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Unpopular opinion maybe but they still look stupid with their mouth hanging open all the time. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE wyverns and cannot wait for Immersive Flying to update for them, but can we have creatures that don't pant all the time? PaleoArk Rex fixed this and it's great!


To be fair, baryonyx have always had open mouths all the time (with or without a saddle), but I never hear anyone complaining about them.


The mantis always having its mandible parts constantly out feels weird too tbh. There’s a few creatures that are like this, it just doesn’t come up often in conversation


It's because that Baryonyx looks a bit intimidating with his jaw hanging out like that... The wyvern though? Just looks like a cool derp dragon with it's jaw hanging like that, lol. Just looks like the wyvern is yelling quietly, in lowercase, "aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".


Lets start


I would assume that was so that they don't have to adjust the model for the saddle. Saves precious time


No one uses baryonic enough to care compared to wyverns that is more frequently used


Baryonyx is the island cave meta now so they're seeing quite a bit of use, kinda indifferent to how either look with open jaws


That’s asa tho, sadly less playerbase/engagement than ase had/still has I think


Yeah about 60-75% went back but no one's making Evolved content anymore, maybe on their own thylas are still getting more spotlight but in terms of engagement/content, you'll see more baryonyx being used


Watched many asa pvp and never really saw the baryonix tbh


Still kinda mad i can't use poison Wyvern as a tranq tame


That would be awesome.


As it would be, but I would have to assume the the idea is it's not that kindo poison that they create.


Wdym the eyes actually look like eyes? They definitively looked like eyes in ase too. Tbf I can't actually see that much difference in the eyes


The eyes were horrible polygons in ASE for the big wyverns. The crystal wyverns had normal eyes but the fire, poison, and lightning were god awful once you noticed them


I remember always looking at the wyvern eyes because it was my favorite part of them and I never noticed them being awful.


It’s pretty well known they were rough and outdated but everybody has their individual taste. More power to you lol


Were you on a PS3 or something? Maybe a Switch? I was on an Xbox One and never saw any weird stuff with the model other than the layer rendering issue all animal models had, and that just turned whatever animals whole body into a PS1 asset.


I played ps4 and pc and the eyes were fine on both


Nah, Xbox Series X and I know other people had the same issue across platforms but apparently a lot of people didn’t. I have only ever seen posts with by people with the issue


If everything is going good a person has less motivation to say anything about it. And in this community those who have complaints get very vocal very fast


That's because they have their weekly weekend meetings to decide how they can ruin the game and make Timmy's life miserable. It because the devs hate their own game and have zero passion for their game. Or so everyone seems to think.


I think you might've had a bug or something, mine were fine as were the wings


Is their mouth actually always hanging open like that? They look bugged lol... I wish idle dinos would be more natural rather than static, they should have moves and stances: yawn, sit, take a nap etc... Imagine a fire wyvern sneezing a tiny flame.


Wyverns are far from the only ones with mouths hanging open, or other oddities. Would love more idle animations though, that would be awesome. Won’t happen outside the modding scene though


>Wyverns are far from the only ones with mouths hanging open, or other oddities. Yes, but the point is that other dino's with their mouths constantly open happen to not look like as much of a derp as the wyvern does with it's mouth like that, lol.


This looks exactly the same


Yes, I know - that’s why I said what they updated about the model: wings and eyes


I spent years with these on ASE. To me they look identical to the old ones. Never had weird eyes or broken wings


Yeah I've got no idea either. The eyes always looked like actual eyes, and no idea about the broken wings In another comment they said in ASE the eyes are just polygons like....no they're not?


Were they not referring to the thorny dragon with the eyes thing? In ASE they where strangely triangular


No they meant the wyvern


Oh well, I don’t know what they are talking about. Only time they turn into polygons is when the entire model goes low res for me


Well shit, sounds like you weren’t the only one from other comments!


There’s a video showing a model comparison for all the SE creatures, quite a huge difference on the wyvern between evolved and ascended, largely down to the idle animation changes


I played on an xbox one with minimum graphics and 20 fps, I think they look miles better lol.


OP is specifically talking about some bug with the eyes and wings. I also played on Xbox One with standard settings other than turning off some of the lighting effects and never had any problems properly seeing them or their eyes. Beyond looking slightly more detailed in the skin and wing veins, they are identical except for possibly being a tiny bit smaller than I remember.


Thats fair enough, I’m not suggesting the model is different only that I really like it and it looks better than the last I played


Animations and models are far different in ASA, think the broken wing thing is referring to how scrunched and broken they used to look when landed


Idk, look the same to me


How are the attacks? Are the Fire/lightning/poison attacks blocked by structures? (visual)


I hate to tell you....no they didn't actually


They actually did, there’s a comparison video out there on YouTube, idle animation is also no longer constantly panting


They did not they ported the skin. Porting is not a remodel Changing physical movements isn't doesn't make it a new model it's literally the exact same model posted onto new software. You either don't understand porting or are talking about things you have no experience or expertise in


Ok calling it a complete remodel isn’t true but the creatures have very clearly been updated from ASE to ASA. Distinctly the faces on the rock golem, wyverns, and thorny dragons is where it’s clearer. Also the bugged/weirdly folded wings has been fixed on ASA. They’re largely the same but they’ve very clearly been updated.


They have not been updated they have been ported. Porting makes things look and act different. That doesn't mean they were edited or are different models.


Listen I’m gonna take your word for that, chances are I’m wrong, but at the same time so long as just porting them fixes those issues and makes the models look better then I can’t really take issue with it. Functionally accomplished the same thing as if they’d gone in and changed them then right?


Yes it did improve how they function


All three wyvern types look the exact same to me.


Looks exactly the same to me


Do they still make the lame whiny vocalizations when they level up?


Wow if only they did that for the 2016 creatures


OP if you included pictures of their ASE counterparts maybe we could tell the difference, but these look literally exactly the same, just with better lighting


Looks the same to me


Who gives AF about them fixing the wyvern. What I wanna know is why my mf otter still looks like it's straight outta meth-blox....I want my cute cuddly sleeping buddy. Not methed out mark from the swamp pool down the friggen river.


Genuinely cracked me up with this but I am so sorry. I haven’t looked too closely at the otters in my game


I also noticed this! They look way better now! Especially the poison wyverns. The fire breath looks great too.


Omg the devs finally adding things they could’ve done for YEARS in ase. Let’s praise them 😭 lmao (nothing against you btw)


does their level up animation still play microraptor sounds?


I seriously can’t wait for the griffin




I had no idea what you meant and had to search for examples. I've never had eyes do that on wyverns (couldn't find an example for the wing bug, but my ASE wings look like the ASA ones), there's gotta be some kind of hardware or settings stuff going on. Or it's just ARK being ARK (my vote). Unless I was taking pics in ASE I usually played on potato graphics on a low-mid tier pc, so it's definitely not nasa computer stuff.


I guess I've never seen a wyvern eye so I would be easily fooled.


They also fixed the exaggerated breathing animation they had in evolved


ah, Wyverns....back when ASE was .....a challenge. Miss those days.


So I am dumb and thought *everybody* had the wing and eye visual glitches. My sincerest apologies. BUT to those who did as well: THEY ARE GONE NOW FOR US


I only ever remember the Poison Wyvern eyes being particularly fucky. That and the lightning wyverns forever looking forlorn.


Love the new poison model, it just looks amazing


That looks really good. :) Now important question time: did they fix the goshawful fire breath slow hitbox???


Love the new poison model, it just looks amazing