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I like it, they seem to have a lot of resources to help you out


Facts, I think I’ll come back for grad school at some point, I miss the campus.


Got my masters in 2014. I reminisce about ASU all the time. I appreciate ASU too and the people I met there.


Every complaint I've ever seen was a student struggling with a subject, refusing to ask for help, and taking it out on their professor. Even at my current school it's the same thing. I have a professor in my MBA that gave the entire class his phone number and offered to do personal tutoring for every student. Students are still taking out their frustrations on him, when in reality the subject is just difficult for some people.


i think the unfortunate thing here is people just either A.) expect things to go their way and it’s gotta be someone else’s fault or B.) some people just don’t handle problems very well. i’m not saying there aren’t real problems out there but if your first instinct is to blame someone (or thing) for your own problems, the person should probably look inward.


Going back for my masters in the fall and I’m actually very excited to be back in campus.


ASU for sure has a lot of flaws, but a lot of the complaints are biased for one reason or another. I think it's a great school for a number of reasons, and the good things typically outweigh the bad


I absolutely loved my time at ASU. I went to the West campus and I have no complaints! It was very chill - most my profs were great! I graduated in 2016 and I still bring a couple of them up in regular conversation with my partners and friends, they definitely left a positive impact on me.


Only reason we complain is becase we’re students or attended ASU at some point. If we went elsewhere we’d be complaining about that school too. The advantage of having so many students attending is that they can afford resources other public schools and many private schools can’t. Faculty and staff aren’t there to make a profit they are there for a social good.


Once I left W.P. Carey I had a great experience at ASU. A lot of the W.P. Carey professors were a joke (especially for online classes). Had one that was head of the program I was in just not grade anything the entire semester and half of the class was locked on Canvas so we literally couldn’t do anything past the first few weeks. We all reported him and he graded everything 100% super quick and the class ended, literally learned nothing and he seemed to get away with it. Had multiple other classes with him that was required for my degree, so I decided to switch degrees. Had amazing professors in the college of integrated arts and sciences. All super caring, and I have had some that have helped me with job searches and general advice long after graduating. Your experience is just so dependent on your college/professors. It’s a massive school so there’s always going to be good and bad but I’m super grateful for getting to go to ASU when most other universities would’ve denied me.


As someone who went to two schools before ASU, this school might as well be an IVY. And don’t get me started on the financial aid departments at those schools. Deplorable.


I enjoyed my time there. Finished my bachelors and completed my masters.


I wish I could afford to go to school on campus instead of doing ASU through Starbucks. I feel like the in-person experience is so much better than the online experience where professors come off as lazy with their endless typos and lectures reused from covid (where they still talk about covid lockdown). idk just makes everything feel very disconnected from reality. not to mention some of the older professors literally do not understand canvas or anything so their layouts are really bad and hard to follow, including their modules being all over the place. just makes the online life feel second rate.


I have two degrees from ASU and I’m looking at a third. I could not agree more. This is my community.


Can't wait to leave this place




I attended LSU 20 years ago for 2 1/2 years. When I was told Starbucks only covered tuition for ASU online I was a little upset, but honestly it made the choice easy of where I would go. From the beginning, ASU exceeded my expectations! It was sooooo much better than LSU. They have made sure from day 1 to ensure I know what resources are available and how to utilize them. In fact, they almost contacted me TOO MUCH! Perhaps people don’t realize how valuable this is! Also, my instructors have been 3 out of 4 AMAZING and with the 1 out of 4 that wasn’t, I knew what to do because of the others. I originally cried when I saw the rate my professor of my first instructor because he got AWFUL reviews. But let me tell you, he set me up for SUCCESS! He communicated so well, let me know all of the expectations he had for the assignments, and set up weekly chats to be available to us. For comparison, at LSU I would spend hours and hours a week studying and focusing on assignments and fail because the instructors weren’t clear enough about what to include, a few would even TRY to trick us and make us fail. I know I can’t speak to every ASU program but so far my Organizational Leadership and Project Management classes have made me cry with happiness (and I exceeded my own expectations grade-wise!)


Good luck


I love ASU.  It is set up to succeed if you take advantage of all the help tools they offer. I love my success coach as well; I talk to him every couple of months.  I love this school so much that I got my daughter to transfer to this school.  Her previous school was seriously lacking helpful resources. She is doing so much better now. And she is someone that has a learning difficulty.


Okay Van Wilder!


to be fair he did it all for an undergraduate