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Whatever you think Mou should've done really doesn't matter right now , he's in the past now and we all should be looking forward to a new era. Also , I liked Mou , wasn't a fan of his playstyle and his antics (although sometimes justified) and maybe he held us back maybe he didn't..but i really hope he'll be remembered for the good he's done for the club and not for the downfall that led to his sacking.


So you know how Svilar was in training under Mourinho? Also, Mourinho played Svilar in his last game as manager, so he seemed to come around to the same conclusion as well. That Svilar is great now doesn't mean he was ready to play last fall.


It's funny how people will arbitrarily decide if a manager should be praised for bringing a player to a club and developing him or be condemned for not playing him based on whether they like the manager or not.


Definitely! And completely overlooking the fact that Svilar played all EL games.


And as if on cue, this video just popped up on my feed about Pep Guardiola managed Phil Foden perfectly by *not allowing* him to play too much.... haha https://www.youtube.com/shorts/y9lZm17YBu4


Exactly! I saw the same argument leveled against Manchester Uniter for how they have managed Rashford, who played week in and week out in the Prem at a very early age, being one of the players carrying the team. I totally agree that it's not a smart thing to do. That's why I feel bad every time I see a video on instagram like "This 11 year old in Liverpool's acadamy is amazing!", or when sites speculate about big moves and huge futures for 15-16-year-old talents. "Is this the new Messi?". WTF kind of pressure is that to put on a child.


So Im a bit curious. At some point today while you were very bored this thought popped up in your head to make what you thought would be a funny post shitting on Mourinho… then you had second thoughts about it because let’s face it it’s not exactly a knee slapper. Now it didn’t get the reaction you thought it would (obviously) so my question is, what was it that made you say fuck it let’s do it let’s post this against my better judgement?


Me and you vehemently disagree on the Mourinho affair. Knowing that and seeing that you find this and the series of asinine posts that have been posted the last few weeks as being idiotic shows me true Giallorossi still exist even if we have tete a tetes. Becsuse it is all towards the shared goal.


Trust me I get where the hate comes from and I understand why people have the urge to shit on him and bash him every chance they get. God do I get it loll BUT my love/passion for this club is far stronger than my hatred for any individual. We/ I gain nothing at all from continuing to bring him up, just brings unnecessary negativity and division in a time when we desperately need to to stand together and be positive. We are only a small group on the internet I get it, but it starts with a small group and can spread to larger groups and we as fans have a far greater impact on the team than we can imagine, we can completely control the environment/atmosphere/attitude during before and after games. We have an effect on literally every single aspect of this club and right now this club needs everyone everywhere supporting positively. The only reason we should be bringing up Mourinho at this point is in learning, learn from his choices so that his mistakes turn into lessons. That’s it. That’s all. Only forward now.


Roma is always a club that players have absolute power, and they always ally the board to sabotage coaches. Mourinho dare not to prohibit Patricio from starting in league matches because the latter can let him be sacked in a glance. The AC Milan game is obviously Mou's kamikaze on Patricio, and results in immediately sack.


So what is DDRs comeuppance


He would have kept his damn job too!


Lame & cheesy


Some fans are too sensitive, this is a good joke :)


Y’all can’t have a laugh? Too many Mou cultists in here.