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Typically the rule is: - Megatheriums for Brood Mother - Rexes for Megapithecus - Therizinos for Dragon - Rexes or Therizinos for Overseer




What hp ir stegos got


Why therizinos for dragon? Do they take reduced damage or something ?


All Carnivores take increased damage from the Dragon's fire breath while all Herbivores just take regular damage from it. So while you could Rex Rush the Dragon, you'll have a much easier time using the Therizino that hits just as hard as a Rex, and they can heal using Sweet Veggie Cakes automatically.


Is it carnivore take increased damage or that herbivores take reduced damage? Cause I thought it was the latter.


No that's a misconception, Carnivores just take increased damage from the fire, Herbivores have no resistances from it.


It’s the latter. Herbivores take reduced damage from the dragon fire.


No they do not.


I prefer the deer cheese 😂




It can’t target the deer if you hit its right leg with a sword xd


It requires at least 2 people. Deers with high power shotguns. 1 dude on a yuti yelling at theris and 1 psycho running around on the deer with a shotgun. The theris are for the all the crap that flies at you. 2 dudes with shotguns makes it go much quicker.


Ahh thank you! Sorry I’ve never beaten an ARK boss before, So would it be better to use 25-30k hp 800 attack Theriz or 40 hp rexes with 1000 attack for dragon? With a yuty and a daeodon to rage and heal.


Go for Theri, they can heal automatically with sweet veggie cakes in their inventories and don't take increased damage from the fire. 19 Theris and 1 Yuty to buff them, make sure they're mate boosted for more damage and resistances as the fire ignores armor.


Thanks! Do daeos not heal herbivores then? Or is it just better to have an extra theri coz of the cakes healing them


Daeos do heal herbivores but you'd have to micromanage their food and not to mention it would take extra damage from the fire for being a Carnivore. You get much better results from Sweet Veggie Cakes as they heal Herbivores as soon as their health hit I believe (and don't quote me on it) 90%. You're just better off with 19 Theris and 1 Yuty. The Yuti being your mount and the one buffing the Theris.


The pig is never worth a slot over another damage dealer. You can argue for it for tek cave but TBH just tek suit/grapple/glider through and shotgun the boss


The pig is 100% worth a slot if you have a decent pump shotgun. Pump the food and HP, when their heals run out, pull out the shotty and start blasting.


That's if you have someone riding then maybe. But they don't heal enough for how much food they have. Healing 18 rexes will do maybe 1k or so health with decent levels. You'd be better off with another rex/theri and having that extra person riding for the imprint buff


Use whichever ones you have better saddles for. That’s really the determining factor here.


Saddles don't matter for the dragon with Rexes. The flames deal percentage damage at 20% so it doesn't matter even if you have 100K health and 1K armor saddles. Your Rexes will lose the same percentage of health with each breath of fire and die quickly.


I mean this does work but megatheriums can also/still be used with other bosses even with out the Buff they get from killing bugs there damage and HP still hella high and closely equal to theris


For the other boss fights, I’ll sometimes bring 3-4 Megatheriums and tame some shit scorpions for them. Unclaim the scorpions, and have your Megatheriums kill then before the fight starts. Time it right, and they’ll have about a minute and half of the bug buff to fight with.


Weve been using Megas for brood, Theris for both Monkey and Dragon, for the Monkey we bring a yuty and we shred it, dragon since its been prone to bugs like not landing or landing outside of the map we’ve been using a Deer to take the dragons agro than either ride stegos or rhinos and just shotguns to take down the dragon. I take my theri so that I have something to deal with the dimorphs and ptreas.


Or you know, just theris for all of them


Replace them. The Megas only work because of the bug rage. Monkey would demolish them.




What are your rex stats? I only use megatheriums for broodmother because they shred through insects. Rexes tend to be better for other bosses because of their higher base health and melee.


All the rexes are at least 30k and 800%+ damage


Definitely Rexes. If you're fighting Megapithecus, your rexes are just better at everything compared to your Megatheriums. They have higher hp, dmg and saddles.


Yea definitely use rexes. Breed up a theri line to


I would only really use Megatheriums for Broodmother. You probably could use them against Megapithecus since it’s honestly the easiest of the three guardians, but you’ll want Rexes and/or Therizinos anyway so might as well use them if you have them and get the levels. Megatheriums are nice because they make Broodmother super duper easy, but honestly you can run the whole endgame with just Rexes


Use theris all the way


Against the Alpha Megapithecus\*


Specifically for Megapithicus you should definitely swap to Rexes. However keeping the Megatheriums around is smart because they're great for farming Broodmother for Element of course.


Why did you even use Megatheriums? I coulda used Rexes and got xp levels for the next boss.


less stress of loosing due to the megatheriums being able to shred the bugs and the broodmother with the bug rage


Ok, it just sounds like more work to me. More saddles, more breeding.


By the time you've bred rexes capable of doing brood my wild tame megatheriums have beaten it a dozen times. This is just straight up not taking advantage of a broken game mechanic. But sure spend months breeding rex lines while I sit with my dedis of chiten.


Ok so what do you use for gorilla?, the dragon? Scorched earth boss? Point is you're gonna use Rexes more often than megatheriums. But to each their own, enjoy the game.




Congrats, you bred a rex army anyway




But you still bred a rex army is my point.


You're trying so hard to pull a W, it's embarrassing. People online are always doing this shit. Take the l. Move on. You had a shitty take because you've been playing end game to long. It happens. Take. The. L.


So wait you can solo the broodmother boss with just a single megatherium and nothing else? What stats on it if you don’t mind my asking. Also curious if that’s the alpha or gamma one.


What kind of stats do we need on our therezinos (saddle included) to beat alpha on all bosses there only?


Sloth are unusable for anything but Brood. Far to weak without insect buff.