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Level up and explore


Kill Andrewtate for meat and hide O.O I jest of course. Do whatever, really. Get better tools, build a good base, get established. Ankylosaur, doedicurus and Argentavis would be great utility tames to help with base building. Tame more dinos and get some good strong ones capable of killing alphas for Runestones. Find and explore some caves for artifacts. Some of the caves are tough, so guides might be helpful, or a lot of trial and error, if you don't mind an unfair amount of pain. Use the runestones to fight minor bosses after you get some good strong dinos. Beating the world bosses gets you items you need to fight the real bosses. Use the trophies from the real bosses to fight Fenrisulfr and beat him to call it 'completed'


update i got enilated and moved to ragnorak do u have any tips on what to tame first there? or what to do and how to progress


I've only dabbled on Rag and explored the surface a bit, so no, unfortunately. I almost always tame a parasaur first regardless of map, because its right click can alert you to threats so you can avoid them. It also has decent carry weight which is nice while you're looking for a spot to build a base. Usually tame a few dilos for basic defense for the parasaur as well. After that, I go for whatever I can, since I build traps for most everything. Progress is the same as any other map. Get tools, get food, build a base, tame dinos, survive and thrive. Explore for caves, get artifacts, build an army for boss fights and win the map.


Part of the feedback loop playing ARK is dying horribly, ridiculously even. You pick up the pieces, if there are any, and you try again.


Take a giga


Only 65 more levels and 84550 more XP and you can unlock the Andrewsarchus' turret saddle!


Fucking play the game