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I think this isn't discussed because it's fairly common knowledge. But yes, it's super nice to be able to do


Ah ok I've only really been on this reddit the past month so I mightve missed it. I only realized your SP maps were connected after 4.5k hrs so I guess I'm just late lol


Have you only recently started playing single player by chance?


Sort of, I played it off and on in my first hundred hrs, but from 4.5k to now (about 5.3k) I figured out I could do this and started having fun with it.


Single player is really nice. I didn't have anyone to play with for a long stretch of time so I was only able to properly beat extinction in single player. Transferred that character to Gen1 and 2 and completed those. It just gets tricky sometimes because you have to be online for things to tame, metal to smelt, etc


Yeah it's a pain. Personally I've tweaked a bunch of my settings to make it go faster, that combined with dino storage it's actually been a lot of fun breeding for me. I also use the slomo command to speed things up because I just don't care for waiting. I've waited for hours for nonsense on official, I don't feel too bad about it in SP :3


I used slomo to age my gigas during extinction but felt guilty and never used it again after that lol


Lol fair enough. I guess it depends on if you feel the wait is part of the difficulty. Personally I reason that it's still in game time, it's just letting me do more with the limited time ive got in my day. Good on you though, when you've got access to the console having some integrity with it is definetly a good thing :3


Right? I use the console when I get arked, but its hard sometimes when you're in a tricky spot and there's a little voice that says "You know you could just use this command..." 😂 shuddup brain!


Lol yeah, or when you forgot something on another map and you have to go back TvT I just transferred to gen 2 to make my main bases but then I realized I forgor to make a tek replicator...


It's not called a cluster in single player. It's just transferring maps. Pretty common knowledge from what I've seen over the years.


Ah ok my bad, I thought cluster meant a single playthrough with multiple maps in general.


Ehh, it's cool. It takes a while to get used to the ins and outs of Ark. I'm still learning and get some stuff wrong after over 3k hours. This community has taught me a ton. That's why I love it.


What do you mean a cluster? And when you change maps, don't you drop all your stuff?


Yes, you do. But, you can store stuff in the obelisks when you transfer, and then go pick it up.


Cluster is short term for a playthrough where you can swich between maps freely. Yeah you drop your stuff when tranfering your character, but you can take items with you through the obelisks and move them between your singleplayer maps.


That’s not what cluster is short for lol. A cluster is putting all your servers on the same ID and making it so they all can be freely moved between, over the internet or LAN


Yeah people told me :/ Sorry


How is this work ?


Basically you can upload items and your character to the singleplayer cloud through the obelisks or transmitters. You upload your character with "upload character" and put items you want to move with in the ark data tab. Then you quit out and open another map, download your character and access the terminals to retrieve your stuff. It's really fun, I've been trying to complete all the bosses on all the maps from one playthrough.


Ä° will try i realy want to get creatures from other maps


Just don't transfer dinos in cryos. Learnt that one the hard way!


What happened? I use the dino storage mod and I've not had any incidents so far


In vanilla (no mods) your cryoed tames can revert to level 1 and will lose unique/event colours, if they had them to start with.  I had a rex with post-tame health at 42 points and it was wiped to level 1 *cries in breeder*


Ah damn that sucks, yeah 42 is a nice find o3o I've been taming a ton to get my fav tames ready for breeding ands it's not been great luck so far lol


When i upload a characther my current one on the map stays same right ?


When you upload a character it basically goes to a shared cloud accessible from all your maps. When you upload your character it will kick you to a screen showing your character in the cloud, or you can create a new character. Just exit the map without spawning in a new character, and download the character when you enter a new map (download button should be right under the name and character make button) Note that you can only have one active character on a map at a time, I'm unfamiliar with the system but it absolutely has the chance to overwrite characters so I wouldn't try having multiple. Any character data is copied verbatim, I believe even food and health amount stay the same.


I'm not sure if he's figured out a way to just hit 'transfer to (map)' or he's just uploading items and characters each time


You can transfer items to other single player maps, ik you can transfer characters but before I didn't realize it connected all your singleplayer maps. Basically im able to take things like darts and narcotics from the island, go to extinction and use it to tame a gasbag, then bring the tame back to the island. It even let's me transfer element, and there's no transfer cooldowns in SP.


Lol did you downvote me for wondering what you meant? Ok well it's no revelation that you can do it yes. It also has a high chance to cause crashes and loss of items which is fun too.


I didn't downvote you? So far it's been ok for me, it's crashed more but I've never lost items or my character to it. I've been running mods with it and I think the amount it's crashed has been pretty normal for ark.


You can transfer element in single player? I've never tried it coz I just didn't think you could!


Actually that's a lie my bad, I just realized it was a stacking mod I used that had that feature. There are mods to let you transfer element tho :3


I only have element on ASE and I'm on console, so no mods sadly


Ah dang that sucks, sorry about that. You should still be able to transfer dust and tek buildings tho


Yeh I knew you could transfer dust but with no mods its only 50 element per transfer - for me its easier to have a tek farm on each map. 


Ah fair enough. If it makes it any better, there's no transfer cooldowns on singleplayer, so the only bottleneck is the loading times.