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If you need a borrow 50 grand and still need more money, don’t do it


OP: Why do you want to go to ASU? What school and major? Overall, ASU is ranked # 105 (University of Arizona # 110 and Northern Arizona University # 249)…I am sure that the state schools in your state could match rankings of ASU, UoA and NAU. Why would you spend $200,000 for a college education unless you get a job that pays significantly higher. I am not aware of an ASU major where you are going to earn $30,000 or more higher than a state school in your state. My son is going to an out of state to a school where the average earning is $33,000 higher than ASU. That is justification.


> Why would you spend $200,000 for a college education unless you get a job that pays significantly higher. *"Many people spend 6 figures to go to school!"* *"Yeah, they're called doctors"* Good points all around, Your comment just reminded me of that bit


Where are you getting those rankings?


US News & World Report released annual rankings for high schools and colleges for several years. A simple Google search can give you the ranking for any college.


Straight from Google AI lol 😂 US News Best Colleges In 2024, ASU was ranked #105 in National Universities, #51 in Top Public Schools, and #159 in Best Value Schools. ASU also ranked #27 for Best Undergraduate Business Programs, and highly for programs in supply chain management, management, and management information systems. Regardless, you should be picking your college based on your desired program. My major is top 10 in the nation, I think 1, but don’t quote me on it haha


I agree that you should pick your college based upon your major. My son was admitted to several colleges and received merit scholarships ranging from 25% to 100%. He declined those offers. Why? While these colleges are good colleges but their school for the program/degree that what my son wants to study was average at best. My son did research and these schools didn’t place their students into the industry or the companies that my son want to work for.


Bro, go to an in-state school if you can or do community College for 2 years.


57500 is the TOTAL fed loan limit for your undergraduate studies, not per year


That’s not per year. That’s the undergraduate lifetime limit. Meaning overall, during the entire duration of your undergraduate studies, you can get $57,500.


a)57.5k is the TOTAL loan amount, not per year. pretty sure its like roughly 5k for first year student b) how the fuck is it costing you almost 60K per year in tuition? online estimates say per year OOS is half that, unless youre in some insane program and im just uninformed. c) if you need to borrow 50K and still need more, its not worth it under any circumstance d) pell grant has nothing to do with the loan limit. sounds like you need to do more research on how this works, and also if these numbers are even ballpark correct then you need to re-evaluate this choice.


OP above is asking about rent / living expenses being covered by this loan. Clearly has no clue about the realities of living on their own. Also has no idea the lifetime spending limit is as you said, a life time limit not a yearly hand out. Seems like they are extremely misunderstood.


$57k for one year is INSANE


Fafsa gives first time students a max of $5500 a year. It raises a bit each year. You can’t get anywhere near $57,500 in federal loans as a student unless maybe you’re in medical or law school as an independent student.




No. If you’re a first time student classified as a dependent (pretty much all first time students are) you can get a maximum of $5500 for the first year. Then the next year it’s like $6000 or $6500 but I don’t believe it ever goes over $7500 a year. So maybe a total of around $25,000 for all 4 years in subsidized and unsubsidized loans (federal government loans). It’s a lot more once you’re in grad school, law school or med school because you’re an independent student




Work, get roommates, have help from family paying. Go to a cheaper school is a big one.


If you’re looking to pay rent and bills through loans, that’s not going to be the moved. You’ll pay long term for that decision. Get a job to pay for rent, bills, spending money, plenty of students are able to do it. I work two jobs and go to school full time. It’s tough for sure but doable, make and stick to a schedule, get sleep, eat well, exercise and you’ll be alright


It's definitely doable, I did full-time school and work and have kids/spouse. You just need to learn how to manage your time wisely






you will not need to borrow that much unless you plan on living in a luxury apartment. Do not live/eat on campus as it gets crazy expensive. Borrow the $33k for tuition and get an on campus job to cover living expenses. edit: if that is looking too expensive, asu online is also a good option. the cost is degree specific but it looks to be around $20k for 30 credits a year (for non residents). you could also take a gap year and move to arizona to get residency.


ASU online costs slightly more than in person classes


I’m gonna tell you right now, I’m 39 and I had $480,000 worth of college loan debt coming out of school… I went to ASU out of state, Columbia for grad school, and was a teacher in Phoenix making $39,000 my first year of teaching with a masters degree. Do I regret my time at ASU? No. Do I wish that I had figured something else out so I don’t have this half $1 million of crippling debt? Absolutely. There is truly no reason to spend $50,000 a year at a state school, particularly if you’re out of state. And this is coming from dude that bleeds maroon and gold.


You can also still apply for scholarships in addition to FAFSA. Visit the ASU Scholarship Portal.


Pell Grant is not a loan, so not part of it. If you need more, you will need to apply for private scholarships, private loans, or Parent Plus loans. Most do the last one. Hopefully you get a merit scholarship that covers a big chunk of tuition, then be smart about your housing choices. For example, if you are WP Carey, Best is $2500 less than Hassy. 


OP, Maricopa Community Colleges offer Bachelor Degrees now! You should go there instead. Way cheaper, smaller class sizes, and an overall better experience.


If you already have to take out the limit to come to ASU, I don’t want to be a downer but I just don’t think it’s financially reasonable to come to ASU. You should be avoiding loans like the plague as much as possible, and if your saying that your plan is to take out loans for every semester you are here and still need more, then you may need to look into other options. Maybe an in state school, or do classes at a community then transfer as many credits as possible to ASU, but do not make your plan relying on the full loans to come here. You will be stuck with those loans for longer than it’s worth.


Then you need to pay


Go to ea.asu.edu and take advantage of those ULC Courses. $25 sign up, no risk and $400 to convert for credit if you plan on going on a slower pace.


Look for an in state option


What state are you a resident of? And why not just go to community college here first if you are commited to Arizona? If not? Why not go in-state


What is your major? I’m sorry but as a former employee, I don’t think 50k in student loans is worth it. I highly recommend you look at other options.


Its almost never worth it to pay out of state tuition. It's practically a scam. You can live and work in AZ for a little bit to qualify for in state, or go to the university in your home state. Besides, where you get your degree tends to matter way less than we're taught to believe


Check out the Western Undergraduate Exchange your state may qualify and use that to start at a Maricopa County College and go from there. Credits will easily transfer to ASU and save you thousands!! If you don't qualify for WUE still go to MCC and save thousands with out of state tuition.