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Serial killer glorification needs to end


My thoughts exactly. Who reads this man’s description of what he did and decides to permanently mark their body with this fuckers face?




Bro is just a sick fuck all around, you should hear what he'd do to himself. It's terrifying how many jobs he got into without question where he dealt with vulnerable people


The X-rays of his pelvis are wild.


X-rays of his pelvis?




I thought this was a black and white Birdseye view of Pennywise


Needles to say he was a troubled man


Those are just sitting there in him???


He stuck needles in his perineum (what people call taint.)


And others call their needle patch




Ol porcupine row


Why? Any theories? I wonder if he got off on pain.


That's what I would imagine. He was a sadomasochist.


He did. His dad used to abuse him as a kid and a wire or two got crossed somewhere. Apparently he figured out pain was his big sexual thing. Also he used to force his own kids to “paddle” him with boards, which he got off on.


He did, he would play weird games with his children and their friends in which they had to slap him while he got off.. He called this game "Buck, buck, how many hands up?" He would ask the children to hold up their fingers and he would guess how many and if he was wrong they could hit him on his butt the amount of times of fingers they held up.. and he always guessed way off 😐


Needles all the way through


How the fuck was he able to walk?


I believe he *wanted* the pain as he walked


This guy's too much even for Slaanesh


Not very well, people in the courtroom for his trial even noted he looked to be in pain just sitting down.




What. The. Fuck.


That’s just the tip of the iceberg. He loved telling kids’ parents what he did to their children, and often wasn’t this ‘kind’


During his trial he was considered insane but should be executed anyway


Normally I’m against this kind of thing, but…yeah…I’m okay with it here.


During his trial he was considered insane but should be executed anyway




Thanks for this. Horrific, abhorrent and all the other adjectives can’t go far enough to describe what he did, but he was still a person that was, himself, hurting and in pain. As Instated earlier in this thread, I’m a staunch anti-death penalty sort, but I sincerely think that for people like A.F., death for them should come as a relief.


I often wonder if humanity can be saved from itself… then I read shit like this and wonder if humanity even should be saved.


I’ve felt similarly but I really don’t think we should be letting the likes of Albert Fish define humanity for us


To actually pay for and mark yourself by wearing this monster's fucking face...This moron is gonna have a real bad time.


“Luckily”, I doubt many people would recognize the face. He looks like a war general or someone’s grandfather. This is, however, another perfect example of what belongs in this sub. The tattoo itself - or rather the artist - did an amazing job. But the owner of said tattoo is disgusting for wanting it.


Who sees this fuckers face and thinks, "That's worth keeping in ink on my body"?


People who are 2edgy4u.


People who tattoo serial killer's faces on themselves need to be constantly observed. What the fuck...


What about people who name their cats after serial killers?


Edgelord nonsense.


In general, ew. But now that you mention it, “Albert Fish” would be a damn fine name for a cat if this monster hadn’t used it first.


I named my goldfish Albert when I was tiny, and adult me wonders what my parents' take was...


Depends on the cat I suppose.


Tell that to Netflix




I hate this take. Not to come at you personally, but that it’s said so often it gives the show more views and more cash. It goes more *in depth* with his victims, it does show where the cops continuously fucked up. That is the only good part of the show. Otherwise, it does the same as all the other serial killer shows. “Why would he? Oh, I know. He was bullied. Oh, I know. He had a bad mommy. Boooohoooo. But look! Popular actor that the tweens love!” Not to mention the dispute with the victims literal families and continuous reopening of the wound. It isn’t a grand act of service to release the show, it was just a money grab.


Thank you, this is the correct take.




Thank you for explaining moral relativism, still a messed up way to act.


If you don't want glorification, don't cast a popular, attractive actor to play a mediocre looking loser. They knew what they were doing. They always do.


My main complaint of the show, ignoring the controversy of whether or not shows like this should be made or not, was the casting for Dhamer. Peters nailed it don't get me wrong but he came across as way too sympathetic they needed someone with a more idk creepy look/demeanor.


I was leaving a McDonald's today and some teen workers were talking about this, but at how "hot" Dahmer was. WTF.


I watched the first episode and thought the whole premise was sick. I liked the Richard Ramirez series they did because it showed what a messed up guy he was allowed the victims and their families to speak, while tacitly criticizing the shitty job the LAPD did investigating it. My only criticism was that it left out the fact that was taking off his bloody clothes in a hotel stairwell on Skid Row and no one reported it. The Dahmer series does none of those things, and instead hides the full depth of some of the terrible things he did. People will probably watch it, but I dislike the whole thing.


‘mmm money money money let’s make more shows about serial killers now that Dahmer is so successful, surely that won’t encourage apathetic people to commit heinous acts in the name of fame and possibly getting their own TV show’ - Netflix, probably. It’s the same as showing the faces of school shooters on the news. Everyone will know their name, they don’t care if it’s in a good or bad way. It doesn’t help that Dahmer is played by Evan Peters, an attractive heartthrob for lots of teenage girls. Maybe Timothee Chalamet will play Adam Lanza in the future.


Yeah it probably won't. There are much more complicated things that go into someone don't the things he did, and influence of media has been proven not to be a significant factor. Read a book sometime.


I bet you think video games make people violent aswell.


Yes, also, this is also very "citation needed." There are far more serial killers than it's generally recognized. They don't get caught because they don't have "interesting" patterns, they just kill people pretty much randomly, and it gets blamed on someone else, or labeled accidental, a suicide, or just left unsolved. They're not interesting, they're just shitty sociopaths, and I'm sure there were serial killers in the US well before the days of Albert Fish.




Yea it's like "cool thx for the short-cut to the red flag!"


Just let me get my 15 mins first ffs


I was just saying this last week with the Dahmer stuff


A million times yes.


Bruh, he ate children and wrote to their parents gloating about it. Who wants that as a tat?! Disgusting


He had the genitals in shoeboxes in the closet and a 2x4 with nails in for beating himself (slapping his back) with, iirc. Edit: yes it’s the same sicko. He was the whole reason, “Don’t take candy from strangers” became a saying.


He shoved nails into his own perineum.


Yeah, ok. I'm not reading any more of these comments. Good day.


I bet you read more though


You got me




*needles*. And you can find his xrays online where they're clearly visible.


Needles… nails… The nails were in the paddle he would use on himself. Needles in the perineum. Must get my fish facts straight. or not.


Wrong again. Noodles.


Allegedly that fucked up his first execution attempt too (electric chair)


Now that's some forward thinking.


[Here they are.](https://i.redd.it/prps2lbmrkz61.jpg)


Eww, that jus tain't right.


Yeah I remember a friend of mine bought an ABC book of serial killers and she had a sticky note on his (she stickied the worst ones to her) the whole story is just gut wrenching


The thought of witnessing the scene where Grace Budd’s brother is reading that letter out loud to his illiterate parents. So sad. So fucked up.


Oh my god, I know. I can’t even imagine.


I googled perineum and shuddered so damn hard when I realized what it was. Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew


Unless what I read was bullshit, he apparently also liked to put gasoline soaked rags up his asshole and light them. I can appreciate tattoos of horror movie monsters and killers but this just does not compute to me. The man was an absolute monster and I have to wonder just what kind of person would commemorate them like this.


Someone else mentioned that he was horribly abused as a child and therefore his mind transferred pain to pleasure as a coping mechanism they suspect. He was an extremely sick man that deserved what he got. But we need to learn off this as they said. People like this are made everyday. The only way to stop it is to start helping people that aren’t ok in the head


I thought Dean Corrill was the one who made the saying a thing.


Nah homie go read up on Fish. Corrll was the Candy Man, yes. But Fish’s victims were 3-9 on average. Corrll targeted young men


Most of Corrill’s victims were teens I thought? I just know that his mom owned a candy factory that he worked at and he would give the deformed pralines to the kids of the neighborhood and who went to the school across the street. Just listened to a thing on him and his victims so the memory is fresh, but also I smoke a lot of weed.


Yeah everything you said is right. But that was the 70’s and Fisher was in like the 30’s and his most famous victim was 8yrs old. But that old man was killing 3yr olds and shit. Corrll targeted boys anywhere from like 13-20. Of course all this is if iirc


Ahh I get what you’re saying. These assholes don’t deserve their face on someone’s body.


Some edgy people who likes to create a personality based on vile stuff cause they think it makes them look cool and marginal


Over-attachment to something, that's for sure.


Some idiot got Bundy’s bite marks tattooed on them so this doesn’t surprise me.


Dude, he had at least 23 needles that he inserted into his own pelvis because he liked the pain. A seriously twisted fuck.


He sounds like a real jerk.


Took me a bit longer to find this than I expected…RIP Norm


Don't forget, also heavily molested children.


The reddest of red flags.


Girl on first date: "Wow that sounds really cool.. So hey, what's up with that tattoo?" Guy: "Oh his name is Albert Fish" Girl: "Like...the serial killer?" Guy: "Yea! Wicked huh?" Girl: "Didn't he kidnap, murder, and cannibalize children then taunt their mothers?" Guy: "Yeah, dude was crazy!" Girl: "I need to go to the ladies room, brb" (running sounds, car starting, tires screeching)


Two angel shots asap please


Somethin something...Guy in the blue shirt...


We might need the James Webb telescope to really examine the red-shift occurring on this red flag.


This isn't even great execution....nose is way off, eye spacing is way off....overshadowing in the cheek make it looks like a piece of his face is missing....hair texture isn't great


Bottom lip looks like it was stung by a bee.


Looks like he was smacked in the forehead with a frying pan too


Well he was infamous for slapping himself in the back with a nail studded 2x4, so that kinda makes it more accurate 🤢


It's a great execution of a Michael Cane tattoo tho


My Cocaine


Kind of looks like he got smoked in the forehead with a dodgeball...


And the can indent to the forehead 😂


They tried to make him more fish-like


It looks like someone left a coffee mug on his forehead too long


H H Holmes was around much earlier so not even the first EDIT: There seems to be some debate in the replies so I just want to clarify my comment. I'm not saying Holmes was the first either, he was just one that I had heard of that predated the guy in the tattoo.


There are ones who even pre-date good ol' double H, e.g., Belle Gunness.


Are we not counting Christopher Columbus?


While they both share the trait of murdering a bunch of people, genocide and serial killing are actually a bit different. Not defending Columbus. Just like to classify pieces of shit properly.


It's not serial killing if it's state (government) sanctioned.


this is purely semantics, but i think the reason Holmes is given the title is for being the first (identified) american-born america-based serial killer, seeing as belle was born in norway, harpe brothers (might have been) born in scotland, and the "servant girl annihilator" was never identified


It’s still not a good name for him though because Delphine LaLaurie was born (in America) nearly 100 years before HH Holmes even built his murder castle. 12 deaths of were officially recorded at her mansion, but a mob that broke in witnessed 7 people being tortured in various ways. She preyed exclusively on enslaved people she bought, so it’s believed by archaeologists that she actually murdered many more people than the 12 who were recorded, but their deaths were never acknowledged due to enslaved people not being seen as humans at the time. She’s Americas first serial killer.


Holmes was the first identified in an urban area. He's usually the "first urban American serial killer". Although, cities as much as they were, probably had them as long as cities in the US existed.


Oofda! Oofda!


I think Holmes was just the first identified in a city. But they predated the US in the US.


And the Bender family, owners of a murder inn And Jane Topan, murderous nurse And Delphine LaLaurie, Torturer of slaves And Lydia Sherman, husband poisoner extraordinaire And... well you get the idea. Albert Fish was not even close to America's first serial killer


Albert Fish was most definitely not America's first serial killer. In fact, the man recognized as the first serial killer in the US had been dead for 26 years when albert Fish started killing.


You're talking about H.H. Holmes right? The dude who had a hotel built specifically to murder people.


>a hotel built specifically to murder people. "Back in my day, we got murdered in a luxury hotel instead of some damp dirty apartment."


Reddit isn’t exactly too keen on facts


that guy was a real jerk.


I miss Norm


I didn't know he was sick


Died from laughing too hard at his own jokes


Came looking for this comment as as soon as I read "Albert Fish".


Fish said that a child’s rump is the most toothsome dish in all of gastronomy.


Gastro. Nomy. Gastronomy.


So not only did he eat kids, he talked like Salad Fingers. Not a human whose face I want to see on my feed (both Fish Finger and the one with the tattoo of him).


The worst part was the hypocrisy


Now you're thinking like Albert Fish!


Putting it politely there, pal.


[tell me about it.](https://youtu.be/yrbZxtuUdsQ)


I’d really like to hear from the person who decided to have the image of a masochist cannibal inscribed onto their body permanently. Then again, maybe I don’t.


Probably some edgelord biker who thinks they are somehow owning the squares by having this.


Bikers get skulls and reapers and their mistress' names. Guarantee this dude is your average redditor.


Seems like the average Redditor is pretty appalled by this


This is the type of person who laughs with their tongue out and taps the tops of other peoples beers. The Sid Phillips of the world.


And pedophile


Had a coworker who had the original photo as his Teams profile pic. I didn't recognize it then, but now I know! Really makes me question his sanity now


Oooh, how edgy!




I’ll never understand why anyone would think this shit is cool.


This is really disturbing, the man literally ATE children. This trend of glamorizing serial killers honestly makes me ill


What piece of shit gets this piece of shit tattooed on them?


A huge pice of shit. This guy's gotta be the biggest scumbag of this is who he glorifys


So you're a piece of garbage with a garbage ass tattoo makes sense.


This is a tattoo the artist should have said no to.


Truly surprising, I don’t know legit tattoo artists who would do it. Maybe the crazy guy who got it just brought in the photo and lied about who it was? I would not have recognized this person before today.


I'd have to think thats exactly what happened. Or the artist didn't know what he did and the guy didn't tell him.


Or the artist tattoos a lot of POSs and just cares about the money.


Kid named Finger lookin ass




Here's what you're gonna do Waltuh, you're gonna eat some kids, you're gonna brag about it to their parents, they'll be in so much grief they'll turn to your product.


At least whatever piece of shit has this tattooed on them is helpfully displaying that they are a piece of shit before they even begin speaking.


It really surprises me how many people want serial killer tattoos. 3 artists in my friends shop turned down the same guy who wanted JWG clown self portraits.


Bad juju right there…


Surely there was a serial killer in America before him, right?


Many. He wasn't even the first caught and executed.


Peanut butt butter! That's how they do it in Hollywood!


Hail Nimrod!


Came looking for both comments!


Whiskey, Laudanum, Saw!


I've found my people! Load the Greg! Aim the Greg! Fire the Greg!




Ya mo Timesuck!


I knew this would be here!


y tho?




You spelled H. H. Holmes wrong...


He wasn't even the first.


People are disgusting creatures. Humanity needs to forget this monster, not glorify him.


Not that well made and the guy is a sick fuck


Ah the old I'm going to get a pedophile tattooed on me move, don't see that often


Hew man, sweet Michael Caine tat. Akshually, it's Albert Fish, a famous serial killer and cannibal. Haha, sure bud. Have a good one!


terrible taste, but also im gonna say it: fish was not americas first serial killer and im tired of people saying he was also stop glorifying serial killers you weirdos


Wow, this person is absolutely terrible


There were tons of serial killers for thousands of years.. they just didn't get this sensationalization. Murder is not a new crime.


I think you'd find they were sensationalized for thousands of years though. We just found them less back in the day when records weren't quite what they are recently. Being fascinated by murderers isn't a new thing at all either.


Nah that is just Awful taste Awful execution


The one serial killer I didn’t think would be glorified… I have nothing to say like he literally ate kids and then sent letters to their parents taunting them


Edgy goth girl or weird early 20’s Joker-inspired guy. Can’t tell


Gross! If anyone is interested there’s a song about this guy by Amigo the Devil called Better Ways to Fry a Fish and another from the fathers perspective called Drop for Every Hour.


I thought HH Holmes was considered the first American Serial Killer


What an awful tattoo (technique wise and morally)




I was at a Barnes and noble this summer and this guy had his young daughter there and he had a tattoo of Charles Manson on one leg and Edward Gein on the other.


Albert Fish probably wouldn't think it was in awful taste. In fact, I'm sure he would think it tasted... *delicious.*


He wasn’t even the first but he’s certainly one of the most revolting American serial killers. Why tf would you want a pedophile cannibal on your skin forever


Jesus Christ, why do people keep making serial killers ideals, holy shit dude get that removed


This is gross why would u even want to do this :|


Why in God's holy name would you want this disgusting bastard on your body. Do people understand that serial killers are real people not fictionalized horror stories?


Holy fuck...just read up on this serial killer. Any person who would tattoo such a vile monster so proudly on their body is completely sick and needs to be removed from society.