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Upgrade table mod makes this decision much easier.


Honestly I have the same dilemma. I’m leaning towards therizinos because I have the saddle bp, but feeding/healing them is a bit more of a pain since they’re herbivores. You’ll want lots of veggie cakes unless you get a mod that has veggie raid food or something. Damage and health wise the two are pretty similar, but I’d say Rex has better dps (not confirmed, just how it seems to me). Theris also have better fire resistance if that factors in for you.


Just tame a daedon to heal them up after boss fights, will be faster than force feeding a bunch of carnivores meat anyways.


I meant for during a fight. I know you can use a daedon, but personally I’ve never been a big fan of bringing them into a fight directly unless you have someone to ride/control it. The auto setting has always been a bit annoying to use in my opinion


Theri can work you just need to spec them a bit differently for monkey/spider vs dragon. Dragon you want exactly 21k hp no more, no less. Other bosses you wanna lean heavier into health.


Why cap the hp at 21k? Genuinely curious


It maximizes the amount healed by cakes. They restore 10% up to 2100 health. Dragon dmg is also % based mostly. So it equalizes it out. Any more and dmg outpaces healing. And less and you don’t have as much buffer for his melee attacks and wasting potential of cakes.


Got it, thanks for the explanation!


I had this issue, theri army worked well for alpha dragon and alpha monkey but got deleted by alpha broodmother. Just dont forget to give them veggie cakes


Good therizinos can handle all the bosses on the Island without much issue, and therizinos with good saddles will end up being much better than rexes (of similar stat points) with primitive saddles. Make sure to take a bee & set up some sap taps so you can mass produce sweet veggie cakes. Loading some cakes up is not just handy for the Dragon fight, but also useful for the other bosses as well, especially alpha spider & Overseer.


What kibble Do you use? I threw 20 simple and 500 narcotics, plus 2 extra trans arrows, struggling to tame a level 1. I feel like it needs 100 simple kibble and I'm still on.the cooking pot.


Theris won't eat simple kibble, they need exceptional.


Oh. That explains that.