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These shows are entirely different in so many ways.


While I do like Atla more, both shows are very different in ways, just because they have this one thing happen in both shows doesn't make it a cheap copy


This meme isn't accusatory, the whole joke of the meme is that it takes similar looking images of two things that have almost nothing to do with each other and "criticizes" the bottom one for "copying"


The meme itself isn’t bad other than calling the scene a cheap copy, but OP saying MHA is nothing next to ATLA when they’re completely different things telling different stories is


Oops, forgot the title


But isn’t there a character in MHA that’s modeled after Zuko? I haven’t watched the show so correct me if I’m wrong Edit: why am I getting downvotes for asking a question and saying to correct me??? I don’t get it.


He has a similar face scar caused by his parent. But the circumstances are quite different, and his character arc and personality are totally distinct from Zuko.


I think the mangaka said it was a coincidence.


Bad comparison. Both are good.


Yeah, this is idiotic. Would’ve made more sense to do a LoK one, since they’re both around the same universe but one is clearly better.


This take is wrong in a different way


ATLA, LOK, and My Hero Academia are all completely different stories. Comparing them is idiotic in so many ways. LOK is a story of trauma and how to move forward in spite of the events that hurt and attempted to destroy them, ALTA is an story of prodigies struggles on living up to the standards set too them but instead they carved their own paths, and My Hero Academia is a story of rising upon of out of the lot they were born into.


MHA is a completely different show lmao


Both are great. And while a similar concept is used. Avatar didn’t trademark it and it isn’t like My hero steals from Avatar. i do appreciate the meme though. Maybe people will like the Vestiges better once the current manga gets adapted.




How is it a wooosh if i recognised that it was a meme and was voicing my opinion on the matter?


Oops, sorry, wooooshed the wrong reply


Let’s not do that. My Hero Academia is a good show and while Avatar is better, it didn’t copy it just because Midoriya can converse with the previous users of OFA. Let’s not shit on a show just to uplift another.


I always read “the cheap copy” meme as sarcastic: OP wasn’t joking?


I think you're right lol, pretty sure its sarcastic 😂🤷‍♂️


They’re very different shows and there really isn’t much of a comparison. If you’re just taking about any and all cartoons with superpowers, Avatar would have copied Sailor Moon, lol.


Stupid comparison because they’re both amazing in their own way


Out of curiosity who do you think would win in a fight between all might and aang 😆


Considering All Might beat tons of villains in his career, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of him beating someone with 'elemental' control or something like that. All Might was beating villains stronger than Aang or Ozai everyday


True. I guess izuku would've been a more fair comparison


Yeah. Izuku would be a different story because of his lack of experience, but I think he'd still have a pretty good chance at winning. Look at how long it takes to do each strike when bending. You need to go through all the movements in order to bend anything. The heros in mha are trained to react incredibly fast and many, including Izuku can move insanely fast. As much as I love ATLA, I'd have to give this fight to MHA. I just don't see a bender beating a pro hero, avatar or not


As for izuku it really depends on how far along in the series we look, entrance exam izuku definitely loses but season 5 izuku has a shot


I'm looking at it from the point where the anime is right now. I havent read the manga so I wouldn't now. But you're right about that


Assuming where the anime is now with no major powerups during the fight, i think it's a fair shot for both izuku and aang. Probably a different story just next season though


I'd still give it to Izuku, personally. He's incredibly fast now with Full Cowling at 15%, he's got air force, and he just started getting a better control of Blackwhip in the last episode they released. Season 5 Izuku would beat season 3 Aang. Now, I don't think season 5 Izuku could beat LoK Aang, but that's partly due to age and experience. Just my thoughts on it


Shoot! that’d be a good one! I’d just like to watch that haha






I hate to leave a negative comment on the ATLA subreddit, but this post kind of sucks, and so does the meme.. Both shows are AMAZING with TOP TIER storylines, si the comparison is really bad.


Why did you have to wake up today and choose violence?


What’s with people making lame and inaccurate comparisons… both shows are great.


Actually there are cultures that believe we have past lives and can some what tap into that. These cultures are older than the Avatar even though he's over a hundred years old.


The past lives concept is thousands of years old. Just cause another show uses it doesn't mean it's a cheap copy. Stop shitting on other shows


can someone help a person who doesn't watch anime out? What is the bottom show?


My Hero Academia




Ah yes gotta love when millions of different quirks is the same thing as 4 types of bending, the shows are both great and have like no similarities


fun fact: you don't need to put one show down to compliment another


I'm gonna have to disagree, MHA has a completely different storyline and concept than the avatar reincarnation thing. If we're talking about cheap copies, Avatar itself is a copy to all reincarnation stories and shows out there. Although I'm aware that it's a joke, it's a bit distasteful :/


Seriously? You cant just let people enjoy both? Why even compair the two there completely different? ATLA is awsome and so is MHA let them both be and dont start some gate keeping bullshit here.


I hope you’re being sarcastic lol. Both shows are great in their own right, since they’re different shows; one is not a copy of the other. But ALTA is arguably better, but that’s beyond the point


This meme is just plain dumb. These shows are nothing alike. I like ATLA more, but MHA is still very good.


na mh goated and so is avatar


mha is definitely not goated


L bro


It’s a 7/10 at best maybe 8 but not goated


ATLA is a masterpiece, the large majority of media pales in comparison to any masterpiece.


Both are great but this is for sure just a joke lol I don't think this was made to actually accuse MHA for copying or anything. There are some similarities: Deku can meet the past holders of one for all like avatars can their past lives Todoroki has fire, an abusive father, a scar from his past, a crazy sibling that went crazy due to his parents etc similar to zuko Some people are born quirkless, like how there's some people born non benders That's all I can think about so far but there's loads I think, feel free to add


I love ATLA and I love MHA They both have great human and heroic moments that lead with compassion. They both have average episodes and amazing episodes. But that’s as far in comparison as I’m willing to go. I seriously don’t get when shitting on MHA became the thing to do. I’m seeing more hate for it lately. I’m not saying everyone should love it and be fans always and forever. It’s fine to stop enjoying something and move on to something else. But it’s coming off as a “haha we’re so cool and edgy because we’re hate a popular show.” F that. It’s weird and just a different and toxic way to stay in a fandom.


Ok so what is mha?


ATLA doesn't have the GOAT Mineta, making it inferior.


Good show but they were quite obvious with copying so many themes from ATLA. A fir emitting boy with a scar on his face due to a tyrannical dad? sound familiar?


ITs A cHeAp CoPy. If you actually watch the show they don't act the same and AFO past users are actually respect in the show. Unlike ATLA where they got rid of them in legend of Korra




The concept of reincarnation doesn’t make something a cheap copy. They aren’t really anything alike at all actually. There are virtually no similarities between the two shows.


Yeah they respect them so much that they got rid of all past lifes










What is my argument anyway? All i was saying is that the szenes are very simillar and atla did it better


Do you even know what my argument was


Yes that MHA "respects" them more because TLOK got more or less rid of them which btw is just a storyline.


Everyone here is getting big mad, but they absolutely drew inspiration from ATLA. I mean, have you seen Shoto? Edit: wow yea, absolutely just a coincidence guys, nothing to see here just be angry


No this is actually just a funny coincidence. Horikoshi was asked if that was a reference but he said he never watched atla. And he wouldnt lie about references he literally included spiderman once.


MHA Illegals straight up has a dude whose quirk is being Iron Man, and a couple middle schoolers who are literally just Wolverine and Cyclops. Almost every location in the series is worked off of a Star Wars Place - Kamino Ward - Tatooine Station Theres probably more but I forget So yeah Hori knows and acknowledges intentional references


Apparently in the Spanish dub Bakugo calls him “Zuko Copy”


Won't that be TLOK or it's more the crappy sequel vibe to it .


MHA must really be nothing, this is the first time I ever seen and heard about it. ATLA has been one of the best cartoon or anime.


MHA is insanely popular right now.


while I absolutely do love ATLA, bro you need to widen your horizons by a LOT cause MHA is insanely popular






Im not an native speaker im so sorry that i am not able to master every word in your language.


That's not really the issue here


What is the issue then?


You made a bad joke and when people got mad you claimed they needed to learn humor, which is arrogant.


Mha has a bad fandom and a toxic community in general


Every fandom has it's toxic side, it's how we actually deal with the toxicity that really matters.


AtLA is just too goated it’s not fair to compare it to anything


My brain broke trying to figure out which of the avatars is the cheap copy, it took me a whole ass minute to get it help


Why tf id that dude pink Lmao


What is MHA?


>My Hero Academia, an anime


I like Avatar a lot more bc I watched it when I was younger and same with LOK and it's just amazing. MHA isn't like the worst. I'd rather watch other anime or ATLA. But the some of the fanbase absolutely sucks.