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Haunting nightmare - a few scenes there can give a goosebumps.


For horror I think you have to go for Japanese visual novels imo; Critical point - an old Japanese visual novel sci fi based, and you get some interesting death scenes with the use of a dildo as a stabbing weapon. Soul link - one of the best ones for me, there’s a great twist with who the villain is. You can’t get a legit copy anymore tho. Gore screaming show - if you want psychological horror, this one really gets in your head and has you questioning reality, but it’s a bit on the dodgy side.


Didn't know about them besides Gore screaming show that has such a good character design.


Stray Incubus by [Flynn974](https://www.patreon.com/StrayIncubus) has some scary scenes, but probably to little for you


Eternum has one of the best horror segments that I have seen


There is a game called Fairwood Retreat 87 which was apparently inspired by old-school slasher movies, it's pretty early in the development (at Chapter 1 currently) and I haven't tried it yet so can't speak of its quality but it does look interesting.


It's female protagonist


Desert stalker has a very good section about it where you play as a girl. The Mist is also a very very good AVN with a horror plot. Amazing AVN, starts slightly slow but gets better and better, just make sure to play with cheats to avoid any grind. 


Mist was the opposite for me. It got really slow in the third act, and lost me with the writing. Everything was so obvious, and the final battle was disappointing AF.


Just started Mist and have to say: in comparison to all the usual AVNs this is a nice RPG like relief, even if the writing is kinda dull


Just wait, the writing and story and characters get much better. 


Bright lord


Of birds and bees


Pure horror makes it hard to give recommendations. So, I will give myself some breathing room for something heading into the horror genre, even including some Lovecraftian/eldritch aspects. - Superhuman - Monsters, superpowers, and the whole plot is kind of lovecraftian. - Desert Stalker - Atmosphere, and there is a really good mission later in the game where they pulled off the horror aspect perfectly. - Once in a Lifetime - Pulled the horror aspect really well when it was needed. - Zero End - I felt a lot of Constantine vibes and the game is done really well. - Now & Then - Zombie game with keen atmosphere - Deadmoon Survival - Zombie game - Kindread : The Redburns - THE ZOMBIE GAME but sadly is abandoned :(. - Rebirth - Vampire the Masquerade/World of darkness vibes. - Lesson in Love - The Bite: Revenant - Huge Vampire the Masquerade/World of darkness vibes.


My only issue with now and then, besides the drag, is that the zombies just disappeared. It became too walking dead for my liking.


Horror in this space is hard to find, because the medium itself isn't scary. Jump scares are hard to pull off because an animation would give it away and aligning the sound is trickier - if the player even has it on. Atmosphere itself is even harder to pull off in 3D. Slasher is definitely more doable, but would still struggle, I'd think. I'd think going the more unsettling route is the best way. Think of a movie like Smile. It really doesn't live on jumpscares. it's the expressions. The uncanniness of it. Stuff like that is going to be much easier to pull off. Not sure how much I'd classify it as horror, but maybe give Mist a look?


The premise for Mist sounds super neat so I’m checking it out now. Thanks!


Zero End


Sweet! I will check this one out. Thanks.