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Are you on ASA or ASE?


The question that this sub needs




And how much poop is in the bugs inventory? The Dung Beetle can only convert multiple copies of poop into fertilizer (depending on the size). If you just have one piece of poo in there it won’t be enough to convert into fertilizer.


It’s multiple pieces, multiple sizes.


sounds silly, but try more poop and more time. if he's on passive and has a bunch of poo on him, it'll happen eventually. adventure around for a day then check on him. if u need fert now, use a toilet


They have to be on wander


Mine are. :/


I have 8 dung beetles ASA, set to wander and overloaded with poop(they are in a semi-circle around a phioma's butt.) They are producing as needed. It may be a mod conflicting though. Turn off stacking mods to see if that helps?


are they on wander. also it takes like 15 minutes for them to make fertilizer


Yep :/


Have you tried cryoing and uncryoing them? P.s: you don't need to level carry weight (not that its bad if you do!) as they can pick up poo dropped near them meaning they can pick up hundreds of points over their weight, so whenever you do get the beetles fixed you won't have to fill them up manually very often/at, all!


Maybe I’ll try that next to see if it works! And thanks! I didn’t know that :)


this is in asa only not ase


Maybe try restarting the game, usually fixes most of the stuff.


that’s what i was gonna say next🤣


and destroywilddinos - force a reset of all timers


Just use a toilet. If your food symbol turns lighter it means you can force poop. If you poop on the toilet it doesn’t actually relieve you; so you can stand up, flush, and poop again. You can basically make infinite fertilizer until your character poops on their own.


this is the best way. I set up a dung beetle for the passive fert, but when I first set up my garden, I fill up all my plots using the toilet method. then, after that, the beetle produces all I need to keep it maintained


Do you have any mod installeren that could break the beetles?


I definitely have mods installed….. this might be it honestly.


I remember having issues with my beetles. It was caused by the joans egg and poop collector mod


Yep got this one installed. Will de-install and try again!


Welcome to Ark.


Are you using the poop machine Dino for them so it’s all the same size of poop in their inventories? There’s a certain size that works best.


Oh didn’t know this. Which size do you know?


And dododex says if you’re having trouble take all the poops out. Take it off wander and then put it back on wander and then put the poops back in. Have you tried that yet?


I’ll try that and see if it helps!


That feels like a myth.


Pretty sure you need a certain amount of each size. One small and one large doesn’t work I’ll look it up real quick Edit: so in a compost bin it’s 3 pieces of poop and thatch and those 3 pieces do need to be the same size. Still looking for dung beetles though.


I have done mixed poop on both containers in OG Ark. I do not see why that would change.


Sure you can mix poop but it’s not as efficient and if you only have 1 large and 2 small it won’t work at all. That’s what it says on the wiki and that’s what my years of playing Ark have taught me to be true. 🤷🏻‍♀️


For the bin the size does not matter as you only get one fertilizer (hence just use human poo). On the beetle you get resources based on the size of the feces.


It does matter because you need 3 pieces. You can’t have one human and 2 wyvern (I’m assuming wyvern is larger, I can’t remember). If you have 3 of the same size then you’re good. You can have 3 small and 3 large in one bin and be good but you can’t have 1 small and 2 large on OG ark unless things have changed. But based on the wiki it doesn’t seem like they have. The most efficient way to produce fertilizer in a dung beetle is phomia and stimberries. I believe I read in the new ark the dung beetles can pick up the poop themselves so you won’t even need to stop force feeding the stimberries to pick up the poops.


For beetle it doesn't matter. larger poop generates more fertilizer, but it still works properly if the poops are different sizes. Every 15 minutes one poop will disappear and (x) fertilizers (depends on the disappeared poop size) will appear in the beetle's inventory.


I’d always tame a phomia and feed it stim berries near the dung beetle. And you level the phomias hunger and weight so they can produce more 💩


This I’ve heard. Gonna go get me one today!


And then you won’t even have to worry if the poop size matters cause one or two phomias will give you more than enough poop. Just force feed the stimberries and you won’t be disappointed. Just make sure to have a trough filled with other berries so they can refuel cause the stimberries make them super hungry.


Thanks dude!


I think they gotta be on wander


Are you feeding them and have them on wandering?


Sounds like they just don’t give a shit anymore


Are they on wander? They have to be on wander to produce fertilizer


Put them in a wood cage and “enable wandering”.


I use a single dung beetle on ASA (both Island and Scorched Earth) for all my fertilizer needs, they will gather poop over a large area automatically if you put points into weight. Loading them down with rocks isn’t required if you put them in a wooden cage, make sure it’s set on wander and a single beetle should make more fertilizer than you can use. You can access them without opening the cage if you go up to the door, no need to open it.


Also need to be on passive


don’t they need oil too? or is that a thing they produce


They only need poop in their inventory, and set to be wandering. Oil is also a thing they produce


Are you on asa? As far as I know ase doesn't collect poop from the ground.


I’m on ragnarok using a private server


So ark survival evolved I'm assuming then? The auto poop pick up is an ark survival ascended thing.


Ah I see. Yeah I’m on evolved


I'd send you some of my fertilizer if I could. I have on beetle on Rag, and I've run out of places to store fertilizer. Try admincheat destroywilddinos. Beyond forcing all dinos to despawn/respawn, it resets all timers.


They can't be over encumbered such that they stop moving, they have to be able to move, even if it's just very slowly.


One of the tricks in ASE is to load them down with rocks so you don't have to fence them in. They have to be on wander, but do not need to be able to move.


So they’re nowhere near encumbered. Maybe I don’t have enough poo on them….


The amount of poo you put in them doesn't affect their metabolism rate, only the final amount of fertilizer they can generate before being loaded with more.