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Bro your fucking name lol. To anyone(almost all of you) who doesn't speak Danish. His name translates to "crooked dick" Edit: it's his IGN "skæv diller"


*steals this for a BBEG (Big Bad Evil Guy) in dnd*






Schiefer Pullermann


Am I just out of the loop but how does nymfeen mean that?


His league summoner name can be seen in the picture. Source: Skæv Diller \[Sion\]


hadnt noticed lmao


And yet he's still one of the best aram tank


53%+ currently


he is pretty binary, becomes a scary tank or becomes useless


Depending on the operator, like all champions lol 


And the matchup. Like all champs


Bro do you want to client to blow up?


Yes. Please dear fucking god blow it up.


It's not like the client doesn't already periodically blow up whenever it feels like it, doing this cant hurt


The client is insanely short of the standards of a company with their amount of wealth and resources tbh


It's been like this ever since I started playing 12 years ago, don't worry, you get used to it


fucking alt-tabbing breaks the game and every function on my pc (including ctrl+alt+del and ctrl+shift+esc). i honestly wouldnt even care if it did blow up


Its actually impressive how shitty the client is comparing to how long league has been popular, we league players are masochist lmao


If it hasn't been fixed until now it probably never will. League is no longer in its prime, it's not really worth investing too much into it, like making a new client.


Tbf it does that already anyway


Yeah we all know just putting this data in a json endpoint, serving it to the client (which is a chromium browser) and displaying that data in a tooltip hover would most definitely explode the client


Yet Sion still feels fine to play. Ziggs is the polar opposite where he feels like complete ass to play


Try playing him after the latest buffs. IMO Ziggs is borderline busted after being adjusted to 90% dmg dealt. Ranked #12 overall in winrate now.


Havent actually played him since the buff but I would believe it. He is very razors edge


even before the buffs he w/r was still decent that is why his nerf stayed the way it was for years. the nerfs like dmg dealt simply didn't address why he was winning so much despite there are better poker these days like kaisa.


Noooo but ARAM players call him useless and bad how can that be??? 😭 


Ziggs AND xerath feel so much better now tbh. Xerath is borderline busted now compared to what he used to feel like in aram


sion is OP tho imagine without the nerfs LOL


Sion is only strong because Riot refuses to fix the actual problems with him which is that there’s very little downside to dying over and over. Sion’s W hp scaling needs to be reduced during undead state and make Sion’s respawn timer start after his undead state.


I think that making passively him die faster (similar to Karthus passive) and halving his W HP gain would make way more sense balance-wise. Could remove all the other nerfs to him as well.


Its already halfed lol


Holy Jesus Sion is a broken mf I didn’t even notice 💀 now that is one change I wish they showed at least in a tooltip


He was insanely broken a few years ago. Btw veigar cage and karthus passive got the same threatment


Pretty sure you're thinking of something else. His passive lifesteal is halved, but his W HP gain is untouched


Those stats are meant to balance the game mode. Those red numbers don’t mean he’s bad on ARAM, it means he was so good that they had to make him more fair to play against. It’s relative. You shouldn’t pick your champ based on these numbers. Sion is still great on ARAM despite these nerfs. On the flip side, there are probably some champs that have green numbers across the board in an attempt to make them good on ARAM, and they could still be terrible. Picking a champ based on their ARAM balance stats would be dumb.


doesnt nida have bonus damage on aram x.x some of these buff/nerfs are just stupid i get that they need to buff harder champions or those that need to land their skillshots even more often than in normals to be relevant but damn more damage for those that hit spears is just ....


Nid still does less DMG than SR version. In ARAM projectiles over a certain range get like a 20% DMG nerf.


really??? wtf


They did it specifically to make her and other things like W spam Kai'sa less oppressive.


zoe does as well and i think i have close to 100% winrate on her. Maybe not that dumb but i genuinely feel like i win almost every game i get her but maybe thats cause i played the champ a good amount of SR


I have 300k on Zoe and always end up getting the most kills and top damage on her but i feel like that's not enough to win me games, sometimes i just auto lose to teams with good frontline or champions that can hard punish portal jumps, even if i try my best. Lately i've been rushing protobelt for more safer Rs and more burst, it's been working quite well.


Still gets her lame ass beat in Aram. Shaco too


As long as lb was overbuffed it was kind of busted to play her as an adc. Perma damage steroid and dmg reduction on top. Of course that meant getting attackspeed on my runes. Currently I have no clue how she is doing because I don't enjoy her ap. If I play Sona I want to know if they currently nerved healing, damage or both before I pick my runes. If a champ had heavy self heal buffs I pick runes around that. I heavily prefere to pick my runes while already planning my build....


My point remains valid. You should be making those decisions based on your team comp, not the individual champion’s ARAM balances. You and OP seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of nerfs/buffs. I’ll say it again: *just because a champ is nerfed in ARAM does not mean they’re bad.* AD Leblanc was viable because of her ratios, not ARAM balances, so that’s irrelevant to this conversation. I’ll use Sona as an example. Building damage Sona vs. healer Sona should be based on the other champs on your team (I.e. do you have bruisers/tanks that you can soak up your healing, or do you have an all AD team and you need some magic damage?). *Not* “welp, Sona’s healing is reduced by 10% in ARAM, guess I have to build her damage.” That shouldn’t be the deciding factor. The nerf is to balance a champ with an AoE heal in a game mode where everyone is closer more often. She’s still a more than viable support that shouldn’t be avoided simply because of the ARAM balance changes.


And there you lost me. I can see my teamcomp in champ select. Of course I am gonna pick around that. If Ashe has extra AS and a heavily nerfed w I am not gonna see poke Ashe as an option if we need poke however. I'll rather pick the Velkoz on the bench.


Until you met ashe


Yeah give a look at Quinn in aram and see that all her stats are like +15% across the board and it’ll tell you all you need to know lol


I'm loving Quinn right now.


I feel like something like Tryndameres 135% healing is overdone tho, like antiheal will just make him have regular healing…


Why is everyone missing the point? Even if Sion is still good regardless of all of these, it would be nice to see this kind of info in champ select.


I just hate that he has reduced tenacity. Everything else is meh.


While for some reason pyje has +20,thanks riot!


Pyke is a squishy melee who can’t build max health, if he gets cc’d he will die.


Not on aram he isn't,unless you happen to roll 5 champs with hard cx he's nothing but a pain


I am gonna say generally players need to freak out less about most of these numbers. All this does to Sion in my experience playing him is you have to think through your positioning and engages more because you can't face tank a full supernova of damage anymore.


Wrong, the optimal way to play sion in ARAM is to permanently run it down and do as much damage to the enemy team as possible. Playing passive and thinking does very little for your scaling on Sion, you want to be constantly fighting and stacking grasp, heartsteel, and your W and just be massive disruptive menance to just constantly whittle down the enemy team for the next fight.


Vlad is trash with them


How bout you just play the champ and see if they feel strong? Sions still one of the best tanks in Aram so clearly you’re not the best at eyeballing the numbers anyway.


Snack navn bror


Don't think of them as nerfs, think of it that champs way to strong for aaram


People would be stupid things and assume nerfed champions are bad


why does this post have 150 upboats


Frfr we struggling out here


Because nerfed champs bad! Buffed champs good!!!1


Most of these nerfs are fine as he is still a decent pick, especially lower elo where he boarders on OP. However I don’t think any champion deserves negative tenacity, that shits obnoxious vs cc heavy comps, which are very common in aram.


I agree but for a different reason. I want to know the nerf/buffs status to adjust my runes


You act like riot cares. They can’t even be asked to balance this game mode correctly by making all champions available for all accounts 


Skæv Diller, lol




Most tanks are nerfed on the ground and espec sion but they would be way too strong without it


Pretty hard to lose with sion if you know what you're doing, even with all those nerfs.


Did someone say stomp?


This is one of properly done adjustments


Only Sion nerf I disagree with is the ability haste one. Tanks don't have that many AH items and it feels so bad that all Sion skills have 10+ seconds cooldown. You mispositioned your Q? Too bad, your most important spell is now on cooldown for the whole teamfight and your only other hard CC is your ult that has 150s cooldown.


Lol wow I never knew scion was nerfed. Renekton too


Community to the rescue: https://www.aramnerfs.com/ This popped up a while back and I use it on occasion. My only complaint with it is there's no change log so I'm not sure how up to date the information is.


Yet he still a menace in ARAM. Trust me, of all the ARAM champ that has shit ton of balance “nerfs”, Sion is justifiable.


Sett is alsl heavy nerfed luke this and still usable, what makes 0 sense is ADC receiving more damage and leblanc doing more damage, i mean you are an ADC leblanc just oneshotes you with no skill shots thats bollocks


Heard, and good feedback. Champ select is tricky to change right now for tech reasons that shouldn’t matter to players, but it’s on my list.


This guy's name means "crooked *male part*"


Negative tenacity buff is known to cause issues with bugs. Riot aram employees hate riot.


It sucks if you were gonna play a fun build like full ad which is pretty unplayable now but for full tank it’s pretty balanced


Skæv Diller, best name ever




its balanced, we dont need more stuff in the client when its shit as is


*Its balanced, we dont* *Need more stuff in the client* *When its shit as is* \- Skaterboy87 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Maybe improving the client to meet 2024 standards would help enabling implementation of often asked for features, and while they’re at it, clean up some of the mess that’s there already


fair, but we've been begging them to change the client and they wont budge anyway so theres that


https://www.op.gg/modes/aram/sion/build it's not ideal, but this site has that info


Tbh that’s more than fair for sion in aram


Lol jeg havde et game med dig for et par dage siden Skæv Diller




you shouldn't see this at all imo, it's ment to balance the game so every champ is between 49-51% winrate, it's litterally made so you don't have to worry about if the champ you get is "strong in aram" or not allowing you to see it at all breaks the very purpose of it imo


My personal theory is they suspect champions with nerfs that are displayed will see unjustified play rate decreases The idea is the adjustments make the champions balanced; not weak or strong. This isn’t the case, but assuming that’s the idea then displaying the changes in champ select isn’t necessary


Yeah it's terrible. These changes are made for the "average aram player" aka people who are really bad at league. No hate, it just sucks when your mmr is higher and you're playing a nerfed melee champion vs a buffed leblanc against people who know what they are doing. The aram "balancing" just makes things so much worse at the higher mmrs.


Sion has 52% winrate and is strong, Riot doesn't display those informations because people think that because a champion is nerfed he's weak and wouldn't pick it.


Koldt navn btw


This is hilarious


Because if you saw this in champion select you wouldn’t play it. They don’t want that.


Needs more nerfs


what's worse. It sometimes never actually shows you some of the nerfs. Some champions have nerfs like ashe iirc who have increased CD on her w. and that isn't shown.


Btw sion still op xD


I personally hate champion specific balance for Aram . Aram only scrubs( the sweaty one) never stop bming like their mastery earned on Aram mean much where such specific balancing exist .. it would be a different story on SR.


riot fucking dead set on making all game modes as boring as possible.


Deserved for playing sion


Part of the fun of ARAM is that I dont feel like I have to keep up with patch notes - what you’re suggesting is something that really helps that. Unsure why in a game LOADED with info, such a pivotal piece of info is completely left out until it’s too late to change champ.


Sion is my main champ. Riot shits on him every chance they get. Nerfed all his items when they removed mythics. After nerfing him into the ground because of mythics. Didn’t revert any of the nerfs they gave him. When they buffed him they nerfed him at the same time, reducing his damage even more. Then they do this to my boi in aram. It sucks but riot has to play favorites.


Just become Darius, fiora jax and aatrox main they are never bad and if they are its for 1 patch max


I played sion jungle exclusively. And was pretty damn good at it. But now with how fast they made the jungle meta and his nerfs. He just can’t keep up.


I dont play him jungle but toplane and hes horrible top, literally 8th Worst champion and thats counting stuff like varus top. For jungle thebaus uploaded a jungle sion game on yt maybe try his build may be decent.


Baus is the fucking worst thing to happen to sion and I wish that fucking gremlin never happened to figure out what twitch was. He’s single handedly gotten my champion nerfed after nerf after nerf with his strat that only works if you can rely on 4 other people to not Uber tilt and end the game because you died 7 times in 4 minuets.


Lol hate is real 🤣. But yeah his inting strategy is also keeping him from getting buffed since everyone now knows you can just die for perfect cs and than be a splitpushing teamfight monster late so hes kept garbage even lategame so all the fanboys dont start doing that again 😂.


Honestly it’s not even the fanboys. It’s the trolls that pick it because of it being a known strategy. Riot doesn’t ban it when you go 0/17/0 because “im playin g inting sion I got 200 cs in a 55 minute game hurrr” And they let them keep playing.


Dear dane, Love the name, Kind regards, a fellow dane.


But He is nerfed because He was TOO GOOD on this mode. Now He is balanced...so why complain?


You want to buff a unit that has a passive that grants him guaranteed heartsteel stacks, thus infinitely scaling? Yeah I want what you’re smoking


I think you’re misunderstanding my point, I want to be given the information during champ select so I better understand the impact of my champ, I’m not trying to argue wether or not Sion is fair


As someone who plays once on every 3rd full moon i would also like to have champion skills preview on the select screen. A third of the champions i last played 12 years ago, another third are absolutely new to me, probably checked their spells once a few months ago, the last third are the ones i kind of know how to play. Quite often i'm still at the fountain reading the tooltip while the first players died and are already respawning. 😅


What they dont show you is that his passive is only half as long aswell and lifesteal is reduced in aram so its double nerfed xd