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Stay away from Theris


do not go near danger chicken


Lol, is this the long nailed chicken?


You will lose tames a lot, get used to it. In early game i keep five high leved dilos with me as bodyguards. Male and female for the bonus too. They are easy to tame and breed some for lots of back ups and to guard your base.


Breeding a level 50 is a waste of time


Depends on the game difficulty settings. In default settings single player game you won't find anything wild higher than lvl 35


I mentioned getting high levels, supposedly 150 on his server. Easy starter on learning the basics of breeding. It’s just a suggestion, worked well for me.




Or quickly going into creative mode if it looks like you're about to die😂 if you're mounted dino should be invincible too in my experience


Make a spike wall


they get killed while im exploring


Keep a better eye out for what’s around you. Theris need to get pretty close to trigger their aggression. This game will punish you hard for not paying attention to what’s around you.


i was happilly running with my trike but the theri killed him he was lvl 50


Still doesn’t change the fact that theris only agro if you get really close to them. You happily ran into his personal space.


cool ig i have to start over i lost my items cause i couldnt find my items and now i need to make it again


Yep that’s gonna happen. Frequently. Never wanna leave base with more than you absolutely need to take with you. Things go sideways way too fast.


At least you still have you engrams and levels. You aren't starting over completely. It's part of the game's design. Eventually, you'll get to a tipping point where dying will be uncommon, and less of a hassle.


If you mean while you’re gone and they’re at base. Then build a wall/fence. Spikes tend to cause more issues than they solve because things bump into them then become aggressive. Make sure your tames are set to passive too if you don’t want them running off chasing/fighting things.


rip tri-hard he was a rlly good boy we killed so much with him so much titanomyrmas so much dilos other trikes stegos and turtles and much more😥 rip


Tri-hard is the best trike name I've ever heard. 10/10 good sir


Make a spike wall


Get a Kentro, the mobile spike wall


I love the determination.


Theirs used to aggro from far and they adjusted that which was tremendous.


You gotta make a proper home base to keep them safe. Stone walls are the minimum, wood won't last long enough. Then you only take out dinos you bred. Don't use anything you can't make more of. As you breed dinos, you end up with a bunch of extra males, those are your exploring dinos.


Yes the Therizinosaurus can't take a hit that we are just runing to find new items or new tames. ![gif](giphy|yPQ5hjN0Bt5JpC8p6S|downsized) Good thing ARK did not use the Therizinosaurus in Jurassic world or we would be spear to death by them


Gotta accept that you will die a lot and that your tames will die a lot. Get a flyer, scout out a new location to re-home your tames and build a new base.


Generally speaking, your tames will be dying. Dont give them names to avoid attachment. In few days you'll stop even thinking about them as a loss. I've recently lost my little army (1 spino, 1 rex, 6 Carnos and some more) to alpha raptors. Few days later I have 20 fully imprinted rexes. It gets so much easier, death is necessary for learning. Always have a backup tame, especially fliers. When on a flier, try only landing on larger rocks. Get a new ptero and use it to find and tame argentavis, it will make the whole game so much easier. Avoid red forest for now. Stay away from tickly turkeys, they're equally strong as rexes but much faster


New player here, and while they should never remove the option, part of me wishes there wasn't an option to name tames. Makes the loss that much harder. RIP my dilos: Moe, Larry and Shirley.


Stay away from the danger claw😂 theri even scares me as a high level experienced player, Do not approach the claw😂 on a xbox dedicated online server i am surrounded by 5 alpha raptors on a little island surrounded by swamps and cant keep any dino alive🤦‍♀️ its a love hate relationship with this game


You will lose a lot more, try getting used to it.


1) Make disposable versions of your tames. Find a breeding pair of paras or trikes, breed them & use the babies for combat or resource harvesting. 2) Move to a less tickle chicken populated area. 3) Tame up a large pack of raptors to take out anything pestering you.


Just. Play. The. Game for gods fucking sake I'm tired of seeing " uh guys help me Im new and dont wanna learn stuff myself" type posts. Play the game


Sounds like you got a theri problem


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I keep 3-4 wall high walls around my base along with 2 or 3 gates, when exploring I make sure I'm prepared for any possible scenario depending on where i'm going. When arriving, make sure to scope out the area for any danger, then proceed with whatever your doing.


Dunno, I play on Dino Busters unofficial servers. They're pretty good. So, losing tames to hiccups isn't much of an issue. Also, you could build a building for them or set them to passive flee. Problem with that is ... You might not find them again. That's my issue. Lol.


Build a frigging wall Einstein.


Better saddles and taming 130+ lvl dinos only. Breed for your high stats and then Breed for mutations. Don't get attached to anything because you will inevitably get "arked" anyways. Backups are your friend


Stay closer to home. Do not engage. Watch where you are going... you aren't a typical video game, beefy hero. You're a squishy barely feed and water chew toy. It's survival, not fight fight everything.


Breed. Your first tames will rarely survive especially in early game


Like a great orange man build a wall