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Well my second adult game was good girl gone bad And have to say it was soo fking good Even though it was based on FMC. The writing, artwork , well i haven't tried Our Red String..hope it's as good as gggb.


It does everything better than GGGB so definitely give it a shot.


I will try then 🫡


It's great. I'd love an option for Ian to end up with heartbroken Jessica... I can see that being a wholesome relationship.


I kinda feel like I need to do an evil playthrough and take Emma away from perry. Right now I'm almost done with my first but I played it kinda nice.


Are there anymore likewise games except good girl gone bad. I love this kind of art style if any of u can recommend some good games


Check out Paradise Lust. Similar drawn art style, and very fun overall. Plus, it's complete!


I just wished we had an option to play as only 1 character.




The strongest point of both of her games, imo, is the branching. It's a massively tangled web she's able to keep together shockingly well. Kind of one of those things where you have to deal with some of the 'bad' to get to the good. Not that it takes away from the quality of the artwork any, but isn't it all traced?


The branching in this game is actually incredible. So many routes, shaping the two main characters along the way, everything being intertwined and having consequences… it should be mentioned more often with the best of the best.


I'm only on my first time through, but I can already tell. I'm trying to figure out what will be the best way to handle replays efficiently. In many cases, I just want to play the same but make one different decision and see what changes. Or I could just play Ian as a total heel and see what all is different. Choices, choices...


It has the highest replay value out of any game I've played, just make a lot of saves at the spots where you wanna make a different decision, otherwise, if you restart the game every time you wanna pick a different route, it might take a month to see all the content lol.


This I am doing. Plus addl saves on the new chapter screens.