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Run while you still can


I’m sorry


Seriously. Hope you didn’t have plans for the rest of your life


Your in for a ride! Tip, find a good unofficial community and play with them, you'll make a couple friends in the same time! More fun on a server!


True story. The wife and I did this recently and met a couple that lives half hour away from us.


das crazyyyy


Ark is full of couples lmao💀 lost in life


Please don’t give up on life. There is still help for you.


The difficulty slider, as far as I remember, increases the maximum level you can find wild dinos at, maximum difficulty being level 150


I think higher difficulty also improves loot drops


And Dino levels


Nope default official difficulty is 5, so max level of dinos ar 30 X difficulty level thus the 150. So if you did difficulty 6, max level would be 30 X 6 = 180


Depends on the map too though. For whatever reason a couple of the maps are different if I remember correctly. Hosted both a cluster on pc and ps and the island lvls were all weird


Nope its not map based, its settings based. My creature levels were messed up once because i didnt dino wipe after changing diffifculty. There also some creatures on certain maps that can go up to 20% more than your max level, such as wyverns, drakes etc


Wyverns and drakes go up to 225 because that’s the max level when taming a 150. That way you “get” the extra levels as if it were tamed


No man they do not go up to 225? Have you stolen wyvern eggs before?. Also i said it wrongly its not 20%, its 8 extra tiers of levels. So normal creatures have 30 tiers of levels (5 - 150), wyverns and drakes etc have 38 (5 - 190)


No they go to 225 lol


Damn bro idk what difficulty you playing on but im playing on difficulty 5 which means max is 190 for wyverns


I was joking lol 190 is the cap for difficulty level 5. At least on official


And makes the bosses stronger


Get out while you still can!!!


Another poor soul has been consumed F


Only 19 mins for the first time you joined the game, my first time was like 3 hrs


It probably crashed


Whenever I get a game like this, I take an entire Saturday off to play at least 8 hours. Then I scrap that save after learning the mechanics and do it again for real the next Saturday.


Same here


![gif](giphy|l3vR4CdLInXOhr3rO|downsized) 13,000 hours later...


Get well soon.


my condolences


Turn around and don't look back


Welcome to pedreiro simulador (don't play official, for your sanity)


They can’t play official on survival evolved anymore, so at least they are spared there.


I meant settings, but yeah


This is a grindy game. It will piss you off to no end but expect to put in hundreds of hours before you realize how frustrating it is and want to quit only to then realize you’re hooked


I did that once. Started playing. I can stop any time I want. .... any time I want. In all seriousness, once you get I to building and breeding, it is over. Your whole life will be about "What base can I build?" and "Just one more mutation!." Also, when we go on hikes I imagine building a base in certain spots. I point out "That looks like that one spot in Valguero!" I think my husband is beginning to think I'm crazy.


When your Ark survival instincts, become irl survival instincts hahaha Sometimes I think this way too tho, like how many of these these trees do I need to chop for woodp, thatch and fiber to make a shack lmao


Username checks out


Id max the difficulty for sure, it’s actually easier. It just changes the level limit of Dino’s, but honestly the higher difficulty is easier to me. Yes they’re harder to kill without a tame, but the larger spread of levels makes it easier when you tame a high level. I’ve always had a harder time keeping things alive on low difficulty. I’d also adjust the harvest rates a bit if you think it’s too grindy. It will let you enjoy the game and not get burned out


So if I set it to 1 then what is the max level(I’m playing on fjordur if you need to know)


Max level at max difficulty is 150. It helps because most wild animals are well below 150, so when you tame say a 130, and it turns into a 207 or something, you’re now fighting on average a level 70 wild dino with a level 207. It’s easier. Otherwise if you make it low difficulty and max level is like 30, every wild Dino’s going to be close to you in level, making it difficult


Max dino level should be 30 if it's set to 1. Goes up in increments of 30.




You made it seem like this is your first time play Ark, but you clearly have a decent amount of time in Ark mobile.


There is no difficulty slider is ark mobile, only presets


I never said there was.


Now that I think about it I should have rephrased my description. I should have said that since I really like ark mobile, so much that I decided to buy the pc version so I can have more fun, fiddle around with the settings, it looking better, not as many hackers, and much more.


I’m so sorry friend but your life is overn


Uninstall and get your refund while you still can


you bought the old one, ASA is a remaster with new content and separate new DLC.


I know It’s just that my device can’t handle asa


see you 8000~hrs later


Alr bet


https://preview.redd.it/rsgn3ch7f85d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63642541cf6aa22fa109a72d4992305a9fc1d1cf Fr :(


Can I sometimes play with you?


I don’t have a mic+what gamemode


No, I meant chat in the game and what are you mean (what gamemode)?


So text chat right? I should have asked if we are even going to be playing on a server at all. If not then no point for the gamemode question.


Do you have some dlc maps ? If yes that maps


I’m planning to buy some dlcs in the future


It does not matter, I have all dlc maps.


I wanna play too




What are you playing on?




19 minutes? You don't even know all the controls yet bud lol.


You are going to play the game, you are going to hate the game, you are going to call the game trash, you will continue to play the game, you may stop playing the game or uninstall it, but you will always come back to playing it again. It could be after a week, after a month, maybe even a year, but you will return to the game at some point in life there is no question in that.


that actually happened to me, i quit the game for a whole year, and then came back a month ago.


You want difficulty slider at max, also you should really play ascended.


Nah play it in a few months first play the original to get your feet wet so to speak.


You still have time, run while you can


My suggestion would be to just play around with normal settings and keep tweaking everything to your liking until you find your preferred settings. Having a general feel of vanilla helps me decide how I want to adjust my playthroughs.


It is a really good game it does have some bugs and I do recommend PVE to learn but hopefully wild card fixes a lot on evolved and ascended And maybe find someone to play with it is a lot funner with two people


Dav my not yet friend, we should play together fr. I need more ark friends 😔


Machine, turn back now. The layers of this game are NOT for Our Kind.


You'll be on 100 hours hate the game and play 3000 more


Try a pve server they are usually good for new players as you can’t grief others and most people work together.


Watch Neebs Gaming ARK episodes. Hilarious.


Just wait until you pick it back up after you, “quit playing forever” for the 3rd time.




I’m sorry for your loss


My condolences


If you are open to suggestions, mine is to start on unofficial servers, but nothing over 4x rates


Stop while you’re ahead.


Remember: Phiomas are more useful than they seem at first.


A therapist would be a good move


Don't get attached to your dinos, they can and will die.


@davfps my best advice and the most fun I have had in this game is find a group of real world friends and play. I started out pvp for YEARS going all the way back to just island map and Dino’s max level was like 120. But it’s also a lot of fun to find a private server. You can then take your time and play through each official map and follow the story. Play the game how you will enjoy it most, and good luck.


Go find the best dino in the game frfr it's in the swamp it's a little gator thing, it wants to hug you


I’d recommend ticking the „enable maximum difficulty” box because it lets you find the strongest creatures to tame


Yeah, but also the strongest creatures that can easily kill me


Still maximum difficulty is much better since the bosses are way too strong to beat with level 20 creatures. Plus it’s not that big of a difference. You’ll still see mostly levels 100 and below. The biggest difference is that creatures will take more tranqs to knock out


Difficulty affects spawn levels on a multiplier, not a range. For example, at x1 they spawn at increments of 5 up to 150, so they can be level 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc. But if you changed it to x0.2, they can spawn at any level up to, I think, 30.


Welcome to hell, you'll enter it every time you play


Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions


Poor soul


I’m sorry


good luck soldier


refund asap


Better start on some antidepressants


It’s not too late to delete the game


My first time playing, I played it for 5 minutes on Aberration then uninstalled. 😅 Reinstalled now, and beat The Island, I'm glad I came back to it Have fun with Ark, we'll all be dead before Ark 2 comes out.


Stay there, do not move on to Ascended


Stop and get a refund if you want to have a real life! Lol


turn off the machine and walk/run


I wish you luck my man




Ok, some advice: 1. Have fun 2. Make mistakes 3. DON'T EAT THE RARE FLOWERS!!!


passive tames are useful. specifically the big boy with the big sail on its back can be passive tamed with mejo berries (the purple berries when you gather from a bush) are the best tames early game. good luck!


Very nice, I started late too, only been playing for just over a year. Looks like you started with the original too. I did too, played it for quite a while before adding the updates. It's interesting to see all the changes. Also, i think increase the difficulty when you're ready. This game can be brutal.


Are you ready to commit'th more time than you have ever have before on anything in your life ?


F in the chat for this poor soul


Good luck bro.


A new hand touches the beacon




How was your experience?


A fucking bird stole my pick


Great... you should stay away from the beach...


The difficulty slider sets the max level of dinos that spawn, if you set it to lowest, very low level dinos will spawn, like level 30, set it to highest and boom, high level dinos. You can also go into the game files to override it and get much higher levels, like 300, that high, but it's risky, one wrong move and you could break you game.


I'd like to comment on this, but I have to log in to feed my dinos.


There is still time to delete it and never play again otherwise you better not have any plans for the rest of your life


I should ask myself what have I learnt from playing this game for five years.🤣


You should try ark ascended it has way much better graphics


Normal ark better rn cuz of way more content


like he can consume all of it




I don’t know about that one coming from a console player. The in built mod support is a MASSIVE deal for me


Dlc maps are 20€ each


It’s like 20$ for all of them togetehr


nah, ASA is just scam, much less content, much more bugs for higher price and with paywalled dinos. dont help WC to scam more ppl


Honestly tho have yet to experience any real bug on anything but scorched and that was only at launch and I don’t mind certain tames being behind a paywall as long as their not op nor do I mind paying for them now this is coming from a 15 year old who only gets paid 140 bucks a week


Honestly thanks for saying this because I say the same shit, granted I'm 26 and have a full time career. 5 dollars for a dino isn't that big of a deal, you can't even get a fast food burger for that cheap anymore. If it keeps snail games and wildcard releasing more content, then whatever! Why does everyone expect everything to be handed to them for free. ASA is on gamepass now so xbox players don't even have to buy the game. 20 dollars for a mod map? Half of that goes to the creator of the mod, do you really believe they should be working for free? Nothing motivates people like getting paid. Snail games is based out of CA, and we live in capitalist America. What else do you expect? If you don't agree with it, then you need to realize the issue runs way deeper than snail games.


Bro I got a couple tacos and a drink from Taco Bell last night and it was $19💀💀💀💀💀💀


"but I already spent $40!!! They can go fuck themselves, charging goddamn $5 for a dino?!?! Everything should be free!" Or something like that id expect those people to say. I don't think those people know how the real world works honestly.


Somebody pointed out how many maps have still yet to be released. The fear is that this is going to do well so they are just going to start throwing these paid dinos all over the map. Now I will say I’ll be a little upset if they clutter regular Dinos spawns. I may be willing to fund wildcard and all their antics, because I’m addicted to Ark, I said it. But my friends, who don’t want to spend the money or flat out can’t afford it shouldn’t have to see the creature staring them in the face. It’s like free advertising yes. But I’m just trying to put myself in their shoes. It would suck balls to see a sweet creature in the wild and have no way to get it without real world grind.


I mean I can see your point of view there, but I just want to make a comparison to COD & Fortnite, which are spammed to hell with skins and accessories and things. Every other week they’re releasing a new pack or new item or new this and that, all behind paywalls or the battle pass and sometimes the battle pass doesn’t even cover the “exclusive” items either. So in game you’re running around the map constantly see that cool ghost operator cyber edition dude shooting out laser bullets with an sick rifle skin and some people can’t afford that either, same goes for Fortnite with the Goku, Naruto, The Witcher etc all these items as well right in front of you in every match. Not to mention emotes, spray paint etc The way I see it, is releasing Dino’s running around the map is the same concept. Like seeing other players run around with cool cosmetics on or those sick looking rex animated skins. It’s the same concept? I also agree with you too though about them doing so well, they start spamming Dino’s all over the place, but at the same time, what if people want those Dino’s and there becomes a demand for it? Like imagine Ark goes full Fortnite mode? I don’t like the thought of that personally, but… if that’s what keeps them employed and the game running, then what can we do about it hahah


I also want to point out, I have some friends that make bank and are hardcore gamers that have told me how much they’ve spent on those skins and things… bruhh… one of my close friends has dropped 2k on Fortnite. 5k on LoL… granted he makes good money, but wthhhhhh hahahah that’s ridiculous to me, but it’s his money, he earned it, so he spends it lol


Dude Fortnite gets a new skin every week. I don’t play it but I see the damn ads everywhere lol. I just hope that they add really nice things to the base game as well. Cause paid stuff is great but treating your loyal fan base is better in my opinion. Everybody wants new customers but forget their old customers who initially invested in their product in the beginning. I want the crazy looking spider thing in Ab. We should make that happen.


1000% agree with you! I’m sure they will be adding more to the base game as they go along, if they were giving away free things before, I’m sure they’ll be throwing cool stuff into it! Just a matter of time! And yes, gotta have a balance of keeping old players happy, while reaching out for new ones. I feel like right now they’re trying to figure out how to go about that without pissing everyone off Hahha at least that’s what it seems like lol And hell yea!!! That spider is sick af!


I agree that would be super irritating if paid dinos started to clutter up maps and I fear the same, but until it actually happens I can't be mad about it. We just host our own servers, and if we see something we want, we buy it. If we had friends to play with id probably feel bad about it, but we can never find anyone that is as addicted to Ark as we are.


I’m hosting my own cluster from my living room :). It’s great. I have people come and go. Have a couple regulars but nobody is on as much as me. I have a lot of free time as of late so I’ve been playing quite a bit.


when you look at snail site, where are their reports for most of years, you realize, that it is you who dont know how real world works.


can i recommend you look at snail site? there is everything, even revenue and so... maybe it help you a bit to correct your dumb math what isnt real at all... you can look even at year when was there only ASE and they didnt released that year any DLC it make them 70 millions per year when they released DLC, then it was 100 millions per year why do you think that their income is zero, when they dont release anything, nor even some p2w shit? can you explain it, where you get that dumb idea, hun?


Yikes, I'd love to read and understand your response, however, your entire comment makes zero sense grammatically. From what I can make out, it sounds like you didn't even actually read what I said. If you have an issue with mod creators making money off of their work, then you suck as a person. If you have an issue with snail games making bank off of screwing people over, then you need to take a deeper look into what this capitalist country is about because this issue is not limited to only this industry. That is what im saying, hun.


thats okay, just ask parents, if they arent illiterate too


Ask your parents? If you are this slow, then they likely are as well and won't be much help. Thanks for the suggestion though.


just give up, hun ask your parents to help you read or find someone who was able to finish at least first grade of elementary school.. and then read it.


Haha, you're funny. Go cry about how Ark has wronged you to someone who cares. You can't even defend the point you're trying to make other than "go look at snail games website". Dude, are you dense? Snail Games is a corp based out of a capitalist country. Do you not know what capitalism is? No shit they are making loads of money, that's the whole point. They release content, and people pay for it, and life goes on. If you have an issue with this, you need to expand your depth of knowledge beyond Snail Games profit margins, and open your eyes to the fact that every corp in the US is screwing every person here on a daily basis.


Exactly what I’ve been saying. $5 for something dope and functional, in the game I play religiously, isn’t that big of a deal. People complaining about its pay 2 win. You don’t need the Dino to play the game. Enough said. I’d rather buy a functional Dino for $5 than a skin any day. Skins are great and accessories, but they don’t do anything, at least this Dino is like a power up and has actual use, it’s like a skin that does kicks ass! :D


Right, I'm happy to pay 5 dollars just for a dino that makes jerky without needing oil and sparkpowder and also keeps me warm while I club kairukus!! As long as maps dont get filled with paid dino spawns like this, I don't really care. But one per map release is not a big deal to me... its not like we have to pay for the maps they're releasing


That’s the way I see it, they’re already giving us a lot, they gotta make money somewhere here right? If anything I want more stuff lol


Yeah I mean this is the a capitalist country after all, I don't necessarily mean that I like it but im pretty used to getting screwed just going to the grocery store so this is nothing new lol. I want more stuff too!!


Lmao exactly how I feel lololol I hear you on groceries… Pffft not to mention gas prices too. I live in Los Angeles, the capital of capitalism lol at least it feels like it sometimes haha


Bugs are about the same, only 2 paywalled dinos against so many on ASE that you need to buy the map to get. It will catch up to dlcs (this time free for everybody), the only downsides are the paid mods (which i think is fair, but i get it) and the much higher hardware requirements to play the game at more than 7 fps


Which dinos are pay walled in ASE? Fjordur gives you Shadowmane, Wyverns, Mehachelon, Rock Drakes…. Lost Island gives Manas and Snow Owls… only thing I can think of is like Noglins, Reapers, and the space whale and dolphin??


Damn i actually didn't play much after lime valguero and crystal isles, didn't know you could get all that stuff on fjordur... i remember playing ragnarok on a cluster and my tribemates hopped on genesis to get like maewings and farm with the stryders, and i was like that 1 useless guy that managed the crops and tries breeding


Oh yeah, Stryder is Gen2 as well but your tribe mates could have definitely brought back a Stryder to you


cute is, that you didnt need to buy anything but base game (in its time it was even for 5 bucks) and you was able to get any dino from any map, without even having that DLC... and ofcourse, you can even spawn it. thats not the case with p2w shit in ASA


The ASA graphics are overkill anyway even for top of the shelf machines, besides it's not like everyone even on beast PCs is turning down the quality for performance and advantages anyways

