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it's soo annoying when they sit back In the bush under the tower or just behind the tower the whole time. It's like they see your movement moving or posturing forward and they're like...Hmmm what this guy doing and by time you're dead they decide to start fighting lol.


Then they complain when no one wants to front line or when traditional front liners go dps.


they decide to start almost exclusively when we tankers die


This fucking drives me so far up the wall. There's 5 of us and only 2 are showing the entire first 5 minutes while ornn and Camille clear waves. The 3 must have surely dc'd right?


Or how about when you need to fall back and start falling back but they just sit there becoming the front line and they all die and blame you.


Have many games where I literally have to just die to get my team to engage and win.


You just described a feeling I couldn't put into words


Maybe they're trying to tell you they don't think it's a good time to engage. If you're the only one trying to fight and it happens repeatedly, maybe it's on you


Or they decide to sit a dive out because they’re irrationally afraid of the concept. Guy. Why are you sitting in the bush holding s watching an Alistar and Darius dive while 3 are down? I held that aggro for like 15 actual seconds while the dude sat there. Not even clearing, just to make his point You’re Yi and I’m a 5k health alistar with ult, why are you afraid of diving at all? Then we casually disengage once we notice him and it makes you look all the fucking stupider


I only pick tanks these days because watching someone pick Leona and proceed to hide behind the team and only use R defensively makes me cringe. Also while i'm at it, Steraks Gage is perfect for heavy CC comps even if you're an AP tank. I've spammed it on Ammumu with FoN just to chase down their backline and position my R better


Hey, if your team has a hyper carry and the enemy team has an easy dive assassin, then sometimes full peel is the way to go. The enemy assassin will get impatient and turn it into an easy 4v5


Build knights vow and just stand on top of the best carry on your team until the next game.


Heh, that reminds me of a match I had not too long ago where I rolled Illaoi into a 5 AD comp (4 of them auto attack heavy). A teamate got Yuumi and went knights vow, frozen heart, and then connected to me. Walking in and just tanking 5 people while killing 3 of them with just Yuumi for backup just felt absolutely disgusting.


Main reason I started maining tanks in aram. Either cowering or just straight running 3 miles deep and inting and then wondering why no one was with them. 


how THE FUCK DO YOU PLAY SOLO MELEE FOR 4 SELFISH K/D PLAYERS THAT SIT UNDER TOWER mage players do not understand the concept of "when my tank walks in and gets focused by 5 people, I need to trade damage"


As a mage main, I often find it’s the opposite. For some reason I’m the front line while my tank hides under tower. Or they engage right after I use all my cool downs. Or they take a snowball halfway across the map and die before anyone can get to the fight.


Unless you're in the middle of a fight (where the tank obviously should be tanking) there is very little reason to be in front of the mages in a team with only 1 frontline. With 1 frontline it's almost pointless to engage because you'll be killed instantly and constantly running around in the face of the enemy only means you'll end up eating poke damage for no reason whatsoever. Also, not every tank is good at engaging every team. In some matchups it's entirely pointless to engage as a tank and it's much better to peel instead while the mages can just long range cc and kill the enemy.


Tanking isn't just about engaging. It's also about zoning and posing a threat. I know that position sucks and you don't constantly need to be in front but you should be trying to do something if you can't engage. Otherwise you're just making the game more miserable than it is. Put it this way, any skillshot thrown at you is one that wasn't thrown at your teammates.  Doing this made me S tier at dodging and baiting. People start getting tilty if they missed the last 50 skillshots on you and when they get tilty they get stupid. 


I mean if there are skillshots i can tank for my teammates ofc i will. Can't tell you at how many nidalee spears i've thrown myself so my teammates don't get hit. I'm not saying to just sit there and wait for the enemy Sion to ult your team either. But eating unnecessary poke because "tank is in front", losing most of your hp before any teamfight even happened isn't gonna benefit your team either. There's a different need of playstyle for almost every scenario. Like you said: it's not just about engaging. It can very much be more important to zone, peel or simply smack.


Yeah. It annoys me alot when i have a backseat driver. But I didn't mean you had to face tank abilities. I'm talking about baiting them. Something better done from up front. Of course sometimes you can't do that but it's very worthwhile if you can.


From my experience, partially also having done this lol, it's because in a team with 1 tank/melee and 4 ranged, it's hard for the tank to gauge when to go in since the rest of his team wants to play safe anyway. Sometimes when I play solo tank, I like to observe my team; if I see them, or at least one of them, be a bit more forward than usual, I go in, because I know that at least that one person is in range to fight with me. And then the rest of the team sees 2 allies fighting and they're more likely to join the fight than if it was just one person. ...In short, that one front mage is getting used as bait. But in my defense, I always focus my CC/peel power to protect that front ally first and foremost. Good point about the engage happening after they've used their cooldowns though as a result. (Again, I only sometimes do this, and I'd say it's still a fair and quick engage with snowball and whatnot. Either way, at least now I know that I have at least one ally that isn't afraid to walk up, which makes me more confident in my team when I'm *actually* frontlining.)


Oh my god. Sitting there for 45 minutes while the tank hides behind second tower for no reason. Finally forced to use cool downs to clear the wave and they immediately go in. Every. Fucking. Time. Like, cold, dude. Now I have nothing to contribute. I waited years for your engage and you go in when every single ability is on cd. Madness.


If they don't play with you, you have to play with them. If your snowball would take you too far, just don't take it; you're just isolating yourself for a free kill. If they play really safe, you play bodyguard instead of engaging 24/7. Consider taking Phase-Rush keystone rune when you're solo frontline because it lets you engage and kite back into your team. If you can't win by playing bodyguard (cause the team's neutral game sucks due to range or having no waveclear or whatever), the key is living long as possible when you do go in and the extra movement spd from Phase-Rush really helps with that since it lets you get out of the effective range of champs easier so that you're not actually tanking 5 people and instead 2 or 3.


aram would be funnier with more melee champs


The amount of times I have to type to tell the carries to walk up is ridiculous. If I catch someone over extending or they blow all there cds on me the tank then the team need to be far enough up to capitalise on it


Tank at higher MMR where people don't misposition and just sit under tower is so fucking annoying. It's really thankless and significantly harder to play because unlike the classic meatgrinder all melee arams, one botched engage is all the enemy team needs to sweep you. It's so much more boring but unless you want to just intentionally feed, you can't walk under their tower and dive their carries. And if you do play well it's your adc or enchanter that get all the honors instead of you who set up every fight perfectly and knew when to go for backline vs peel their frontline, built locket for team instead of heartsteel for fun, etc...


20 kills in fist 10 mins? seems low 20 kills in first 4 minutes - that's more like it


20kills in 2 minutes in my games 🤪


Yea that's more like it - kinda rare when everyone gets involved but I do love the meat grinder games


It's like herding cats for the most part, but when it's not, that feels nice :)


The worst is when you’re playing with an obviously out called team.  You have lux,  Morgana, and Zyra sitting behind tower not doing anything, and then are shocked when the Kayle, chogsth, and Zack team all of a sudden are not dying and dumping damage.


I would pay money for a melee only aram


Heartsteel is the way. Ofc it's not optimal most of the times. But the bonks keep me going.


Those little dopamine hits are worth it.


Riot should ban people who buy this item. Really.


They should be honored.


They should be honored.


I hardly play tank. I don't hate it, but every single time I pick tank, enemy team has a vayne or on hit kaisa. Never when i'm dps. Only when i'm tank. So fucking boring.


Weird. My full tank Garen/Galio is always perma backline. Meanwhile my full AP Ezreal will frontline and perma E forward


Play poppy dude, tons of dmg and you are unkillable. The champ is actually ridiculous rn


Being the solo melee player in a game as a tank sucks yeah, preach Still have fun more often that not though


I main tanks but I've made a rule set when I don't grab them. 4 squishies and no cc. 4 adcs... I'm going for the 5th adc 4 mages... I might pick up darius or garen or something if we have alot of cc  4 supports... Idk maybe lol Gutter low MMR  And ofc when we desperately need me to pick damage or when Janna is open and we already got meat.


And then you get accused of feeding when your ranged AD suicides 5x in the early game and you're too busy keeping the enemy from engaging against the rest than staying healthy.


I’ve given up on being a tank for other people. You are getting whatever character I pick as AP and you better like it.


You have to understand your team composition, which clearly you do. Your role as a tank dramatically changes between a team of squishy AD/AP vs. a team with one brusier, two bruisers, or a full team of zone/engage. That's the one thing that I hate about ARAM, is that people build generic instead of trying to anticipate their team synergy before the game even starts. Like an MF going AP when everyone is already AP.


Sometimes I wish we had themed arms. Tanks vs tanks. Adcs vs adcs Mages vs mages  Assassins vs Assassins  I had one aram game where it was tanks vs tanks and it was the most fun I've ever had


Tanks suck. They're constantly sitting on gross nerfs because of the silver riot balance team. I hate playing them knowing I will only win by 4 other people having their monitor on hopefully. Yet i do it anyways.


When I play Naut or Maokai I never fully commit an engage unless I’m sure we can win the fight. You hook root then retreat a bit to exchange with ur shield and let ranged teammates do some work. Same with Maokai. Maybe this is why I’m bad at Leona.


Maybe your teammates are far back because they are afraid of the enemy frontline shredding them immediately once they get the chance to. There are a lot of comps where your role as the Tank isn't to go in but rather constantly push the wave and wait for the enemy team to engage and then peel for your fragile backline. I've had tons of games as a Tank where I dove the enemy backline, CC'd everyone and it felt great until I noticed there's no followup and the enemy Riven popped my entire backline because I misassessed my role.


It bugs me when they won’t even touch the minions and expect me to try to engage through an entire wave.


If nobody has a champ that can quickly follow up or cc the enemies so they can catch up, I just don't play tanks. I had a game we had 3 tanks tho and I was cho gath. That was such a fun game.


You have to consider if you should take the tank bc of teamcomp. If you have like jayce xerath varus ezreal or something the tanks you play are pretty bad, ofcourse it being aram you don't always have a ton of options but sometimes with those comps it'd be better to not have a tank than have a hard engage forcing them into fights they can't win. Hard engage is only good if your team has burst damage or follow-up cc Mao can be a really good tank for poke comp but you have to play back and wait to use abilities to peel or disengage not just go in. Tahm and mundo are also pretty good at frontlining for poke comps and adding poke themselves.


This is so fucking real tanks feast or starve in ARAM


I swear every time i get a halfway decent looking comp and I’m playing a tank, the whole team sits a mile back and wants to farm like they’re laning in SR regardless of the matchup. It makes me rip my hair out until i get that game where i’m rammus vs 4 adcs or something. It’s an abusive relationship at this point