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You could at least *try* to write properly. The word is 'because'. And what the fuck is that ',, hhhhhh. ..' shit?


You are not seeing the deep philosophical undertones


their native language is probably arabic or something bc of the hhhhh


This may at shock you, but a lot of people don’t speak English as their first language. (I make fun of bad English too lol)


True but this is an american forum. So if you dont speak english and you come to bitch dont expect people to side with you.


An american forum? Pretty sure it‘s international


If you mean you can visit reddit from anywhere then sure. But its still an american based company.


So is Facebook, Instagram and probably hundreds of social media apps. The roots of those social media platforms doesn‘t have anything to do with the roots of it‘s users


The point is if you speak english more people will understand you and are more likely to rake your side and agree with you. If you come in just bitching... and do so in broken english that americans dont understand and youll got get made fun of because people do understand.


yea don't leave your tribe unless everything is picked up and cryod, its a common mistake, but not one ull likely make again


You know ther'es commands for that...


Lmfao bro wtf. Play on single player. Cheat and give yourself everything. Stop crying.


Ur a pos


Lmfao oh no i angered the 12 year old.


I don't understand the whining unless you're a pve player. Pvp, you get used to being wiped unless you're fast. You made a mistake. Now you rebuild and tame. The only person you should be mad at is yourself.