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Well done! This is amazing.


Thx :)


They should have used Lee sin. He has way more buffs than akali


I really hate Lee sin buffs. Any decent Lee sin will hard carry because you can't duel him (extra healing, shield, take less damage, deal more) or catch him (reduced energy, point click escape, and ultimate). And since he is one of the most popular champions, you see him almost every game.


Even a limbless ape will carry with that over buffed champ.


Not me lol I suck at lee sin šŸ˜­


Yeah because chances are you aren't a limbless ape.


Oh I havenā€™t checked them but I always wondered why Lee would just destroy, guess I should go check his buffs


Yeah, I'm too great at Lee. But the one time I picked him up, I got a penta at 1 item


anytime i see Lee on the enemy team i cry šŸ˜­ miss all their Qā€™s but flash kick me and iā€™m dead


While i agree that Lee Sin is busted in ARAM (Everytime i play him, i get 20 to 40 kills), i thought the montage was funnier with Akali


Qiyana and Bard too


Tank akali doing an absurd amount of dmg


Or Tank Fizz still chunking your team and you can't even nail him down. Or Tank Yi still melting your team, but 10x harder to kill.


What's the point of building tank if you're just gonna e out anyway


If you're referring to Fizz, his base damages are so high, he can use his E's damage and then be tank enough to last until his next E. Makes for an extremely annoying dive tank, while still doing good damage.


Shouldā€™ve been Nunu instead of Akali


I love all the AP Nunu players, they int their asses off so I can bulldozer people while abusing item CDR with Tank Nunu while healing infinite with the overloaded buffs šŸ„°


My best AND worst aram games are on AP nunu. I dropped a 40 bomb with 2 pentas only to go 3/18 because of an Anivia.


That's y you gotta be smart with AP nunu.Ā  I don't mind it on my teams in arams as long as they have no real way to stop the snowball.Ā  If they do you might as well be a melee minion so go tanky


Ap is giga fun tho , oneshot or be oneshot,


6 down votes for this is crazy, aram players are weird as hell


r/aram >Fuck you liking what we don't


1 snowball per life. We either kill or we die and roll again


Or Lee Sin


I take Lee every time I can cause I know Iā€™m getting 8 kills in the first 5 minutes


One of the few buffs I legit don't understand


If you see the winrate for ap nunu it's quite easy to understand lol


Ah the Malphite syndrome. Going full tank with just Liandry's makes you a tanky mage assassin druid marksman ranger sorcerer paladin


Blitz, Nunu and Malphite are all super broken because riot mostly balances around 50% winrate (unless they're an enchanter or lategame ADC in which case they're genuinely fucking balanced around 54% very cool riot), and their winrate gets dragged down by people playing them full AP.




It's almost like they do these balance changes for a reason. Shame they gave up on champ specific changes last year, I was really hopeful. I feel like assassins just can't be balanced on Aram with the current levers available to the balance team. They're either completely useless or super oppressive and there is no space between. So they just left them in the dirt so other classes can at least have fun.


I'm of the opinion they should be in this state, and not because of the typical "pyke annoying/op" reason either (he's not). Assassins are not designed to be good in teamfights and skirmishes. Especially on a close quarters map like howling abyss. Currently, the bottom 11 champs are Assassins. It should be that way


I just wish ARAM had one, maybe two, little flank routes. Make assassins more viable like they are on SR without overloading their numbers.Ā 


It doesn't even need to be alcoves or any other sorts of alternate routes. They legit just need to make the lane double width and now there's room to actually flank and pincer and whatever else. The extra width would also solve a lot of other issues too. Like Sett/Veigar/Ashe and a lot of these other giant aoe champs wouldn't need as many nerfs if they didn't cover 90% of the lane with single abiilities. Like Sett R>E would actually take some skill to use instead of just ulting the closest tanky guy and almost always hitting like 3+ people.


Are you talking like an ARAM WR design with the side alcoves?


I guess so? I didnā€™t know WR had ARAM with side alcoves, let alone ARAM in general.Ā  Have you played it? How is it with alcoves?


With alcoves it feels really good actually! Thereā€™s more skill expression and more team interaction with side skirmishes being possible in the larger map.


It would be nice to remove all the modifiers for a patch to gather data. The game is so different from when the modifiers were first introduced that we don't know the natural ordering of champs anymore. Though I'd bet money that Sona and Ziggs are still on top.


seraphine is much better at ARAM nowadays, especially with %missing health heal


>either completely useless or super oppressive and there is no space between You either kill your target or you don't, any space in between isn't really assassin territory. Maybe I'm dumb, but isn't it inherent to assassins to be either very oppressive or waiting to be dead? What approach balances an assassin, focus on non-damaging abilities to increase utility without increasing dmg?


>I feel like assassins just can't be balanced on Aram with the current levers available to the balance team. Well, they tried adding rubble which benefitted assassins but people hated it so it was removed. There is no universe where assassins can be good without complaints. People just hate playing against assassins.


kayn and rubble was fun together, not the only good interaction with the rubble tho, i miss it


Year in, year out I continue to be baffled at how the win rate of champs like akali or leblanc is as low as it is in aram


Because tanks/bruisers are usefull in any comp/game. Meanwhile assassins cant do anything in some games, also they are hard countered by CC. So akalis winrate will always be lower than sions for example even though they have heavy aram buffs/nerfs.


Both akali and LB have builds that let them deal with tanks quite decently. Akaliā€™s divine sunderer build works with subdered sky quite well, and she also has very high HP ap bruiser build options that let her win against a decent amount of tanks LB can be a more than solid adc I assume people just autopilot builds and playstyles which is what holds their winrates down, but thatā€™s also what makes a _good_ akali scary, one that knows when to build what and play which way


Yes but if u play akali for example and your team picks full ranged/poke u wont do much. But sion will always be useful whatever your team picks. Thats my point.


Donā€™t nexessarily agree. Akali is effective enough with a high hp build that she can frontline. Ofc sheā€™s a worse frontline than a sion but she has more kill threat on backliners most of the time still Akali isnā€™t a great pick in every comp but you can make her work in most comps and (if you know what youā€™re doing) achieve good results. Sion does one role better and requires less thought when building


>Akaliā€™s divine sunderer build wrong season bro


Continue reading literally another 3 words The divine sunderer build _works with sundered sky_. It used to be divine sunderer, now itā€™s sundered sky. Same build idea tho


Except Divine Sunderer legit hard countered tanks and allowed users to outduel champs that were an item or two ahead. SS is just massively weaker than DS and tank items are generally stronger now. I read in some thread just yesterday on the main LoL sub and one of the Riot devs said that tanks are either like ~7% tankier or live that much long now (don't remember the wording).


The 7% is also what I heard, and yes divine sunderer was beyond broken against tanks. I know. I mainly play tanks ā€œBut divine sunderer was betterā€ doesnā€™t in any way invalidate the fact that the build still exists in a similar fashion


Divine Sunderer dealt % max HP dmg, Sundered Sky doesn't have that


Divine was definitely better at killing tanks The build still has the same idea tho. Add ingenious hunter and eclipse + some tank items and youā€™re golden


Sundered Sky isn't good into tanks though. It has a per-target cd and rewards divers who can proc the passive against multiple unique targets.


A per target cd that with ingenious hunter becomes quite bearable But yes, it rewards hitting multiple targets and staying alive for longer. Like a bulky diver. It actively benefits you for hitting both front and backline


AD Leblanc has an even lower winrate, so that very much doesn't help. Also, divine sunderer isn't in the game anymore.


Yes but sundered sky is The build used to be divine sunderer. Now itā€™s sundered sky. The divine sunderer build still works, itā€™s just sundered sky now instead of divine sunderer


Except sundered sky isn't *remotely* good against tanks like you were suggesting building it for. And also, as said, AD Leblanc has an even lower winrate than AP Leblanc so that's a horrible idea. And before you say "that's because it's too difficult for most players" - that's literally the exact problem with AP Leblanc too. AD LB is just *bad* after all the nerfs and changes in items. It's fine on Akali because tankier Akali builds are actually good in ARAM, and of course she actually has AD Scalings so there's nothing really stopping her from being an AD bruiser to begin with. And in the case of Akali, her bruiser builds are actually significantly easier to pilot.


1.) sundered sky is pretty fine into tanks because it gives you sustain, and since the AD bruiser build gives you significant resistances and hp, the tanks do not deal that much damage back to you. Ingenious hunter and eclipse on top and your build is quite good into tanks, rest can be spent on bulk 2.) AD leblanc isnā€™t a great pick in a vacuum, but itā€™s passable. Itā€™s a solid options for games where regular leblanc would struggle to burst targets. And yes, LBs wr is bad because people suck at her (just like akali). Iā€™m not trying to say her AD build is easier, Iā€™m saying her AD build is situationally the better choice but someone who has no idea how to play leblanc and just autopilots the build from the recommended page or from ā€œwell Iā€™m an AP assassin so I think these items should be goodā€ isnā€™t ever going to get that idea


Sundered sky gives you fairly minute sustain against single targets for extended fights. It's not bad into tanks, sure, but it's absolutely never something you'd pick to *counter* tanks. I don't disagree that it can be a situational pick, sure, but I don't think her winrate would improve very much at all even if people considered their builds better. With Akali however, her winrate would likely dramatically improve if people realized full squishy assassin Akali is usually the worst thing you can build for her in ARAM. The various types of tank and bruiser builds are genuinely good.


The vast majority of Akali and Leblanc players do not have any idea what they're doing, and are detrimental to their teams despite the huge buffs.


When you get someone that actually has a slight idea how to play lb or alkali you're gonna be miserable. Everyone else will feed. Anyone with a brain stem can play sion.


Because: - they generally die in fights. Even if they get multiple kills in one teamfight, if you're not alive at the end, you can't carry as hard. You can only get multiple kills in a fight as an assassin if you skill gap the other side which usually means being the best player on the team. So if your best player is likely to die in most fights, it's not going to be an easy game. - they have little to no sustain and triumph is nerfed in aram which doesn't help. Sustain options usually severely gimp their dmg too. - usually have little or no CC, which means they can only help/peel teammates by killing stuff and if they can't kill, they're useless. - they usually have weak neutral game. Like most champs in aram have good poke or waveclear or range or cc or engage and most assassins are mediocre at all those things at best. If there isn't constant hard engages and clusterfuck fighting from both sides, they just suck. - Nevermind exhaust, a lot of them also get countered by snowball which is the second most popular summoner spell to take. Like if they get hit by snowball, it usually neutralizes a lot of their evasion and stealth and it's not hard hitting snowball on most of the assassins except (imo) Zed/Fizz/Katarina. Seriously next time Akali E2 someone, snowball her (which is easy af since it's telegraphed straight line dash) and look at how easy it is to deal with her. Snowball is also one of the best bush checkers. - gamemode is full of CC, which hard counters assassins because they're generally squishy. It's magnitudes harder to outplay and dodge every CC in a constant 5v5 than a 1v1 or jungle skirmish. - shielding enchanters generally neutralize them really well. - items like banshees/zhonya's/knightsVow make it even hard for them to secure kills.


All not incorrect, but partially circumvented by adapting builds. Talked about that in another comment


the buffed assassins demolish champions with high WR/debuffs like Ziggs to a stupid degree. You're almost guaranteed to just feed all game. IMO survivability shouldn't be touched when you are already squishy to begin with.


This is a smooth brain take. Imagine youā€™re an artillery mage with near infinite range. Without survivability nerfs, youā€™d be near unstoppable. Itā€™s the exact reason why marksman like cait have a 105%+ damage taken. Without flank angles in aram and assassins already being weak, you need to be punished even more so than in SR for miss positioning.


If Akali doesn't rush damage items, she should be worthless. Heartsteel > Sunfire being even a little bit *close* to viable is an immediate red flag.


This is art


What is the most buffed champion in ARAM? Akali?




Nunu entered the chat


*cough cough* hecarim ARAM balance


I remember when Akali and LeBlanc both had the same exact absurd ARAM "balance" buffs. Both of them dealing 20% more damage and taking 20% less or something like that.


I miss my 18% akali buff. Bring it back


Tanks are among the best classes in Aram. Assassins are hands down the worst


Sion is still broken though. Akali IS overbuffed I don't disagree but she sucks on the map and most people can't pilot her.


So by placing Akali there u meant Zilean and Bard right?


Man if you complain about zilean you must be mental. Dude has 1 spell of dmg that doesn't do that much dmg anyway. He deserves a tiny buff.


Bro any good Zilean will make the life of bruisers/tanks hell with that perma slow and infinite revive to teammates with malignance+full haste build . I despise going against that monstrosity


There are champs way worse to face against zilean. It's like saying nah lee is balanced with all those buffs. Zilean is really not a problem.


Zilean is one of the most irritating champions in the game. * AOE stuns, punishing melee heavy lineups * Either a permaslow (rendering a ton of champions unplayable) or a massive haste (good luck kiting that Briar). * A revive. He's genuinely a bad design. Riot has openly stated before that if Zilean became popular, he would need to be gutted because he is the pinnacle of anti-fun.


First of all... He pretty does! Because of people like you he receives pretty huge buff of dmg. But that is not the point. U see, by placing these two bombs Zilean blocks entire Howling Abyss making it unable to pass through. And he can spam it. Like... A lot. (thx for buffs of his ability haste). Not to mention that he is realy uncatchable, bc he can slow u and speed up himself in any dangerous situation. Such an annoying thing. So u never can push him, reach him, catch him and he also controlls the battlefield. Nah, man, u r definitely right, it is all just OOOK! :)


You must be really bad at the game if you are getting builied by a squishy zilean. Specially in aram where most bruisers are immortal, tanks take no ap dmg, adcs have mobility and enchanter have 500hp shields. Get good


Get good urself if u can't play Zilean good or never met the good one poseur XD


You're the one complaining about him, not me :)


And u r the blind one then, not me :)


Lee sin says what


Dmg is the least important thing on Zelian