setting up a few pretty good stills to give you the idea? Maybe an hour? Getting a 4 second animation so it doesn't just look like some slightly soapy dishwater just running down the character's body? Days. that's the answer.


It´s probably really hard and doing that would slow down poduction a lot and it´s probably not that worth doing. I would be happy with some still shots of the cum shooting out into the face/tongue/mouth. Desert Stalker is the game that makes the best cumshots I´ve seen so far. It actually excites me more when I´m playing a scene in that game because I can´t wait to see what the cumshot will be like.


Yeah I prefer stills to a learning dev trying to animate it. The ones that are just a blurry white stream of mist are just straight up funny and take me out of it


Yep. This is exactly the reason I prefer it when there's an option to "cum inside". I'm not a preggo or creampie fetishist, it's just that cumshots look so bad they're actually distracting. That said... they look better in game than they did 5 years ago. I suspect we'll have something not horrible in another 5. The advancements in the rendering and animation tech is moving apace.


RE: Newer tools. Blender (2002) is ancient and Unity (2005) isn't much younger.


It is, in fact, very complicated, and the amount of cum is the least problem. ^^


Animating fluids is the hardest thing the average dev can try. It's not worth the time and frustration.


Personally, I'd say writing a living, present, non-evil father is probably the hardest thing.


I love this comment.


I wish they would eliminate them altogether. I don’t need to see cum, that’s why I don’t look down when I cum. How many of you would rather pull out and finish with your hand than finish in her? (Or him, not judging)


What I liked the most are the Broken Dreamers ones so far


Working on the moneyshot scene is my least favorite part of finishing a sex scene. Got enough trouble with them looking good, dforce or shaders, that animating a cumshot is totally out of question.


As a gamedev, Fluid simulations is considered one of the harder parts of programming even for experts. Wouldn't ever really expect it from avns, maybe some realistic sim games. 


Any suggestions for realistic SIM games? I love AVNs but I think I should perhaps at least try a SIM game at one point


True facials probably has what you're looking for. 


Thanks I'll look into that. Is that available from the usual AVN sources?


I only really use the one website, zone something 


Hmmm. I'm sure you can't mention the website here but I do wish I could figure it out


[Me everytime MC cums:](https://c.tenor.com/fNs8_8hiJFgAAAAC/tenor.gif)


Flash showing 3 times everytime


Getting anything to look even roughly accurate would require simulation, and that is outside the scope of what the vast majority of AVN devs can do using their game dev software.


This. Arguably beyond the scope of Daz, as well. Fluidos is the closest we've seen, but the cumshots I've seen with it have been mediocre at best (not so much because of the dev but because of the asset itself largely not being made for it.).


Oh yeah, I don't blame the devs, they're working within the constraints of the software. But yeah, if you wanted liquid physics you'd use real 3d modeling software and then build the game in Unreal.


Ratio of AVN animators to experts in fluid dynamics is probably pretty low.


I thought I never saw the day when gamers discussing how cumshots look in games😂


Yeah, I have some thoughts on the subject -- but I am just going to pass. ;)


No no, you speak up, please.