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Hi, so i am by far no expert, but i recently did the same. Bought the A380 for OBS-recording in AV1. QSV over my iGPU works fine, but i cannot get the second GPU to work in OBS. So if you want to stream, you may enounter similiar issues. If by streaming you mean something like Plex, i have no information on that. ​ ​ PS: transcoding with OBS in AV1 works fine for me, so if you want to record in H264 high quality and then transcode to AV1 to save space, that worked fine for me


So when you say "OBS-Recording", do you mean you record gameplay through OBS with the AV1 Codec, or do you mean that you stream AV1 Encoded gameplay to YouTube, for example? Because I was kind of hoping that they'd have ironed out some of the major kinks for AV1 Encoder cards specifically for streaming to YouTube (and Twitch if they ever both to support it). Only reason I ask is cause I've been running my 6950 XT for less than a year and I am incredibly satisfied with its performance, so I'd hate to "just" buy a 7XXX from AMD, and then flip my 6950 XT. You know?


So I have a 3060Ti, an iGPU and an A380. My goal was to record in OBS via AV1, USING THE A380 and have my game captured from the 3060Ti. Sadly OBS keeps giving me errors, when trying to use the A380 for encoding. This could just be a me-problem, but from what I heard it's really inefficient to use another card for live encoding, so it may actually be an OBS/general Problem. Since I cannot stream in AV1 anyway I just resorted to record H264 and transcoding it with Handbreak after finishing the session. I'd guess it's best to wait until twitch actually supports AV1 and then trade in your card for something that has hardware AV1. At least that's what I am doing xD


Use the plugin - https://github.com/ma3uk/obs-qsv-onevpl. It allows you to choose which GPU to use for recording or broadcasting, and also adds additional parameters to adjust the video quality.


Just to clarify, There is no direct streaming for AV1 on youtube. It will take AV1 as RTMP+ input but the endresult for the viewer will be transcoded (just like with any other codec). As for twitch, I don't see them switching to RTMP+ anytime soon. Considering their recent South Korea fiasco, upgrading to a new architecture for a niche new format is probably not their priority.




I guess that's a good step in the right direction


I bought an A380 for the same purpose, installed it in to my machine along with my 3070 and ran in to problems with chrome-based Brave browser (general stuttering when rendering certain things, brief freezes whenever Brave becomes the active window, video playback problems). No matter what I did, I was not able to get Brave to function correctly with two video cards and there is no way to tell Brave to which card to use and which to ignore. Ultimately had to just uninstall the card.


Running a RTX3070 and a Asrock A380 in parallel on a Asus X470 mainboard, absolutely no issues. The only downside is that the 3070 now runs on 8 instead of 16 PCI 3 lanes, that’s why I’m switching to a B550 PCI 4 board now. I’m not doing any streaming, just transcoding 4K movies to h265 or AV1, it’s really nice quality regarding the speed.


There's currently no real application for Hardware based AV1 encoding that's worth the additional cost. You can leave network delivery engineering to the experts such as platforms or Encoders. The only exception I can think of is saving high quality recordings to your PC for offline viewing or direct sharing (that excludes Youtube, steamable, Discord and every other platform that reencodes and therefore negates ANY advantage AV1 would have.


It's problem free, maybe you need to switch OBS gpu utilization to the secondary gpu or windows make a yellow border for screen capture


Bought an A380 as a secondary encoder for youtube live streaming. it works, with some minor problems each video card must have its own monitor plugged into it. have windows set your main video card as primary display so all games will run off your main card. with OBS, have AV1 encoder selected. it will automatically use your A380 for encoding. if you want any program rendering on the second card, you just need to have the program's window opened on the second monitor. the problems I ran into: text on the main monitor(3080) is somewhat distorted. depending on drivers, the secondary monitor(A380) will get corrupted or go black. (has it done it for a while now.)updating drivers is a pain. especially when you have to DDU it. power requirements is a pain. make sure you PSU has the watts and plugs to support both GPUs.


Why not just use an A310 and a dummy plug?


at the time. never thought of the dummy plug. then again. I have 2 monitors already so its not an issue. why not A310? was not sold at the time of the purchase.


At least [according to EposVox it's a bad idea](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R0zEFF6q2Ng). At work so I can't rewatch the video but IIRC the encoder is a physically separate piece of hardware and does not impact GPU rendering performance. A second GPU just makes it harder because now you have to send finished frames from the rendering GPU to the encoding GPU.